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【深圳大学40周年校庆千场学术活动(第1062场)+基础医学专家讲堂(五十六)】:Liver cancer: pathogenic mechanisms and immunotherapy

发布时间:2023-06-26 点击数: 【字体:

  题:Liver cancer: pathogenic mechanisms and immunotherapy



主讲嘉宾:Gen-Sheng Feng 教授



Gen-Sheng Feng, Ph.D. is a Professor of Pathology and Molecular Biology at the University of California San Diego (UCSD). Dr. Feng’s research program is centered on dissecting the anti-oncogenic effects of pro-oncogenic proteins in the liver recently identified by his group and others. His most recent findings may lead to development of a preventive strategy for liver cancer in a huge population of patients with chronic liver diseases, and an effective combination immunotherapy for advanced liver cancer patients by coordinated activation of innate and adaptive immunity.

Dr. Feng received Ph.D. degree from Indiana University Bloomington, and did postdoctoral work with Dr. Bryan Williams at the Hospital for Sick Children, and with Tony Pawson at the Mt Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Canada. Dr. Feng has published 172 peer-reviewed research papers, reviews and book chapters in Science, Nature Medicine, Cancer Cell, PNAS, Immunity, Nature Immunology, Genes & Deve, MCB, JBC. Blood, Hepatology, J Hepatology and J. Immunol, etc. Dr. Feng has served on the editorial boards of Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB), Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC), Hepatology, and Journal of Hepatology. In 2016, Dr. Feng was elected as Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

