
Shenzhen University Medicine Forum: Biomolecular Assembly and Biomedical Applications

Date:2024-12-30 10:08:34 Hits: times [Font size: Small Large]

On December20, 2024, ProfessorXuehaiYan from the Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered a lecture titled "Biomolecular Assembly and Biomedical Applications" atthe Lihu Campus of Shenzhen University. ProfessorYan was invited byProfessorPengHuang from the School of Biomedical Engineering atShenzhen University Medical School,to help mark the127thtalk of the Shenzhen University Medicine Forum.

Professor Peng Huang presented Professor Xuehai Yan with the "Shenzhen University Medicine Forum" Honorary Medal

Proteins and other biomolecules spontaneously aggregate through non-covalent interactions to form ordered structures. The mechanisms underlying the intermediate processes and the evolution of metastable structures during assembly, however,remain an unresolved "black box." Professor Yan and his team unveiled a novel nucleation-growth mechanism in biomolecular assembly mediated by liquid-liquid phase separation and subsequently introduced the innovative concept of "biomolecular glass," characterized by non-covalent bonds. Professor Yan thoroughly investigated the formation mechanisms, optical and mechanical properties, processing characteristics, biodegradability, and biocompatibility of various amino acid-based biomolecular glasses, garnering widespread attention from both domestic and international media.

Additionally, Professor Yan has showcased the biomedical applications of biomolecular glasses, including oligopeptide hydrogels for combating drug-resistant bacterial infections, oral defence peptide hydrogels for ulcerative colitis, oligopeptide assemblies for tumor photothermal immunotherapy, and drug delivery systems utilizing biomolecular condensates. Overall, the lecture highlighted a series of groundbreaking research findings and achievements in the field of biomolecular glasses, sparking vibrant discussions among the audience. Professor Yan patiently and thoroughly answered the audience's questions, fostering an engaging and lively atmosphere.

Brief introduction of the Speaker:

ProfessorXuehai Yan, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, recipient of the National Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars, and recognized as a leading innovator by the Ministry of Science and Technology, is a researcher and doctoral advisor at the Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He serves as Deputy Director of the State Key Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering and Director of the Biomaterials and Biopharmaceuticals Division. Professor Yan's research focuses on biomolecular assembly and biomedical engineering, including peptide and protein materials, bioabsorbable devices, and medical applications for anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-tumor therapies, as well as green manufacturing technologies. He is an associate editor of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces and a board member of several journals. Professor Yan also serves as Vice Chairman of the Colloid and Interface Chemistry Division of the Chinese Chemical Society and holds memberships in various professional committees.

