
2019-12-25 20:37:31

REM sleep selectively prunes and maintains new synapses in learning and development

Date:2019-12-25 20:37:31 Hits: times [Font size: Small Large]

主讲嘉宾:中山大学药学院(深圳) 副教授  李威  博士

时  间:20191226日上午 9:00 – 10:30

地  点:深圳大学西丽校区 A2-517

主 持 人:沈圆圆 副教授


李威,博士,副教授、硕导;深圳市海外高层次人才(孔雀计划)。先后从事神经肽类似物的设计合成及生理药理活性、突触可塑性、老年痴呆症的早期发病机理等方面的研究。目前主要采用活体双光子显微成像技术研究睡眠在大脑发育和学习记忆中的作用及机制、抑制性神经元兴奋性神经元的调控、神经肽类药物对神经系统可塑性的作用及机制。近年在Nature NeuroscienceMolecular NeurodegenerationScience等学术期刊上发表多篇学术论文,2篇论文入选ESI高被引论文。

The functions and underlying mechanisms of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep remain unclear. Here we show that REM sleep prunes newly formed postsynaptic dendritic spines of layer 5 pyramidal neurons in the mouse motor cortex during development and motor learning. This REM sleep-dependent elimination of new spines facilitates subsequent spine formation during development and when a new motor task is learned, indicating a role for REM sleep in pruning to balance the number of new spines formed over time. Moreover, REM sleep also strengthens and maintains newly formed spines, which are critical for neuronal circuit development and behavioral improvement after learning. We further show that dendritic calcium spikes arising during REM sleep are important for pruning and strengthening new spines. Together, these findings indicate that REM sleep has multifaceted functions in brain development, learning and memory consolidation by selectively eliminating and maintaining newly formed synapses via dendritic calcium spike-dependent mechanisms.

