
1st International Symposium on Radiation Therapeutics and Biology(isRTB-2017)

Date:2017-12-13 16:26:46 Hits: times [Font size: Small Large]

1stInternational Symposium on Radiation Therapeutics and Biology, isRTB-2017)has been held successfully from October 30th to November 1st, 2017 at No.2 hall, Science and Technology Building, Shenzhen University.

The International Symposium on Radiation Therapeutics and Biology is hosted by Shenzhen University Health Science Center (SZUHSC) and Kyoto University Radiobiology Center, Japan. The co-organizers including SZUHSC; Cancer Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences; Shenzhen Center, Rutgers University Radiation Oncology Department, USA; Shenzhen Carson International Cancer Center and the Innovative team in cancer stem cell immunotherapy. The International Symposium is aiming to facilitate academic collisions between radiotherapy clinicians and radiologists, revealing the biological basis information of radiation therapy and provide an exchange platform for its potential clinical application. The Director of SZUHSC Prof. Wei-Guo Zhu, Vice Dean of Cancer Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Prof. Lvhua Wang, Director of Director of Radiation Oncology, Cancer Institute, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA Prof. Bruce Haffty, and Director of Carson International Cancer Center, Shenzhen University Prof. Dennis Carson serve as the meeting president. The co-organizers are Profs. Xingzhi Xu, (SZU),  Hiroshi Harada (Kyoto University), Hua Ren (Cancer Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences) and Sharda Kohli (Rutgers Cancer Institute).

The opening ceremony of isRTB-2017 was chaired by Prof. Xingzhi Xu. The keynote speech was reported by Profs. Lvhua Wang, Bruce Haffty, Xiexiong Li and Thomas Kipps. Additionally, more than 19 well-known experts and scholars at domestic and abroad made wonderful speech. The conference speakers are well-known experts and scholars from all fields of research, including radiotherapist and radiobiologist. Their reports are excellent and represent the forefront of the research in the field of radiation therapeutics and biology.

This meeting has promoted the in-depth exchange of researchers and young scholars at domestic and abroad, and strengthened the connection between clinicians and basic researchers. In addition, this meeting enhance the influence of Shenzhen University in this field, promoting the intersection of radiotherapy and radiology, and also promotes the development of radiotherapy.



