
Huang, Peng(Distinguished Professor)

Huang, Peng(Distinguished Professor)

School of Biomedical Engineering

Distinguished Professor

Department of Molecular Imaging


NAME : ? Huang , ?Peng

POSITION TITLE: Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Shenzhen University






National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA


06/2012- 12/2015

Molecular imaging and therapy

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, P. R. China.



Biomedical Engineering

? ? ? ?


Research and professional experience:??

A. Personal Statement

I am a Distinguished Professor, Chief of Laboratory of Evolutionary Theranostics, Director of Department of Molecular Imaging, at the School of Biomedical Engineering, Shenzhen University, China. My research is focused on the design, synthesis, and biomedical applications of multifunctional nanomaterials. Our group has published many papers in this area in top journals such as Nature Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Reviews, Chemical Society Reviews, Accounts of Chemical Research, Advanced Materials, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Journal of the American Chemical Society, ACS Nano, Nano Letters, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews. Starting from 2008, I have authored over 130 peer-reviewed papers, which have received a total citation of > 7,600 times and given me an H-index at 49.

B. Positions and Honors



12/2015 ? -present ??? Professor ?????Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, P. R. China ???????????????????????

Molecular imaging and therapy


06/2012- 12/2015 ???Postdoc ???? ??? National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA ??? ????????

Molecular imaging and therapy




  • 2018 China Anti-Cancer Youth Scientist Award 2017, awarded by China Anti-Cancer Association
  • 2016 Fellows Award for Research Excellence (FARE), awarded by NIH
  • 2015Vevo Young Investigator Award, awarded by FUJIFILM VisualSonics, Inc.
  • 2015World Molecular Imaging Conference, Silver Poster Award, awarded by The Chinese Society for Molecular Imaging (CSMI)
  • 2014“Xiuwen Wang” Award for Outstanding Scholarship in NIH/NIBIB , ?awarded by NIH /NIBIB
  • 2014 Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis, awarded by Shanghai Goverment
  • 2013The honor of “Outstanding Graduate Research”, awarded by NIH
  • 2012The honor of “Distinguished Graduate Student of Shanghai”, awarded by Shanghai Goverment
  • 2012 Shanghai Inventions “Kechuang Cup” among University Students, Third-prize Award, awarded by Shanghai Association of Inventions
  • 2011The Royal Society of Chemistry Poster Prize, awarded by Royal Society of Chemistry UK
  • 2011The First-prize of the National Scholarship, awarded by China
  • 2011New-doctorial Academic Award, awarded by China Ministry of Education
  • 2011Shanghai Inventions “Kechuang Cup” among University Students, Second-prize Award, awarded by Shanghai Association of Inventions
  • 2011The First-prize of Outstanding Academic Dissertation in Model International Conference on “Advanced Material and Technology of the 21st Century”, awarded by Academic Degrees Committee of Shanghai
  • 2011The First-prize of Fengyi Scholarship, awarded by Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • 2010The First-prize of the National Scholarship, awarded by China
  • 2010The First-prize of Outstanding Academic Dissertation in Graduate Student Forum of Shanghai, awarded by Academic Degrees Committee
  • 2010Shanghai Inventions “Kechuang Cup” among University Students, Third-prize Award, awarded by Shanghai Association of Inventions
  • 2007The 10th National Challenge Cup Competition for Academic and Scientific Achievements among University Students, Second-Prize Award, awarded by China
  • 2007The honor of “Distinguished Graduate Student of Shanghai”, awarded by Shanghai Goverment
  • 2007The First-prize Scholarship of Donghua University, awarded by Donghua University
  • 2007Distinguished Party Branch Secretary, Distinguished Leader of League member, Distinguished Student, awarded by Donghua University
  • 2005The honor of “Distinguished Student of Anhui Province”, awarded by Anhui Province


C. Selected Peer-reviewed Publications

(? #? :? Co-First Author ; * : ?corresponding/co-corresponding author )


(1) ?Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been applied to treat a wide range of medical conditions, including wet age-related macular degeneration psoriasis, atherosclerosis, viral infection and malignant cancers. ? However, most photosensitizers (PSs) used in PDT are limited by prolonged cutaneous photosensitivity, poor water solubility and inadequate selectivity. To improve the water solubility of PS molecules and increase their accumulation into cancer cells/tissues, I have developed various nanocarriers such as magnetic-, gold-, and carbon-based nanoparticles for PS delivery.


1.? Wenpei Fan, Bryant Yung, Peng Huang , * Xiaoyuan Chen* . Nanotechnology for m ultimodal s ynergistic c ancer t herapy . Chem. Rev. , 2017, ? 117 (22):13566-13638.

2.? Wenpei Fan, Peng Huang ,* Xiaoyuan Chen.* Overcoming the Achilles' heel of photodynamic therapy. Chem. Soc. Rev. , 2016, 45: 6488-6519. ( Back Cover )

3.? Wenpei Fan, Nan Lu, Can Xu, Yijing Liu, Jing Lin, * ?Sheng Wang, Zheyu Shen, Zhen Yang, Junle Qu, Tianfu Wang, Siping Chen, Peng Huang ,* Xiaoyuan Chen .* Enhanced a fterglow p erformance of p ersistent l uminescence i mplants for e fficient r epeatable p hotodynamic t herapy . ACS Nano, 2017, 11(6):5864-5872 . *

4.? Xuefeng Yan, Gang Niu, Jing Lin, Albert J. Jin, Hao Hu, Yuxia Tang, Yujie Zhang, Aiguo Wu, Jie Lu, Shaoliang Zhang, ?Peng Huang ,* Baozhong Shen,* Xiaoyuan Chen.* Enhanced fluorescence imaging guided photodynamic therapy of sinoporphyrin sodium loaded graphene oxid e. Biomaterials , 2015, 42:94-102 . ?

5.? Peng Huang , Jing Lin, Xiansong Wang, Zhe Wang, Chunlei Zhang, Meng He, Kan Wang, Feng Chen, Zhiming Li, Guangxia Shen*, Daxiang Cui*, Xiaoyuan Chen*. Light-triggered theranostic based on photosensitizer-conjugated carbon dots for simultaneous enhanced-fluorescence imaging and photodynamic therapy. Adv. Mater. , 2012, 24(37):5104-5110.

6.? Peng Huang , Jing Lin, Shouju Wang, Zhijun Zhou, Zhiming Li, Zhe Wang, Chunlei Zhang, Xuyi Yue, Gang Niu, Min Yang , * Daxiang Cui , * Xiaoyuan Chen . * Photosensitizer-conjugated silica-coated gold nanoclusters for fluorescence imaging-guided photodynamic therapy. Biomaterials , 2013, 34(19):4643-4654. ( Most Downloaded Biomaterials Articles ).

7.? Peng Huang , Shouju Wang, Xiansong Wang, Guangxia Shen, Jing Lin, Zhe Wang, Shouwu Guo, Daxiang Cui, Min Yang , * ?Xiaoyuan Chen . * ? Surface functionalization of chemically reduced graphene oxide for targeted photodynamic therapy. J. Biomed. ? Nanotechnol. , 2015, 11, 117-125. ?

8.? Jing Lin, # ?Shouju Wang, # ? Peng Huang , # ?Zhe Wang, Shouhui Chen, Gang Niu, Wanwan Li, Jie He, Daxiang Cui, Guangming Lu, Xiaoyuan Chen , * Zhihong Nie . * Photosensitizer-loaded gold vesicles with strong plasmonic coupling effect for imaging-guided photothermal/photodynamic therapy. ACS Nano , 2013, 7 (6):5320-5329.

9.? Xuefeng Yan, Hao Hu, Jing Lin, Albert J. Jin, Gang Niu, Shaoliang Zhang, Peng Huang ,* Baozhong Shen,* Xiaoyuan Chen.* ?Optical and photoacoustic dual-modality imaging guided synergistic photodynamic/photothermal therapies. Nanoscale , 2015, 7:2520-2526.

10.? Peng Huang , Cheng Xu, Jing Lin, Can Wang, Xiansong Wang, Chunlei Zhang, Xuejiao Zhou, Shouwu Guo, Daxiang Cui . * ? Folic acid-conjugated graphene oxide loaded with photosensitizers for targeting photodynamic therapy. Theranostics , ?2011, 1:240-250.

11.? Peng Huang , Zhiming Li, Jing Lin, Dapeng Yang, Guo Gao, Cheng Xu, Le Bao, Chunlei Zhang, Kan Wang, Hua Song, Hengyao Hu, Daxiang Cui . * Photosensitizer-conjugated magnetic nanoparticles for in vivo simultaneous magnetofluorescent imaging and targeting therapy. Biomaterials , 2011, 32:3447-3458.


(2) Photothermal therapy (PTT), which employs photothermal conversion agents (PTCAs) to destroy cancer tissues/cells by absorbing and transferring optical laser irradiation energy into heat, has been increasingly recognized as a promising minimally invasive alternative to traditional cancer treatments. Owing to the relatively low absorption/scattering of skin, tissue, blood, and water in the transparency window (650–950 nm), near-infrared (NIR) radiation–mediated PTCAs have shown effectiveness in in vivo ?PTT treatment. I have developed a series of PTCAs for PTT.

1.? Chao Qi, Jing Lin, Lian-Hua Fu, Peng Huang .* ? Calcium-based biomaterials for diagnosis, treatment, and theranostics. ?Chem. Soc. Rev. , 2018, 47(2):357-403. ( Inside Front Cover )

2.? Chunxiao Li, # ?Yifan Zhang, # ?Zhiming Li,* Enci Mei, Jing Lin, Fan Li, Cunguo Chen, Xialing Qing, Liyue Hou, Lingling Xiong, Hui Hao, Yun Yang,* Peng Huang .* Light-responsive biodegradable nanorattles for cancer theranostics. Adv. Mater. , ?201 8, 30 (8):1706150. ( Front Cover )

3.? Sheng Wang, Jing Lin, * Zhantong Wang, Zijian Zhou, Nan Lu, Yijing Liu, Ruiliang Bai, Xiao Fu, Orit Jacobson, Wenpei Fan, Junle Qu, Siping Chen, Tianfu Wang, Peng Huang ,* ? Xiaoyuan Chen . * ? Core- s atellite p olydopamine- g adolinium m etallofullerene n anotheranostics for m ultimodal i maging g uided s ynergistic c ancer t herapy . Adv. Mater. , ?2017, 29(35):? 1701013 .

4.? Jing Lin, # ?Min Wang, # ?Hao Hu, # ?Xiangyu Yang, Bronte Wen, Zhantong Wang, Orit Jacobson, Jibin Song, Guofeng Zhang, Gang Niu, Peng Huang ,* Xiaoyuan Chen.* Multimodal imaging guided cancer phototherapy by versatile biomimetic theranostics with UV and γ irradiation protection. Adv. Mater. , 2016, 28(17):3273-3279. ( Front Cover )

5.? Shan Fang, # ?Jing Lin, # , * Chunxiao Li, Peng Huang ,* Wenxiu Hou, Chunlei Zhang, Jingjing Liu, Sisi Huang, Yongxiang Luo,Wenpei Fan, Daxiang Cui, Yunsheng Xu,* Zhiming Li.* Dual-stimuli responsive nanotheranostics for multimodal imaging guided trimodal synergistic therapy. Small , 2017, 13, 1602580 . ( Front Cover )

6.? Liang Chen, Xiaojun Zhou, Wei Nie, Wei Feng, Qianqian Zhang, Weizhong ? Wang, Yanzhong Zhang, Zhigang Chen, Peng Huang , * Chuanglong He .* Marriage of a lbumin? g adolinium c omplexes and MoS 2 ? n anoflakes as c ancer t heranostics for d ual- m odality m agnetic r esonance/ p hotoacoustic i maging and p hotothermal t herapy . ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 2017 , 9(21):17786-17798. [Epub ahead of print]

7.? Zhantong Wang, Peng Huang ,* Orit Jacobson, Zhe Wang, Nan Lu, Huimin Zhang, Jing Lin, Gang Niu, Gang Liu,* Xiaoyuan Chen.* Biomineralization-inspired synthesis of copper sulfide-ferritin nanocages as cancer theranostics. ACS Nano , 2016, 10(3):3453-3460.

8.? Jing Lin, # ?Molly G. Zhang, # ?Yuxia Tang, Bronte Wen, Hao Hu, Jibing Song, Yijing Liu, Peng Huang ,* Xiaoyuan Chen.* Temporal-spatially transformed synthesis and formation mechanism of gold bellflowers. Nanoscale , 2016, 8(14):7430-7434. ( Front Cover )

9.? Peng Huang ,* Yuan Gao,* Jing Lin, Hao Hu, Hsien-Shun Liao, Xuefeng Yan, Yuxia Tang, Albert Jin, Jibin Song, Gang Niu, Guofeng Zhang, Ferenc Horkay, Xiaoyuan Chen.* Tumor-specific formation of enzyme instructed supramolecular self-assemblies as cancer theranostics. ACS Nano , 2015, 9 (10):9517-9527. (Highlighted by ACS Nanotation )

10.? Pengfei Rong, Peng Huang ,* Zhiguo Liu, Jing Lin, Albert Jin, Ying Ma, Gang Niu, Lun Yu, Wenbin Zeng,* Wei Wang,* Xiaoyuan Chen.* Protein-based photothermal theranostics for imaging-guided cancer therapy. Nanoscale , 2015, 7:16330-16336.

11.? Peng Huang ,* Pengfei Rong, Albert Jin, Xuefeng Yan, Molly Gu Zhang , Jing Lin, Hao Hu, Xueyi Yue, Zhe Wang, Wanwan Li, Gang Niu, Wenbin Zeng, Wei Wang, Xiaoyuan Chen.* ? Dye loaded ferritin nanocages for multimodal imaging and photothermal therapy. Adv. Mater . , 2014, 26 (37):6401–6408.

12.? Peng Huang , # ?Pengfei Rong, # ?Jing Lin, Wanwan Li, Xuefeng Yan, Molly Gu Zhang, Liming Nie, Gang Niu, Jie Lu, Wei Wang, Xiaoyuan Chen.* Triphase interface synthesis of plasmonic gold bellflowers as near-infrared light mediated acoustic and thermal theranostics. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 2014, 136 (23):8307–8313.

13.? Peng Huang , # ?Jing Lin, # ?Wanwan Li, Pengfei Rong, Zhe Wang, Shouju Wang, Xiaoping Wang, Xiaolian Sun, Maria Aronova, Gang Niu, Richard D. Leapman, Zhihong Nie,* Xiaoyuan Chen.* Biodegradable gold nanovesicles with ultra-strong plasmonic coupling effect for photoacoustic imaging and photothermal therapy. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2013, 52(52):13958-13964. ?

14.? Peng Huang , # ?Le Bao, # ?Chunlei Zhang, # ?Jing Lin, Teng Luo, Dapeng Yang, Meng He, Zhiming Li, Guo Gao, Bing Gao, Sheng Fu, Daxiang Cui . * Folic acid-conjugated silica-modified gold nanorods for X-ray/CT imaging-guided dual-mode radiation and photo-thermal therapy. Biomaterials , 2011, 32:9796-9809.

15.? Peng Huang , # ?Omar Pandoli, # ?Xiansong Wang, Zhe Wang, Zhiming Li, Chunlei Zhang, Feng Chen, Jing Lin, Daxiang Cui , * Xiaoyuan Chen . * Chiral guanosine 5’-monophosphate-capped gold nanoflowers: Controllable synthesis, characterization, surface-enhanced Raman scattering activity, cellular imaging and photothermal therapy . Nano Res. ?2012, 5(9): 630–639.


(3) Molecular imaging, “the visualization, characterization and measurement of biological processes at the molecular and cellular levels in humans and other living systems”, can have pivotal roles in disease diagnosis, treatment efficacy assessment, drug discovery, and the understanding of fundamental biology. In addition, molecular imaging is also an extremely powerful tool in multiple disciplines of biomedical research (e.g. stem cell research, RNA interference, nanomedicine, gene/cancer therapy, etc.). The molecular imaging techniques routinely used in our research include fluorescence, photoacoustic imaging (PAI), positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), among others. ?

1.? Dalong Ni, # ?Dawei Jiang, # ?Emily B. Ehlerding, Peng Huang ,* Weibo Cai.* Radiolabeling silica-based nanoparticles via coordination chemistry: basic principles, strategies, and applications. Accounts Chem. Res. , 2018, ? 51(3):778-788.

2.? Xudong Zhang, Chao Wang, Jinqiang Wang, Quanyin Hu, Benjamin Langworthy, Yanqi Ye, Wujin Sun, Jing Lin, Tianfu Wang, Jason Fine, Hao Cheng, Gianpietro Dotti, Peng Huang ,* Zhen Gu.* PD-1 blockade cellular vesicles for cancer immunotherapy. Adv. Mater. , ?201 8, 1707112.

3.? Wenpei Fan, Nan Lu, Peng Huang , * ?Yi Liu, Zhen Yang, Sheng Wang, Guocan Yu, Yijing Liu, Junkai Hu, Qianjun He, Junle Qu, Tianfu Wang, * ?Xiaoyuan Chen .* Glucose-responsive sequential generation of hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide for synergistic cancer starving-like/gas therapy. A ngew. C hem. I nt. E d ., 2017, 56(5): 1229–1233 . (VIP paper) (Back Cover)

4.? Yi L iu, # ?Sheng Wang, # ?Ying Ma, Jing Lin, Hai-Yan Wang, Yueqing Gu, * ?Xiaoyuan Chen, * ?Peng Huang. * ? Ratiometric p hotoacoustic m olecular i maging for m ethylmercury d etection in l iving s ubjects . Adv. Mater. , 201 7 , ? 29 ( 17 ): 1606129 . ?[Epub ahead of print]

5.? Jing Lin, Xiaoyuan Chen,* Peng Huang .* Graphene-based nanomaterials in bioimaging. Adv. Drug Deliver. Rev. , 2016, 105: 242-254. ( Invited )

6.? Sheng Wang, # ?Jing Lin, # ?Tianfu Wang, Xiaoyuan Chen,* Peng Huang .* ? Recent advances in photoacoustic imaging for deep-tissue biomedical applications. Theranostics , 2016, 6(13): 2394-2413. ? ( Invited ) ( Back ?Cover )

7.? Sheng Wang, Peng Huang ,* Xiaoyuan Chen.* Hierarchical targeting strategy for enhanced tumor tissue accumulation/retention and cellular internalization. Adv. Mater. , 2016, 28(34) : 7340-7364. (Invited )

8.? Sheng Wang, Peng Huang ,* Xiaoyuan Chen.* Stimuli-responsive programmed specific targeting in nanomedicine. ACS Nano , 2016, 10(3):2991-2994. ( Invited )

9.? Kai Song, # ? Peng Huang , ?#, * Chenglin Yi, Bo Ning, Song Hu, Liming Nie, Xiaoyuan Chen,* Zhihong Nie.* Photoacoustic and colorimetric visualization of latent fingerprints. ACS Nano , 2015, 9 (12):12344-12348. (Highlighted by Nature Photonics )

10.? Yuxia Tang, Hao Hu, Molly Zhang, Jibin Song, Liming Nie, Shouju Wang, Gang Niu, Peng Huang ,* Guangming Lu,* Xiaoyuan Chen.* Aptamer-targeting photoresponsive drug delivery system using “off-on” graphene oxide wrapped mesoporous silica nanoparticles. Nanoscale , 2015, 7:6304-6310.

11.? Liming Nie, #, * Peng Huang , # ?Weitao Li, Xuefeng Yan, Zhe Wang, Yuxia Tang, Albert Jin , Shouju Wang, Xiaofen Zhang, Gang Niu, Xiaoyuan Chen. Early-stage imaging of nanocarrier enhanced chemotherapy response in living subjects by scalable photoacoustic microscopy. ACS nano , 2014, 8(12):12141-12150 .

12.? Hao Hu, # ? Peng Huang , # ?Orit Jacobson Weiss, Xuefeng Yan, Xuyi Yue, Molly Gu Zhang, Yuxia Tang, Liming Nie, Ying Ma, Gang Niu, Kaichun Wu,* Xiaoyuan Chen.* PET and NIR optical imaging using self-illuminating 64 Cu-doped chelator-free gold nanoclusters. Biomaterials , 2014, 35(37):9868–9876. ?

13.? Meng He, # ? Peng Huang , # ?Chunlei Zhang, Hengyao Hu, Chenchen Bao, Guo Gao, Rong He, Daxiang Cui . * Dual phase-controlled synthesis of uniform lanthanide-doped NaGdF 4 ?upconversion nanocrystals via an OA/ionic liquid two-phase system for in vivo dual-modality imaging. Adv. Funct. Mater. , 2011, 21(23):4470-4477.


D. Research support


1. Shanghai Jiao Tong University Innovation Fund for Postgraduates ?(2010.01-2011.12)

Title: Apply multifunctional nanoprobes for tumor diagnosis and photodynamic therapy (RMB:20,000)

2. Culture Fund for National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation ?(2011.01-2011.12)

Title: Green controllable synthesis of nanomaterials and its application in tumor diagnosis and treatment (RMB:30,000)

3. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81401465) 2015.01-2017.12

Title: Synthesis and application of novel theranostics for cancer multimodality imaging and therapy (RMB:230,000)

4. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51573096) 201 6 .01-201 9 .12

Title: ? Synthesis and application of activatable theranostics for PET/MRI/PA ? tri-modal imaging and targeted photothermal therapy ? ?(RMB: 768 ,000)



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