
Zhao Weihua

Zhao Weihua Professor

SZU First Affiliated Hospital


Obstetrics and Gynecology




NAME: Weihua Zhao









Harbin Medical University



Clinical Medicine

Harbin Medical University



Clinical Medicine

Jinan University



Obstetrics and Gynecology

Chongqing Medical University



Obstetrics and Gynecology






A. Personal statement

  Weihua Zhao is Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Director of the Prenatal Diagnosis Center. He has been engaged in clinical work in obstetrics and gynecology for more than 20 years, accompanied with teaching tasks and scientific research. Clinical fields mainly focus on the standard diagnosis and treatment of obstetric and gynecological diseases, including high-risk pregnancy, dystocia prevention and treatment, varieties of pregnancy complications, pregnancy monitoring, and genetic counseling. He has accumulated vast experience in the treatment of critical pregnant women, and in difficult and complex operations in obstetrics and gynecology. As a first author or corresponding author, he has published five high-quality academic papers (SCI) in international journals including Gigascience, has been involved in research of key national research projects and key projects of the NSFC, and, along with his team, won second prize for science and technology progress in Shenzhen. In the last 5 years, research projects have been supported by the Scientific Research Fund of the National Health and Family Planning Commission and Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission, with a total fund of more than 2.2 million Yuan.



B. Positions and honors


1991-presentDirector of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Shenzhen University (Shenzhen Second People's Hospital), Shenzhen, China

2012-presentVice Chairman, The 6th Obstetrics and Gynecology Committee of the Shenzhen Medical Association, Shenzhen, China

2013-presentVice Chairman, The 3rd Perinatology Committee of the Shenzhen Medical Association, Shenzhen, China

2018-presentMember of the Obstetrics Group of the 12th Committee of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Branch of the Guangdong Medical Association, Guangdong, China

2018-presentMember of the Second Committee of the Electrophysiologist Branch of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Guangdong Medical Doctor Association, Guangdong, China

2019-presentmedical Professional arbitrator of Shenzhen International Arbitration Court, Shenzhen, China

2019-presentStanding member of the First Committee of Maternal and Fetal Medical Doctors Branch of the Guangdong Medical Doctors Association, Guangdong, China

2019-present   Member of the Third Committee of the Perinatology Doctor Branch of the Guangdong Medical Doctor Association, Guangdong, China

2009-presentEditorial board of the International Journal of Reproductive Health

2016-presentEditorial board of the Family Planning and Chinese Electronic Journal of Obstetric Emergency, China



1.2015-2019    “Excellent lecturer” On-the-job training program for obstetricians, Shenzhen

2.2018-2019    Excellent Party Member, Shenzhen

3.2017         Hu Run∙ Good Doctor-Reassuring of China, China

4.2016         Excellent Party Member, Shenzhen



C. Representative publications (selected publications in last 5 years; 510)

1.  Yi Zhao, Xiao Li, Weihua Zhao, Jingwan Wang, Jiawei Yu, Ziyun Wan,Kai Gao, Gang Yi, Xie Wang, Bingbing Fan, Qinkai Wu, Bangwei Chen, Feng Xie,Jinghua Wu, Wei Zhang, Fang Chen, Huanming Yang, Jian Wang, Xun Xu, Bin Li,Shiping Liu, Yong Hou, XiaoLiu. Single-cell transcriptomic landscape of nucleated cells in umbilical cord blood, GigaScience. 2019;8(5):1-15

2.  Kewei Lin, Qing Li, Shenqiu Jie, Qingqing Chen, Weihua Zhao. Non-invasive prenatal DNA testing for genomic copy number variations. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2017;10(3):5152-5159.

3.  Li Lin, Weihua Zhao, Bo Sun, Xinyu Wang, Qiao Liu. Overexpression of TRIM24 is correlated with the progression of human cervical cancer. Am J Transl Res. 2017;9(2):620-628.

4.  Li Lin, Bo Sun, Yaqiong Liu, Weihua Zhao. Coexpression of survivin and livin predicts lymph node metastasis and poor prognosis in cervical cancer. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2017;10(6):6981-6988.

5.  Wei-Lin Ke, Weihua Zhao, Xin-Yu Wang. Detection of fetal cell-free DNA in maternal plasma for Down syndrome, Edward syndrome and Patau syndrome of high risk fetus. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2015;8(6):9525-9530.


Ongoing projects (RMB)

1.基金英文名 (项目编号), (No. W2016CWGD09), 2016-2020, 负责人英文名, Zhao Weihua PI,                                     200,000

2.基金英文名 (项目编号), (No. JCYJ20170817172241688), 2016-2020,负责人英文名, Zhao Weihua PI,                                      2,000,000


