Wei Han Chief Physician
SZU General Hospital
Chief Physician
Emergency Medicine
SZU General Hospital
Chief Physician
Emergency Medicine
NAME: Wei Han
POSITION TITLE: Deputy Director of the Emergency Department
Tianjin University, Tianjin | M.D. | Ongoing | Biomedical Engineering |
Xinjiang Medical University, Xinjiang | Master of Medicine | 1999 | Orthopedics |
Xinjiang Medical University, Xinjiang | Bachelor of Medicine | 1993 | Clinical Medicine |
A. Personal statement
Dr. Wei Han is a Chief Physician, Postgraduate Tutor and Postdoctoral Tutor. During four years working in the emergency department of the Hong Kong University-Shenzhen Hospital, Dr. Han received systematic training of emergency medicine at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Hong Kong, mastered the diagnosis and triage mode of international "General Emergency", and comprehended the international emergency treatment process, especially in the fields of emergency medicine, trauma treatment and sports medicine. Dr. Han is a compound emergency doctor with rich experience in common diseases of internal medicine, general surgery, pediatrics, gynecology and obstetrics.
1. Management: Dr. Han established the emergency department of Shenzhen University General Hospital, and now all the sub-specialties are in practice. Dr. Han has a high-level administrative management skills: he formulated Quality Management Documents (third edition), and established the performance evaluation program and doctor's annual “one-person-one-plan” program, which is strictly implemented to accelerate the development of emergency department. Dr. Han has successfully introduced the “Sanming Project of Medicine” in Shenzhen and organized national conferences. In 2019, the emergency department was recognized as an excellent department of Shenzhen University General Hospital. In 2020, it was the only department to receive COVID-19 patients.
2. Teaching: Postdoctoral tutor / Postgraduate tutor: currently one post-doctorate and two postgraduate candidates.
3. Scientific Research: Hosted two projects at the municipal level; finished one municipal level project.
4. Publications (corresponding author or the first author ): Published 19 articles & 2 monographs.
5. Academic Participation: Member of the Standing Committee of the National Association, Deputy Chairman of provincial associations and two Deputy Chairman positions for municipal societies.
6. Journal Position: Member of the Editorial Board for core periodicals.
7. Continuing Education (Overseas): 21 days of hospital management training in Texas Medical Center (TMC).
B. Positions and honors
2019-present: Postdoctoral Instructor, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China
2017-present: Deputy Director, Chief Physician & PI of the Sanming Project of Medicine in Shenzhen, Shenzhen University General Hospital, Shenzhen, China
2013-2017: Chief Physician, Associate Consultant, Hong Kong University-Shenzhen Hospital, Shenzhen, China
1999-2013: Chief Physician, Associate Professor, Master Instructor, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shantou University Medical College, Shantou, China
1993-1996: Resident Physician, Armed Police General Hospital of Xinjiang, Xinjiang, China
2008 Award for Science and Technology, Shantou, second prize
2005 Award for Science and Technology, Shantou, third prize
2002 Award for Science and Technology, Shantou, first prize
2002 Award for Chinese Medical Outstanding Achievements, Shantou, first prize
2002 Registration of Science and Technology Achievements in Guangdong
C. Representative publications (selected publications in recent five years 5-10篇)
1. Zhou Y, Yang L, Han M, Huang M, Sun X, Zheng W, Han W, Wang J. (2020). Case Report on Early Diagnosis of COVID-19. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 1-8. doi:10.1017/dmp.2020.66 (SCI,IF:1.031, Corresponding author)
2. Ruan ZR, Gong P, Han W, Huang MQ, Han M. A case of 2019 novel coronavirus infected pneumonia with twice negative 2019-nCoV nucleic acid testing within 8 days. Chin Med J 2020;00:00–00. doi:
3.Lin W, Han W, Wen K, Huang S, Tang Y, Lin Z, Han M. The Alterations of Copper and Zinc Homeostasis in Acute Appendicitis and the Clinical Significance. Biol Trace Elem Res.2019 Feb15(SCI, IF:2.431, Co-first author)
D. Funding
Ongoing projects (RMB) from
Sanming Project of Medicine in Shenzhen (SZSM201911007) Aug. 2019 to Aug 2024
Wei Han, PI ¥15,000,000.00
Application of injectable antibacterial hemostatic gel in trauma emergency treatment (KLET-201905) 2020-2021
Wei Han, PI ¥60,000.00
Mechanism of coagulation dysfunction induced by multiple injuries (SUGH2018QD002) 2018-2020
Wei Han, PI ¥150,000.00