
Jufang Fu

Jufang Fu Director of the Nursing Department

SZU General Hospital

Director of the Nursing Department



NAME: Jufang Fu

POSITION TITLE: Director of the Nursing Department, Shenzhen University General Hospital






The Fourth Military Medical University

Technical Secondary School


Nursing Science

The Fourth Military Medical University

College Degree


Nursing Science

Second Military Medical University



Nursing Science

The Fourth Military Medical University



Nursing Science






A. Personal statement

Jufang Fu is Director of the Nursing Department at Shenzhen University General Hospital. Concurrently a member of the National College Nursing Teaching Material Evaluation Committee;  a member of the Cancer Nursing Professional Committee of the China Anti Cancer Association; a member of the Nursing Branch of Rehabilitation, the Association of China Anti Cancer Association; a member of the Standing Committee of the Humanistic Nursing Professional Committee of China Life Care Association; a member of the Infection Prevention and Control Academic Committee of Medical and Nursing Institutions of the National Geriatric Infection Management Quality Committee; Vice Chairman of the Shenzhen Cancer Nursing Professional Committee; and part-time teacher of the Nursing College of Shenzhen University.

Mainly engaged in tumor care, nursing management research. As the first author or corresponding author, he has published high-level academic papers in international journals such as PLoS One, European Journal of oncology nursing, etc.

B. Positions and honors


2018-present:  Director of the Nursing Department,

Shenzhen University General Hospital, Shenzhen, China

2011-2018:  Deputy Executive Director,

Xijing Hospital of the Fourth Military Medical University,

Disease Prevention and Control Section, Xian, China

2004-2011:  Director of the Nursing Department,

Xijing Hospital of the Fourth Military Medical University, Xian, China

1990-2001:  Head nurse,Xijing Hospital of the Fourth Military Medical University, Xian, China

1982-1990: Nurse, Xijing Hospital of the Fourth Military Medical University, Xian, China


2017 National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology,3nd position

C. Representative publications (selected publications in recent five years   5-10篇)

1.Fang-Fang Yu, Yan-Ni Bai, Hua He, Li Zhu, Rui-Li Zhang, Hong-Xia Jiao, Qiao-Yan Li,Jufang Fu. Identifying the unmet supportive care needs, with concomitant influencing factors, in adult acute leukemia patients in China [J]. European Journal of Oncology Nursing,2017(30):67-74.

2.Jiaobo Duan, Jufang Fu, Hongjie Gao, Changsheng Chen, Jianfang Fu, Xin Shi, Xufeng Liu. Factor analysis of the Caregiver Quality of Life Index-Cancer (CQOLC) scale for Chinese cancer caregivers: a preliminary reliability and validity study of the CQOLC-Chinese version [J]. PLoS One.2015,10(2):e0116438.

3.Ping Zhu, Ju-Fang Fu,et al. Quality of Life of Male Spouse Caregivers for Breast Cancer Patients in China[J].Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2014,15(10):4181-4185.

4.Xiuxiu Yang, Qin Li , Haihong Zhao, Junhua Li, Jiaobo Duan, Dandan Wang, Ningning Fang, Ping Zhu, Jufang Fu. Quality of life in rectal cancer patients with permanent colostomy in Xi’an[J].African Health sciences,2014,14(1):28-36.

5.Dandan Wang, Jufang Fu. Symptom clusters and quality of life in China patients with lung cancer undergoing chemotherapy[J].African Health sciences,2014,14(1):49-55.

D. Research support

Ongoing projects (RMB)

Shenzhen University General Hospital Science and Technology Talent Boost Project(SUGH-2018-001)              4/31/2016to12/31/2016

Fu, Jufang                                                                100000

