
2024 Shenzhen University Medical School International Students Academic Salon Successfully Held

Date:2024-11-12 09:39:12 Hits: times [Font size: Small Large]

On November 9th, 2024, Shenzhen University Medical School (SZU MS) hosted the “2024 Shenzhen University Medical School International Students Academic Salon” at the Lihu Campus of Shenzhen University. This Academic Salon featured a series of engaging activities and served as a platform for academic exchange and discussion among Chinese and international students, fostering academic innovation, and broadening global perspectives. Professors Xingzhi Xu (Executive Dean of SZU MS) and Ming Zhang (Assistant Dean of SZU MS) attended and delivered welcome speeches.


The themes of this Academic Salon included basic medical sciences, intelligent medical engineering, innovative drug development, clinical medicine and pandemics, big data, and the concept of One Health. Executive Dean Professor Xingzhi Xu, from Shenzhen University Medical School delivered the welcome speech. Following this, Eghbalbehbahani Bahareh from Iran, Mazen Mohamed Yassin Abdellatif from Egypt, and Yuanji Zhang, Yuhao Huang, Yufu Li, and Zhihang Su from China presented their latest research findings on these themes in oral presentations.


More than 100 international and Chinese students and staff from various departments attended the Academic Salon. Each presentation was followed by an engaging Q&A session, with thoughtful questions from the audience that reflected their keen interest in the topics. Overall, the Academic Salon proved to be an engaging and intellectually stimulating event. Shenzhen University plans to establish the Academic Salon as a recurring series, continuing to provide a platform for academic exchange between Chinese and international students and to foster new research innovations among young talents in training.


