
Gong Peng

Gong Peng Professor

SZU General Hospital


General Surgery


NAME: Gong, Peng

POSITION TITLE: Deputy Dean of Shenzhen University General Hospital, Professor and Director, and doctoral supervisor at the Department of General Surgery, Shenzhen University  






Dalian Medical University, Dalian, China

B. Med


Human Medicine

Dalian Medical University, Dalian, China



Human Medicine

Dalian Medical University, Dalian, China

MD. and PhD


Human Medicine










A. Personal statement

Peng Gong is interested in molecular biology research, clinical epidemiology, and evidence-based medicine of thyroid, breast and gastrointestinal cancers. He performs minimally invasive surgery of hepatobiliary pancreatic diseases. Since 2014, Peng Gong has held the position of Director of the Key Laboratory of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Disease Prevention and Treatment in Dalian and the Key Laboratory of Molecular Targeted Drugs for Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Tumors in the Liao Ning province. His team has published several studies to clarify the mechanisms of liver and pancrease cancer. He has presided over four National Natural Science Foundation in China (NSFC), and more than ten provincial and municipal projects. In addition, he has published more than 150 papers in professional, peer-reviewed journals, including Cancer Letters, Pancreas, and the International Journal of Surgery. He is currently mentoring more than 50 PhD and MSc candidates. 


B. Positions and honors


1994-08—1999-07 Resident of General Surgery, Dalian Medical University, China

1999-08—2003-08 Lecturer, Attending Physician of General Surgery, Dalian Medical University, China

2003-09—2006-08 Associate Professor of General Surgery, Dalian Medical University, China

2004-03—2004-09 Member of National Natural Science Foundation of China

2007-03—2007-06 Guest researcher, Heidelberg University, Germany

2007-08—2019-02 Professor of General Surgery, Dalian Medical University, China

2018-03—present Director of General Surgery, General Hospital of Shenzhen University


1. Associate Editor, Liaoning Medical Journal

2. Chairman of the Chinese Medical Association Liaoning Branch Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine Hou Ren 2016.9-2020.9

3. Vice Chairman of the Chinese Association of Preventive Medicine, Liaoning Province Chronic Disease Prevention and Treatment Oncology Branch 2016.8-2020.8

4. Professional Committee member of the China Medical Education Association Abdominal Oncology 2016.8-2020.8

5. Member of the Chinese Physician Association Committee of Biliary Surgeons 2015.6-2018.6

6. Member of the ERAS Society of Chinese Research Hospital Association

7. Member of the Biliary Tract Group of the Youth Research Society of the Chinese Medical Association Surgery Branch

8. Deputy Director of the Department of Liver Surgery, Department of Surgery, Liaoning Provincial Medical Association, Chinese Medical Association 2015.6-2018.6

9. Standing Committee Member of the Chinese Medical Association Liaoning Medical Association Trauma Branch 2014.12-2017.12

10. Member of the Chinese Society of Parenteral Enteral Nutrition of Liaoning Province 2015.11-2018.11

11. Member of the Medical Science Research Management Branch of the Liaoning Medical Association of the Chinese Medical Association 2014.1-2018.1

12. Member of the Chinese Medical Association Liaoning Provincial Branch Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine 2012.9-2016.9

13. Branch Member of the Critical Care Group of the Chinese Medical Association Liaoning Provincial Surgery 2009.9-2013.9

14. Deputy Director of Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine, Liaoning Branch of Chinese Medical Association Dalian Branch 2012.9-2016.9

15. Standing Committee Member of the China Research Hospital Association Precision Medicine and MDT Tumor Clinical Collaboration Group 2017.01-2019

16. Deputy Director of the 2nd Special Committee on Biliary Tumors of Liaoning Anti-Cancer Association 2017.02-2021

17. Deputy Director of the Liaoning Provincial Society of Immunology General Surgery Immunization Branch 2017.08-2021

18. Member of the Liaoning Provincial Physician Association Surgeons Branch Section 1 2017.07-2020

19. Member of the General Branch of General Surgery of Dalian Medical Association 2013.11-2016.11

20. Member of the Scientific Research Management Branch of Dalian Medical Association 2013.11-2016.11

21. Member of the Medical Ethics Branch of Dalian Medical Association 2013.11-2016.11

22. Executive Deputy Director of the Cancer Nutrition Committee of the China Anti-Aging Promotion Association 2017.10-2022

23. Member of the First Surgeon Branch of Guangdong Medical Doctor Association 2018-2022

24. Member of the International Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Association China Branch Biliary Stone Committee 2018-2023

25. Member of the International Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Association China Branch Biliary Cancer Committee 2018-2023

26. Member of the Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery Committee of the Cross-Strait Medical and Health Exchange Association 2018-2023

27. Member of the Standing Committee of the Gastrointestinal Oncology Committee of Shenzhen Medical Doctor Association 2018-2023

28. Member of the Cancer Nutrition Committee of China Anti-Cancer Association 2018-2022


C. Representative publications (selected publications in recent five years   5-10篇)

1.Cao F, Liu P, Zhang X, Hu Y, Dong X, Bao H, Kong L, Wang L, Gong P*. Shenqi Fuzheng Injection impairs bile duct ligation-induced cholestatic liver injuryin vivo. Bioscience Reports, 2019,39(1):R20180787.

2.Wang L, Cao F, Zhu L, Liu P, Shang Y, Liu W, Dong X, Bao H, Gong P*, Wang Z. Andrographolide impairs alpha-naphthylisothiocyanate-induced cholestatic liver injury in vivo. Journal of Natural Medicines, 2019,73(2):388-396.

3.Liu M, Jiang K, Lin G, Liu P, Yan Y, Ye T, Yao G, Barr MP, Liang D, Wang Y, Gong P*, Meng S*, Piao H*. Ajuba inhibits hepatocellular carcinoma cell growth via targeting of beta-catenin and YAP signaling and is regulated by E3 ligase Hakai through neddylation. J Exp Clin Cancer Res, 2018,37(1):165.*Co-corresponding authorship

4.Lu L, Zhang X, Tang G, Shang Y, Liu P, Wei Y, Gong P*, Ma L*. Pancreaticoduodenectomy is justified in a subset of elderly patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: A population-based retrospective cohort study of 4,283 patients. International Journal of Surgery, 2018,53:262-268.*Co-corresponding authorship

5.Zhang X, Lu L, Liu P, Cao F, Wei Y, Ma L, Gong P*. Predictive Effect of the Total Number of Examined Lymph Nodes on N Staging and Survival in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms. Pancreas, 2018,47(2):183-189.

6.Zhu L, Wang L, Cao F, Liu P, Bao H, Yan Y, Dong X, Wang D, Wang Z*, Gong P*. Modulation of transport and metabolism of bile acids and bilirubin by chlorogenic acid against hepatotoxicity and cholestasis in bile duct ligation rats: involvement of SIRT1-mediated deacetylation of FXR and PGC-1α. Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences, 2018,25(3):195-205.*Co-corresponding authorship

7.Zhang X, Dong X, Liu P, Yan Y, Wei Y, Zechner D, Gong P*, Vollmar B. Binding versus Conventional Pancreaticojejunostomy in Preventing Postoperative Pancreatic Fistula: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Digestive Surgery, 2017,34(4):265-280.

8.Zhang X, Lu L, Shang Y, Liu P, Wei Y, Ma L, Gong P*. The number of positive lymph node is a better predictor of survival than the lymph node metastasis status for pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms: A retrospective cohort study. International Journal of Surgery, 2017,48:142-148.

9.Li Z, Jiang K, Zhu X, Lin G, Song F, Zhao Y, Piao Y, Liu J, Cheng W, Bi X, Gong P*, Song Z*, Meng S*. Encorafenib (LGX818), a potent BRAF inhibitor, induces senescence accompanied by  autophagy in BRAFV600E melanoma cells. Cancer Letters, 2016,370(2):332-344.*Co-corresponding authorship

10.Yan Y, Jiang K, Liu P, Zhang X, Dong X, Gao J, Liu Q, Barr MP, Zhang Q, Hou X*, Meng S*, Gong P*. Bafilomycin A1 induces caspase-independent cell death in hepatocellular carcinoma cells via targeting of autophagy and MAPK pathways. Scientific Reports, 2016,6(1).*Co-corresponding authorship


D. Research support

Ongoing projects (RMB)

1. The National Natural Science Foundation of China                   2020-2023

Number: 81973646                       550,000

Peng Gong, PI

Role of PUMA in the mechanism of autophagy ragulated by Huaier aqueous in hepatocellular carcinoma through p38/MAPK signaling

2. Guangdong province ordinary university special new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control research


Number: 2020KZDZX1170               100,000

Peng Gong, PI

Wisdom and contactless medical equipment in the application of new crown pneumonia prevention and control of new model

3. Guangdong province ordinary university innovation project                    2019-2021                                                    

Number:                               100,000

Peng Gong, PI

IDH1/IDH2 molecular imaging in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma heterogeneous molecular classification the role and mechanism of prognosis.

4.General hospital of shenzhen university scientific research start-up funding    2018-2020                                                    

Number:SUGH2018QD021             300,000

Peng Gong, PI

Early screening of specific markers of colorectal cancer with liver metastasis



