
Lv Yun-gang

Lv Yun-gang Chief Physician

SZU General Hospital

Chief Physician

Imaging and Nuclear Medicine


NAME: Lv Yun-gang

POSITION TITLE: Chief Physician






Wuhan University, Wuhan

Doctorate degree


Imaging and Nuclear Medicine

Inner Mongolia Medical College, Inner Mongolia



Imaging and Nuclear Medicine

Inner Mongolia Medical College, Inner Mongolia



clinical medicine

Inner Mongolia Medical College, Inner Mongolia

College Education


Imaging and Nuclear Medicine


A. Personal statement

Lv Yun-gang is a doctor, chief physician, master's degree tutor, postdoctoral graduate student cooperation tutor of Shenzhen University, secretary of the medical imaging department, GCP secretary and PI of the imaging department, as well as the backbone teacher of standardized training for residents. He is an Adjunctive Associate Professor of the Guangzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine University; a member of the Interventional Radiology Branch of the Inner Mongolia Medical Association; a member of the Radiation Professional Committee of the Inner Mongolia Mongolian Medicine Association; a member of the Radiologists Branch of the Shenzhen Medical Association; a member of the Head and Neck Diseases Professional Group of the Radiologists Branch of the Guangdong Medical Doctors Association; a member of the Second Committee of the Interventional Diagnosis and Treatment Committee of the Shenzhen Anti-cancer Association; a member of the Radiation Management Branch of the Shenzhen Hospital Association; and a member of the equipment bidding expert group of the Shenzhen University General Hospital.

Lv Yun-gang is engaged in radiological diagnosis, ultrasound medicine, electrocardiogram diagnosis, CT, MRI and other clinical work. His main engagements are in imaging studies. He is supported by the Health And Family Planning Commission of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the Institute of Mongolian Medicine of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and the President's Fund of Shenzhen University. He has published several, high-level academic papers in domestic and international journals as a first author.


B. Positions and honors


2017-2020: Chief physician, Shenzhen University General Hospital, Shenzhen, China

2012-2017: Deputy Chief Physician, Inner Mongolia International Mongolian Medical Hospital, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China

1997-2017: Attending Physician, Hohhot Xincheng District Hospital, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China



C. Representative publications (selected publications in recent five years   5-10篇)

1.Jie Li#, Yun-gang Lv#, Li-hong Pan, Fang-fang Yao, Tao Peng, Yu-jun Tan,Gui-Min Zhang, Zhong Liu, Jing-chun Yao*, Yu-shan Ren*. Toxicity Study of 28-Day Subcutaneous Injection of Arctigenin in Beagle Dogs[J]. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2019, 10:1-23

2.Yun-gang Lv#, Li Kang, Guangyao Wu*. Fluorosis Increases the Risk of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis by Stimulating Interferon γ[J]. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2016, 479(2): 372-379

3.Wen Zhu#, Ruo-Dai Wu#, Yun-Gang Lv, Yu-Meng Liu, Hua Huang, Jun-Qing Xu*. BRD4 blockage alleviates pathological cardiac hypertrophy through the suppression of fibrosis and inflammation via reducing ROS generation. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2020. 121: 1-8

4.Yun-gang Lv #*. Feasibility study of prospective electrocardiography-gated scaning with discovery CT 750 HD in patients with intermediate heart rate [J]. Modern Medical Imaging, 2015, 24(6): 908-911

5.Yun-gang Lv #*, Jian-gong Zhang. The Clinical Study of Individualized and Dose-Reducted Scan on Coronary Angiography with 64-Row Multidetector Computed Tomography[J]. Journal of clinical radiology, 2011,30(12): 1820-1825


D. Research support

Ongoing projects (RMB)

Fund of Shenzhen Science And Technology Innovation Commission, JCYJ20190808175413552, 2020-2023, PI: Wu guang-yao, 300 thousand yuan

President's Fund of Shenzhen University, 0000040508, 2018.04-2020.04, PI: Lv Yungang, 60 thousand yuan

Project of the Mongolian Medicine Research Institute of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, 2016YJS16, 2016.01-2018.12, PI: Wang Lidong, 120 thousand yuan

Project of Health and Family Planning Commission of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, 201302019, 2014.05-2016.05, PI: Lv Yungang, 14 thousand yuan

