
Dennis A Carson

Dennis A Carson Distinguished Professor

Dr. Carson received his BA from Hartford College in Haverford, PA, and received his MD at Columbia University, New York, NY. 



Email: [email protected]



The molecular genetic basis for rheumatoid arthritis; rational development of anti-rheumatic therapy

Autoimmune disease

Cancers of the lymphoid tissues 



Granting agency

Amount of total award

Time period of contract/grant


Immunotherapy of cancer stem cells

Shenzhen Science and technology Innovation Committee

¥150 mil



Project leader


 PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (in chronological order)

1. Sen M, Cheng Y-H, Goldring MB, Lotz MK, Carson DA. WISP3-dependent regulation of type II collagen and aggrecan production in chondrocytes. Arthritis Rheum 50:488-497, 2004.

2. Lu D, Zhao Y, Tawatao R, Cottam HB, Sen M, Leoni LM, Kipps TJ, Corr M, Carson DA. Activation of the Wnt signaling pathway in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 101:3118-3123, 2004.

3. Hedvat M, Jain A, Carson DA, Leoni LM, Huang G, Holden S, Lu D, Corr M, Fox W, Agus DB. Inhibition of HER-kinase activation prevents ERK-mediated degradation of PPARγ. Cancer Cell 5:565-574, 2004.

4. Loughlin J, Dowling B, Chapman K, Marcelline L, Mustafa Z, Southam L, Ferreira A, Ciesielski C, Carson DA, Corr M. Functional variants within the secreted frizzled-related protein 3 gene are associated with hip osteoarthritis in females. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 101:9757-9762, 2004.

5. Wu CCN, Lee J, Raz E, Corr M, Carson DA. ecessity of oligonucleotide aggregation for Toll-like receptor 9 activation. J Biol Chem 279:33071-33078, 2004.


