
Appointment Ceremony for Nobel Prize Laureate and Distinguished Professor of SZU, Dr. Barry Marshall

Date:2017-06-20 16:43:09 Hits: times [Font size: Small Large]

On the afternoon of May 26th, Appointment Ceremony for Nobel PrizeLaureate and Distinguished Professor of SZU, Dr. Barry Marshall has been held in SZU. Nobel PrizeLaureate Dr. Barry Marshall, President of SZU Qingquan Li, Vice President of SZU Wang Hui, Counselor of Guangdong Provincial People's GovernmentProf. Siping Chen, and the other related people from the office of Party & Government in SZU, Department of human resources, SZUHSC, Department of international exchange and cooperationand Office of discipline construction & development attended the ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by Vice President Wang Hui.

At first, the Vice President Wang Huiintroduced the basic information of Dr. Barry Marshall. Dr. Barry Marshall was born in Kalgoorlie, Western Australiain 1951, he received a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)from the University of Western Australia in 1974. In 1982, Barry Marshall and Robin Warrendiscovered spiral bacteria that live in the human stomach, and also proved presence of spiral bacteria in association with gastritis, leading to open up a new era of gastrointestinal disease research. In 2005,the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to Marshall and Robin Warren, his long-time collaborator, "for their discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease". In 2008, Dr. Barry Marshallwas was elected as foreign academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 2011, he was elected as a foreign academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering. President Qingquan presented the certificate of distinguished professor to Dr.Barry Marshall, and he hope Dr. Barry Marshall can contribute actively to the development ofSZUHSC. Dr. Barry Marshall expressed great pleasure and gratitude for being able to join SZU and was full of expectations for the future work at SZU.

After that, President Qingquan Li made a speech;he first expressed his grateful thanks and warm welcome to Professor Barry Marshall who acceptedto be appointed as adistinguishedprofessor of Shenzhen University. He pointed out that the school of medicine is the fastest growing school although it is the youngest one in SZU. Only 8 years since its establishment, it has achieved gooddevelopment achievements.Especially in this year, the school of medicine moved to Xili Campus that opened a new chapter in the development of HSC. At the same time, Shenzhen University General Hospital will be opened by the end of this year, leading to further enhance the teaching level of the school. This time, Dr. Barry professorwas invited to join the school of medicine, which will bring great improvement of personnel training and scientific research strength of deep medicine, accelerating the transformation of world class scientific research achievements in Shenzhento benefit more people in Shenzhen.

After the appoint ceremony, Dr.Barry Marshall provided an academic lectures on the theme of“How Curiosity driven research led to Nobel Prize in medicine”to the medical students. In the lecture, he introduced the knowledge of Helicobacter pylori, but also about the course of winning the Nobel Prize, and was warmly welcomed by the teachers and students.The lecturewaschaired by Weiguo Zhu, the directorof Health Science Center.







