
Xu, Xingzhi (Distinguished Professor)

Xu, Xingzhi (Distinguished Professor)

School of Basic Medical Sciences

Distinguished Professor

Department of Cell Biology and Medical Genetics


NAME: Xu, Xingzhi    

POSITION TITLE: Professor of Cancer Cell Biology; Vice Dean for Research & International Affairs, Shenzhen University School of Medicine    






Completion Date    





Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai, China    

B. Med    


Forensic Medicine    

National University of Singapore, Singapore    



Biological Science    

University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC    



Experimental Pathology    

University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC    



Cancer Biology    

Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT    

City of Hope National Medical Center, Duarte, CA    


Beckman Fellow    



Cancer Biology    

Cancer Biology    


A.? Personal Statement    

My long-standing research interests fall in molecular mechanisms of DNA damage response and tumorigenesis. I had served as the founding director of the Beijing Key Laboratory of DNA Damage Response from 2011 to 2017.My lab is actively exploring how DNA damage signal is sensed and transduced and how damaged DNA is repaired, and in particular, how reversible post-translational modifications (e.g., phosphorylation and ubiquitination) modulate DNA damage response and tumorigenesis. Research in my lab has been continuously supported by the National Natural Science Foundation in China (NSFC) with 4 regular grants, 2 key international collaboration grants, and two key grants since 2006. I have initiated and organized the annual international symposium on DNA Damage Response & Human Disease (isDDRHD) since 2010. I have published more than 70 papers in the peer-reviewed professional journals.I am currently mentoring 3 postdoctoral fellows, 3 PhD candidates and 5 MSc candidates.    


B.? Positions and Honors    

Positions and Employment    

07/1992–10/1994 Resident Surgeon, Department of General Surgery, Shanghai 8 th ?People’s Hospital, Shanghai, China    

02/2011 – 07/2011 Visiting Scientist, Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute, Jena, Germany    

05/2011 – 12/2017 Founder & Director, Beijing Key Laboratory of DNA Damage Response, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China    

01/2016 – 03/2016 Visiting Professor, Van Andel Institute, Grand Rapids, MI, USA    

09/2006–12/2017 Professor, College of Life Sciences, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China    

04/2016 – present Adjunct Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, Rutgers University, USA    

05/2016 – present Professor, Vice Dean for Research & International Affairs, Shenzhen University School of Medicine, Shenzhen, China  

01/2017 – present Vice Director & co-founder, Guangdong Key Laboratory for Genome Stability & Disease Prevention, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China    

 ? ? ?

Organizing International Meetings    

1.? Co-organizer, the 3rd International Conference on Biomedical and Environmental Sciences & Technology: DNA Repair and Cancer Intervention (icBEST-2010)), May 9-12th, 2010, Beijing.    


2.? Organizer, the 1st Sino-German Symposium on DNA Repair & Human Disease , Oct. 8-13th, 2010, Beijing.    


3.? Co-organizer, the International Meeting (Jena-Beijing) on Molecular Signatures of Adaptive Stress Response, Nov. 25-26th, 2010, Jena, Germany    


4.? Organizer, the International Meeting (Beijing-Jena) on Molecular Signatures of Adaptive Stress Response, Oct. 10-11th, 2011, Beijing    

5.? Co-organizer, the 2nd Sino-German Symposium on DNA Repair & Human Disease), Oct. 16-21st, 2011, Mainz, Germany    


6.? Organizer, the 3rd International Symposium on DNA Damage Response & Human Disease (isDDRHD), Oct. 13-14th, 2012, Beijing    

7.? Co-organizer, the International Meeting (Jena-Beijing) on Molecular Signatures of Adaptive Stress Response, Feb. 28th-Mar. 1st, 2013, Jena, Germany    


8.? Organizer, the 4th International Symposium on DNA Damage Response & Human Disease (isDDRHD), Oct. 19-20th, 2013, Beijing    

9.? General Secretary, the 5th International Conference on Biomedical and Environmental Sciences & Technology: DNA Damage Response and Cancer (icBEST-2014)); Organizer, the 5th International Symposium on DNA Damage Response & Human Disease (isDDRHD); Oct. 16-19th, 2014, Beijing    


10.? Co-organizer, the International Meeting (Jena-Beijing) on Molecular Signatures of Adaptive Stress Response, Sept. 20th-22nd, 2015, Dresden-Jena, Germany  


11.? Co-organizer, the 16th Ataxia Telangiectasia Workshop (ATW) in conjunction with the 6th International Symposium on DNA Damage Response & Human Disease (isDDRHD), Oct. 11-14th, 2015, Beijing    


12.? Co-organizer, the 6th International Conference on Biomedical and Environmental Sciences & Technology: DNA Damage Response and Cancer (icBEST-2016)); Organizer, the 7th International Symposium on DNA Damage Response & Human Disease (isDDRHD); Oct. 14-17th, 2016, Chengdu    


13.? Organizer, the 8th International Symposium on DNA Damage Response & Human Disease (isDDRHD), Oct. 27-29th, 2017, Shenzhen    

14.? Organizer, the 1 st ?international symposium on Radiation Therapeutics & Biology (isRTB-2017), Oct. 31-Nov. 1, 2017, Shenzhen    



Other Experience and Honors    

1.? Editorial board, DNA Repair (IF: 3.1): 2009-present    

2.? Guest editor, DNA Repair special issue (volume 11 issue 2, 2012): DNA damage research in China: 2012    

3.? Editorial board, Scientific Reports (IF: 5.5): 2014-present    

4.? NSFC review panel (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology): 2009-2016    

5.? NSFC review panel (Oncology): 2012, 2014, 2016-2017    

6.? NSFC review panel (International Collaborative Program in Life Sciences): 2015    

7.? Executive director, Beijing Society for Cell Biology: 2009-2017    

8.? Associate director, Chinese Society for Cell Biology Signal Transduction Branch: 2016-2019    

9.? 2015 Distinguish Doctorate Alumni Award, University of South Carolina School of Medicine    


C.? Contributions to Science ?(*: corresponding/co-corresponding author)    ? ? 

 ? ?????? A full list of my publications (in a total of 74) is enclosed at the end of this document.

1.? MDC1 in DNA damage signaling    

ATM-CHK2 and ATR-CHK1 are the two master kinase cascades activated in response to DNA damage and replication stress, respectively. Activation of effector kinases CHK2 and CHK1 often needs an arrary of mediators/scaffold proteins, and these mediators also facilitates ATM/ATR activation. In 2003, I, a postdoctoral at Dr. David Stern’s lab, was among the first to characterize that MDC1 (mediator of DNA damage checkpoint 1), a FHA domain- and BRCT domain-containing protein, is an early participant in DDR (JBC 2003) and an interactor of the MRE11-NBS1-RAD50 complex (FASEB J, 2003). In 2012, my PhD student Jinping Li collaborated with Dr. KeqiongYe’s lab, structurally and biochemically demonstrating a novel function of the FHA domain in mediating MDC1 dimerization and facilitating recruitment of MDC1 to the DNA damage site (NAR 2012). In 2004, I was the first to demonstrate that another FHA domain- and BRCT domain-containing protein Microcephalin (MCPH1), which is encoded by one of the causative genes for the primary microcephaly, plays an important role in DNA damage response (JBC 2004).    

1)? Xingzhi Xu and D. F. Stern*. 2003. NFBD1/KIAA0170 is a chromatin-associated protein involved in DNA damage signaling pathways. Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 , 8795-8803.    

2)? Xingzhi Xu ?and D.F. Stern*. 2003. NFBD1/MDC1 regulates ionizing radiation-induced focus formation of DNA checkpoint signaling and repair factors. FASEB Journal 17 , 1842-1848.    

3)? Jinping Liu, Shukun Luo, Hongchang Zhao, Ji Liao, Jing Li, Chunying Yang, Bo Xu, David F. Stern, Xingzhi Xu* ?and Keqiong Ye*. 2012. Structural mechanism of the phosphorylation-dependent dimerization of MDC1 forkhead-associated domain. Nucleic Acids Research 40(9) , 3898-3912 (featured article)    

4)? Xingzhi Xu* ?, J.H. Lee, and D.F. Stern*. 2004. Microcephalin is a DNA damage response protein involved in regulation of CHK1 and BRCA1. Journal of Biological Chemistry 279 , 34091-34094 (Accelerated Publication; Papers of the Week).    


2.? Protein phosphatases in DNA damage signaling and repair    

Dephosphorylation of phospho-proteins by protein phosphatases is equally important as protein phosphorylation by protein kinases. The catalytic subunit of the phosphoprotein phosphatases (PPPs) specifically dephosphorylates target proteins through forming a holoenzymatic complex with different regulatory/scaffold/structural subunits. My group, in collaboration with others, has shown that the PP4C-PP4R2-PP4R3b holoenzymatic complex dephosphorylates replication stress-induced g-H2AX, while a PP6C-PP6R1-containing complex dephosphorylates IR-induced g-H2AX (MCB 2010), whereas a PP6C-PP6R2-containing complex removes phosphate group from CPT-induced g-H2AX (Cell Cycle 2011). My lab has also shown that a PP4C-PP4R2-containing holoenzymatic complex dephosphorylates pKAP1, promoting NHEJ-mediated DSB repair (Cell Cycle 2012).    

1)? Jinping Liu, Linli Xu, Jianing Zhong, Ji Liao, Jing Li and Xingzhi Xu *. 2012. Protein phosphatase PP4 is involved in NHEJ-mediated repair of DNA double-strand breaks. Cell Cycle 11(14) , 2643-49 (Commentary on Cell Cycle 11(14) , 2590 and 11(19) , 3535)    

2)? Jianing Zhong, Ji Liao, Xing Liu, Pei Wang, Jinping Liu, WenyaHou, Bingtao Zhu, Lu Yao, Jinsheng Wang, Jing Li, Jeremy M. Stark, YuntaoXie, Xingzhi Xu* . 2011. Protein phosphatase PP6 is required for homology-directed repair of DNA double-strand breaks. Cell Cycle 10(9) , 1411-1419.    

3)? P. Douglas, J. Zhong, R. Ye, G.B. Moorhead, Xingzhi Xu* , S.P. Lees-Miller*. 2010. Protein phosphatase 6 interacts with the DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) and dephosphorylates g-H2AX. Mol Cell Biol 30(6) , 1368-1381.    

4)? Chowdhury*, Xingzhi Xu* , X. Zhong, F. Ahmed, J. Zhong, J. Liao, D. Dykxhoorn, D. Weinstock, G.P. Pfeifer, and J. Lieberman*. 2008. A PP4-phosphatase complex dephosphorylates gamma-H2AX generated during DNA replication. Molecular Cell 31 , 33-46.    


3.? Reversible ubiquitination and phosphorylation coordinate DNA damage response    

Phosphorylation and ubiquitination are two protein post-translational modifications interwoven in regulating esentailly all cellular activities, including DNA damage response. My group has shown that, in response to DNA damage, ATM-mediated phosphorylation of BCL10 on T91 promotes its binding to and ubiquitination by RNF8, ubiquitinated and phosphorylated BCL10 in turn bring UBC13 to RNF168, promoting RNF8/RNF168-dependent ubiquitination wave and HR-mediated DSB repair (Cell Cycle 2014). My group, in coordination with Dr. Lou’s group, simultaneously reported that, in response to replication stress, ATR-mediated phosphorylation of the deubiquitinase USP20 promoted its dissociation from the E3 ligase HerC2, stabilized its interaction with and deubiquitinated CLASPIN, enhancing CLASPIN stability and subsequent CHK1 activation (NAR 2014). My PhD student Bin Peng has demonstrated that CK2-mediated phosphorylation of the lysine-specific demethylase LSD1 on S131 and S137 (dephosphorylation is carried out by the phosphatase WIP1) promotes RNF168-dependent recruitment of 53BP1 to the DNA damage site, providing an alternative mechanism of DNA damage-induced 53BP1 recruitment (NAR 2015).    

1)? Bin Peng, Jing Wang, Yuan Hu, Hongli Zhao, WenyaHou, Hongchang Zhao, Hailong Wang, Ji Liao, Xingzhi Xu* . Modulation of LSD1 phosphorylation by CK2/WIP1 regulates RNF168-dependent 53BP1 recruitment in response to DNA damage . Nucleic Acids Research 43(12) , 5936-5947    

2)? Min Zhu, Hongchang Zhu, Ji Liao, and Xingzhi Xu* . 2014. HERC2/USP20 coordinates CHK1 activation by modulating CLASPIN stability. Nucleic Acids Research 42(21) , 13074-13081.    

3)? Hongchang Zhao, Min Zhu, Gelin Dou, Hongli Zhao, Bingtao Zhu, Jing Li, Ji Liao, Xingzhi Xu* . 2014. BCL10 regulates RNF8/RNF168-mediated ubiquitination in the DNA damage response. Cell Cycle 13(11) , 1777-87 .    


4.? Development of novel anti-cancer compounds    

My lab, in collaboration with Dr. Sheng-Li Cao’s group, has synthesized several serials of novel quinazolin-related derivatives and identified a few with micromolar levels of cytotoxicity against different cancer cells and with induction of cell cycle arrest and DNA damage. These novel compounds exhibit great potential for being anti-cancer therapeutic agents.    

1)? You-Shan Li, Bin Peng, Li Ma, Sheng-Li Cao*, Lu-Lu Bai, Chao-Rui Yang, Chong-Qing Wan, Hao-Jie Yan, Pan-Pan Ding, Zhong-Feng Li, Ji Liao, Ying-Ying Meng, Hai-Long Wang, Jing Li, Xingzhi Xu* . 2017. Synthesis, crystal structures and antitumor activity of two platinum(II) complexes with methyl hydrazinecarbodithioate derivatives of indolin-2-one. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 127 :137-146.    

2)? Pan-Pan Ding, Man Gao, Bei-Bei Mao, Sheng-Li Cao * , Cui-Huan Liu, Chao-Rui Yang, Zhong-Feng Li, Ji Liao, Hongchang Zhao, Zheng Li, Jing Li, Hailong Wang, Xingzhi Xu * . 2016. Synthesis and biological evaluation of quinazolin-4(3 H )-one derivatives bearing dithiocarbamate side chain at C2-position as potential antitumor agents. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 108 , 364-373    

3)? Sheng-Li Cao*, Ying Han, Chong-Zhen Yuan, Yao Wang, Zhi-Kai Xiahou, Ji Liao, Rui-Ting Gao, Bei-Bei Mao, Bao-Li Zhao, Zhong-Feng Li, Xingzhi Xu* . 2013. Synthesis and antiproliferative activity of 4-substituted-piperazine-1-carbodithioate derivatives of 2,4-diaminoquinazoline. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 64 , 401-409.    

4)? Sheng-Li Cao*, Yao Wang, Lin Zhu, Ji Liao,Yan-Wen Guo, Lin-Lin Chen, Hong-Qin Liu, and Xingzhi Xu *. 2010. Synthesis andin vitro cytotoxic activity of (2-methyl-4(3 H )-quinazolinon- 6-yl)methylcarbamodithioic acid esters. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 45(9) , 3850-3857    


D.? Research Support    

Ongoing Research Support    

NSFC (China) key project (31530016 ) 01/01/20 16 ?to 12/31/20 20    

Xingzhi Xu, PI 2,78 0,000 (direct cost)    

Molecular mechanisms of the coordination of phosphorylation and ubiquitination in ATR-dependent CHK1 activation    


NSFC-DFG joint project (31761133012 ) 01/01/20 18 ?to 12/31/20 20    

Xingzhi Xu, PI 1,800 ,000 (direct cost)    

PARP1 UFMylation modulates replication stress response    


Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission grant (JCYJ20170412113009742) 07/01/20 17 ?to 06/30/20 20    

Xingzhi Xu, PI 3,00 0,000    

Mechanistic investigation of antitumor effects by coordination complexes    



Completed Research Support    

Leslie H. Warner Fund, Yale Cancer Center 09/01/2000 to 08/31/2001    

Xingzhi Xu, PI $30,000    

Mechanisms of Chk2 activation in response to DNA damage    


Breast Cancer Research Program, DOD (DAMD17-01-1-0465) ??    

07/01/2001 to 06/30/2004    

Xingzhi Xu, PI $150,000    

Mechanisms of Chk2 activation in response to DNA damage    


The Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation 07/01/2004 to 06/30/2006    

Xingzhi Xu, PI $360,000    

DNA damage checkpoint signaling    


NSFC (China) ( 30570371) 01/01/2006 to 12/31/2008    

Xingzhi Xu, PI 300,000    

NFBD1 in DNA damage checkpoint control    


NSFC (China) ( 90608014) 01/01/2007 to 12/31/2009    

Xingzhi Xu, PI 450,000    

NFBD1 in the spindle checkpoint control    


Beijing Municipal Support for Creative Teams 01/01/2007 to 12/31/2009    

Xingzhi Xu, PI 1,500,000    

Stress-induced cell cycle checkpoints    


NSFC (China)-CIHR (Canada) (30711120570 ) ?01/01/2008 to 12/31/2010    

Xingzhi Xu, PI 450 000    

The protein phosphatase PP6 in the DNA damage response    


Beijing Municipal ?Commission of Education(KZ200810028014)    

01/01/2008 to 12/31/2010    

Xingzhi Xu, PI 500 000    

The protein phosphatases involved in the cell cycle checkpoint control    


NSFC (China) (31071190 ) 01/01/20 11 ?to 12/31/20 13    

Xingzhi Xu, PI 3 50,000    

Functional characterization of the lysine-specific demethylase LSD1    


Beijing Municipal ?Commission of Education( PHR20110508 )    

01/01/2011 to 12/31/2013    

Xingzhi Xu, PI 3,000,000    

DNA damage response and cancer    


NSFC-ISF joint ?project (31461143012 ) 10/01/20 14 ?to 09/30/20 17    

Xingzhi Xu, PI; Yosef Shiloh, PI (ISF) 2,00 0,000    

Novel ubiquitin-driven branches of the DNA damage response    


NSFC (China) key project (31130017 ) 01/01/20 12 ?to 12/31/20 16    

Xingzhi Xu, PI 2,90 0,000    

Functional characterization of protein phosphatases in DSB repair    


973 project ?(China) ( 2013CB911002) 01/01/20 13 ?to 12/31/20 17    

Xingzhi Xu, PI 4,40 0,000    

Functional characterization of proteins involved in DNA damage response    


E.? Peer-reviewed publications (*: corresponding author)    

1.? Xiaomei Hu, Zhe Li, Yuehe Ding, QizhiGeng, ZhikaiXiahou, Huanwei Ru, Meng-Qiu Dong, Xingzhi Xu* , and Jing Li*. 2017. Chk1 modulates the interaction between myosin phosphatase targeting protein 1 (MYPT1) and protein phosphatase 1cβ (PP1cβ). Cell Cycle , in press.    

2.? Liu X, Zong W, Li T, Wang Y, Xu X , Zhou ZW, Wang ZQ*. 2017. The E3 ubiquitin ligase APC/CCdh1 degrades MCPH1 after MCPH1-βTrCP2-Cdc25A-mediated mitotic entry to ensure neurogenesis. EMBO J. 36 :3666-3681    

3.? Jie Tian, Yingxin Shi, Shanshan Nai, QizhiGeng, Leiliang Zhang, Gong-Hong Wei, Xingzhi Xu* , and Jing Li*. 2017. Ataxin-10 is involved in Golgi membrane dynamics. J Genet Genomics 44: 549-552    

4.? Zhe Li, Xueyan Li, Shanshan Nai, QizhiGeng, Ji Liao, Xingzhi Xu* ?and Jing Li*. 2017. Checkpoint kinase 1-induced phosphorylation of O-linked β-N-acetylglucosamine transferase regulates the intermediate filament network during cytokinesis. Journal of Biological Chemistry 292 :19548-19555    

5.? Xueyan Li, Shanshan Nai, Yuehe Ding, QizhiGeng, Bingtao Zhu, Kai Yu, Wei-Guo Zhu, Meng-Qiu Dong, Xiao-Dong Su, Xingzhi Xu* & Jing Li*. 2017. Polo-like kinase 1 (PLK1)-dependent phosphorylation of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) regulates replication via histone methylation. Cell Cycle 16(20) :1933-1942    

6.? Zhifeng Wang, Wei-Guo Zhu, Xingzhi Xu* . 2017. Ubiquitin-like modifications in the DNA damage response. Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 803–805 : 56–75    

7.? Qiaoyan Yang, Qian Zhu, Xiaopeng Lu, Yipeng Du, Linlin Cao, Changchun Sheng, TianyunHou, Meiting Li, Zhiming Li, Chaohua Liu, Di Wu, Xingzhi Xu , Lina Wang, Haiying, Ying Zhao, Yang Yang, Wei-Guo Zhu*. 2017. G9a coordinates with the RPA complex to promote DNA damage repair and cell survival. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 114(30) :E6054-E6063.    

8.? Wang H*, Peng B, Pandita RK, Engler DA, Matsunami RK, Xu X , Hegde PM, Butler BE, Pandita TK, Mitra S, Xu B, Hegde ML*. 2017. Aurora kinase B dependent phosphorylation of 53BP1 is required for resolving merotelic kinetochore-microtubule attachment errors during mitosis. Oncotarget ?2017 Mar 15. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.16225  

9.? Bin Peng, Ruifeng Shi, Weiwei Jiang, Yue-He Ding, Meng-Qiu Dong, Wei-Guo Zhu, Xingzhi Xu* . 2017. Phosphorylation of LSD1 by PLK1 promotes its chromatin release during mitosis. Cell BioScience 7 :15. DOI 10.1186/s13578-017-0142-x.    

10.? Hu L, Li X, Liu Q, Xu J, Ge H, Wang Z, Wang H, Wang Z, Shi C, Xu X , Huang J, Lin Z, Pieper RO*, Weng C*. 2017. UBE2S, a novel substrate of Akt1, associates with Ku70 and regulates DNA repair and glioblastoma multiforme resistance to chemotherapy. Oncogene ?2017 Feb 23; 36(8) :1145-1156.    

11.? Ming Tang, Xiaopeng Lu, Chaohua Zhang, Changzheng Du, Linlin Cao, TianyunHou, Zhiming Li, Bo Tu, Ziyang Cao, Yinglu Li, Yongcan Chen, Lu Jiang, Hui Wang, Lina Wang, Baohua Liu, Xingzhi Xu , Jianyuan Luo, Jiadong Wang, Jin Gu, Haiying Wang and Wei-Guo Zhu*. 2017. Downregulation of SIRT7 by 5-fluorouracil induces radiosensitivity of human colorectal cancer. Theranostics 7(5) : 1346-1359.    

12.? Hailong Wang* and Xingzhi Xu* . 2017. Microhomology-mediated end joining: new players join the team. Cell BioScienc e 7: 6. doi: 10.1186/s13578-017-0136-8    

13.? You-Shan Li, Bin Peng, Li Ma, Sheng-Li Cao*, Lu-Lu Bai, Chao-Rui Yang, Chong-Qing Wan, Hao-Jie Yan, Pan-Pan Ding, Zhong-Feng Li, Ji Liao, Ying-Ying Meng, Hai-Long Wang, Jing Li, Xingzhi Xu* . 2017. Synthesis, crystal structures and antitumor activity of two platinum(II) complexes with methyl hydrazinecarbodithioate derivatives of indolin-2-one. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 127 :137-146.    

14.? Zhong J, Li X, Cai W, Wang Y, Dong S, Yang J, Zhang J, Wu N, Li Y, Mao F, Zeng C, Wu J, Xu X , Sun ZS*. 2017. TET1 modulates H4K16 acetylation by controlling auto-acetylation of hMOF to affect gene regulation and DNA repair function. Nucleic Acids Research 45(2) :672-684.    

15.? Meng-Wen Hu, Tie-Gang Meng, Zong-Zhe Jiang, Ming-Zhe Dong, Heide Schatten, Xingzhi Xu* , Zhen-Bo Wang*, Qing-Yuan Sun*. 2016. Protein Phosphatase 6 Protects Prophase I-Arrested Oocytes by Safeguarding Genomic Integrity. PLoS Genet. 12(12), ?e1006513. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1006513.    

16.? Zhang Y, Yang CR, Tang X, Cao SL*, Ren TT, Gao M, Liao J, Xu X* . 2016. Synthesis and antitumor activity evaluation of quinazoline derivatives bearing piperazine-1-carbodithioate moiety at C4-position. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 26(19) , 4666-70.    

17.? Jing Li* and Xingzhi Xu* . 2016. DNA double-strand break repair: a tale of pathway choices. Acta BiochimBiophys Sin (Shanghai) ?48(7), 641-6 (review)    

18.? Ying Wei and Xingzhi Xu* . 2016. UFMylation: A Unique & Fashionable Modification for Life. Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics 14(3) , 140-6 (review)    

19.? Jie Tian, QizhiGeng, Y Ding, Ji Liao, Meng-Qiu Dong, Xingzhi Xu* , Jing Li*. 2016. O-GlcNAcylation Antagonizes Phosphorylation of Cdh1 (CDC20 homologue 1). Journal of Biological Chemistry 291(23), ?12136-44    

20.? Pan-Pan Ding,Man Gao , ?Bei-Bei Mao, Sheng-Li Cao * , ?Cui-Huan Liu , Chao-Rui Yang, Zhong-Feng Li,Ji Liao, Hongchang Zhao, Zheng Li, J i ng Li, Hailong Wang, Xingzhi Xu * . 2016. Synthesis and biological evaluation ?of quinazolin-4(3 H )-one derivatives bearing dithiocarbamate side chain at C2-position ?as potential antitumor agents . European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 108 , 364-373    

21.? Meng-Wen Hu, Zhen-Bo Wang, Yan Teng, Zong-Zhe Jiang, Xue-Shan Ma, Ning Hou, Xuan Cheng, Heide Schatten, Xingzhi Xu* , Xiao Yang*, Qing-Yuan Sun*. 2015. Loss of protein phosphatase 6 in oocytes causes failure of meiosis II exit and impaired female fertility. Journal of Cell Science 128(20), 3769-3780    

22.? Bin Peng, Jing Wang, Yuan Hu, Hongli Zhao, WenyaHou, Hongchang Zhao, Hailong Wang, Ji Liao, Xingzhi Xu* . 2015. Modulation of LSD1 phosphorylation by CK2/WIP1 regulates RNF168-dependent 53BP1 recruitment in response to DNA damage . Nucleic Acids Research 43(12) , 5936-5947    

23.? Jie Tian, Chuan Tian, Yuehe Ding, Zhe Li, QizhiGeng, ZhikaiXiahou, Jue Wang, WenyaHou, Ji Liao, Meng-Qiu Dong, Xingzhi Xu* , and Jing Li*. 2015. Aurora B-dependent phosphorylation of Ataxin-10 promotes the interaction between Ataxin-10 and Plk1 in cytokinesis. Scientific Reports 5 , 8360. doi: 10.1038/srep08360    

24.? S He, Y Zhang, Pei Wang, Xingzhi Xu , K Zhu, W Pan, W Liu, K Cai, J Sun, W Zhang, X Jiang*. 2015. Multiplexed microfluidic blotting of proteins and nucleic acids by parallel, serpentine microchannels. Lab Chip 15(1) , 105-12    

25.? Min Zhu, Hongchang Zhao, Ji Liao, and Xingzhi Xu* . 2014. HERC2/USP20 coordinates CHK1 activation by modulating CLASPIN stability. Nucleic Acids Research 42(21) , 13074-13081    

26.? Hongchang Zhao, Min Zhu, Gelin Dou, Hongli Zhao, Bingtao Zhu, Jing Li, Ji Liao, Xingzhi Xu * . 2014. BCL10 regulates RNF8/RNF168-mediated ubiquitination in the DNA damage response. Cell Cycle 13(11) , 1777-87 .    

27.? Bingtao Zhu, ZhikaiXiahou, Heyu Zhao, Bin Peng, Hongchang Zhao, and Xingzhi Xu * . 2014. MTHFR promotes heterochromatin maintenance. ? Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 447 , 702-706    

28.? Gao M, Wei W, Li MM, Wu YS, Ba Z, Jin KX, Li MM, Liao YQ, Adhikari S, Chong Z, Zhang T, Guo CX, Tang TS, Zhu BT, Xingzhi Xu , Mailand N, Yang YG, Qi Y, Danielsen JM. 2014. Ago2 facilitates Rad51 recruitment and DNA double-strand break repair by homologous recombination. Cell Res earch 24(5) , 532-41.    

29.? Dongyun Liu, Xiaoli Deng, Chongzhen Yuan, Lin Chen, Yusheng Cong*, and Xingzhi Xu* . 2014. The Werner syndrome protein positively regulates XLF transcription . Molecular Medicine Reports 9 , 1648-1652    

30.? Bo Liu, Rixin Cong, Bin Peng, Bingtao Zhu, Gelin Dou, Haiyan Ai, Xiaodong Zhang, Zhenghe Wang, Xingzhi Xu * .2014. CtIP is required for DNA damage-dependent induction of P21. Cell Cycle 13 , 90-95.    

31.? WooKee Min, Christopher Bruhn, PauliusGrigaravicius, Zhong-Wei Zhou, Fu Li, AnjaKr?ger, B?nazirSiddeek, Karl-Otto Greulich, Oliver Popp, Chris Meisezahl, Cornelis F.Calkhoven, Alexander B?rkle, Xingzhi Xu , and Zhao-Qi Wang*.2013. Poly(ADP-ribose) binding to Chk1 at stalled replication forks is required for Sphasecheckpoint . Nature Communications 4 , 2993 .    

32.? Jing Li*, Xiaoqian Liu, Ji Liao, Jie Tian, Jue Wang, Xin Wang, Jiezhong Zhang and Xingzhi Xu* . 2013. MYPT1 sustains centromeric cohesion and the spindle-assembly checkpoint. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 40(11) , 575- 57 8    

33.? Li MM, Nilsen A, Shi Y, Fusser M, Ding YH, Fu Y, Liu B, Niu Y, Wu YS, Huang CM, Olofsson M, Jin KX, Lv Y, Xu XZ , He C, Dong MQ, Rendtlew Danielsen JM, Klungland A, Yang YG. 2013. ALKBH4-dependent demethylation of actin regulates actomyosin dynamics. Nat ure ?Commun ications 4 , 1832 .    

34.? Sheng-Li Cao * , Ying Han, Chong-Zhen Yuan, Yao Wang, Zhi-Kai Xiahou,Ji Liao, Rui-Ting Gao, Bei-Bei Mao, Bao-Li Zhao, Zhong-Feng Li, Xingzhi Xu * . 2013. Synthesis and antiproliferative activity of 4-substituted-piperazine-1-carbodithioate derivatives of 2,4-diaminoquinazoline . European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 64 , 401-409.    

35.? HH Lin, WY Wu, SL Cao*, J Liao, L Ma, ?M Gao ,ZF Li , Xingzhi Xu * . 2013. Synthesis and antiproliferative evaluation of piperazine-1-carbothiohydrazide derivatives of indolin-2-one . Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett . 23 , ?3304-3307 .    

36.? WY Wu, SL Cao*, BB Mao, J Liao, ZF Li, HB Song, Xingzhi Xu* . 2013. Synthesis and a ntiproliferative e valuation of h ybrids of i ndolin-2-one and q uinazoline-4(3 H )-one l inked via i mine b ond . Lett . ?Drug Des . Discov . 10 , 61-66.    

37.? Bingtao Zhu, Xiaoli Deng, Yifan Sun, Lin Bai, ZhikaiXiahou, Yusheng Cong, and Xingzhi Xu* . 2012. Nampt is involved in DNA double-strand repair. Chinese Journal of Cancer 31(8) , 392-298.    

38.? Jinping Liu, Linli Xu, Jianing Zhong, Ji Liao, Jing Li and Xingzhi Xu *. 2012. Protein phosphatase PP4 is involved in NHEJ-mediated repair of DNA double-strand breaks. Cell Cycle 11(14) , 2643-49 (Commentary on Cell Cycle 11(14) , 2590 and 11(19) , 3535)    

39.? Jinping Liu (本研究室的博士生) , Shukun Luo, Hongchang Zhao, Ji Liao, Jing Li, Chunying Yang, Bo Xu, David F. Stern, Xingzhi Xu* ?and Keqiong Ye*. ?2012. Structural mechanism of the phosphorylation-dependent dimerization of MDC1 forkhead-associated domain . Nucleic Acids Research 40(9) , 3898-3912 (featured article)    

40.? Xingzhi Xu * & Wei Xiao. 2012. DNA damage research in China (editorial). DNA Repair 11(2) , 101    

41.? Cao SL * , Xu H, Wang Y, Liao J, Zhang JJ, Li ZF, Guo YW, Li XR, Cui XM, Xingzhi Xu* .2012. Synthesis and Cytotoxic Evaluation of Quinazolin-4(3H)-one Derivatives BearingThiocarbamate, Thiourea or N-Methyldithiocarbamate Side Chains. Med Chem. 8(2) , 163-73    

42.? Bo ?Liu, Xingzhi Xu * . 2011. Serine/threonine protein phosphatases in DNA damage response. Chinese Sci Bull 56 , 3122–3131 ?(review)    

43.? Jing Li, Jue Wang, WenyaHou, Zhiyi Jing, Chuan Tian, Yi Han, Ji Liao, Meng-Qiu Dong and Xingzhi Xu * . 2011. Phosphorylation of Ataxin-10 by polo-like kinase 1 is required for cytokinesis . Cell Cycle 10(17) , 2946-2958 (cover image)    

44.? Liu Y, Liao J, Xu Y, Chen W, Liu D, Ouyang T, Li J, Wang T, Fan Z, Fan T, Lin B, Xingzhi Xu , Xie Y. 2011 . A recurrent CHEK2 p.H371Y mutation is associated with breastcancer risk in Chinese women. Hum Mutat 32 , 1000-1003    

45.? Jianing Zhong, Ji Liao, Xing Liu, Pei Wang, Jinping Liu, Wenya Hou, Bingtao Zhu, Lu Yao, Jinsheng Wang, Jing Li, ?Jeremy M. Stark, Yuntao Xie, Xingzhi Xu * . 2011. Protein phosphatase PP6 is required for homology-directed repair of DNA double-strand breaks. Cell Cycle 10(9) , 1411-1419    

46.? Xingzhi Xu * , Martin Eilers, Wei Xiao, Li-Lin Du, Alexander B?rkle, Lisa Wiesm?ller, Zhao-Qi Wang. 2011. The first Sino-German Symposium on DNA Repair and Human Diseases. DNA Repair 10(3) , 349-54    

47.? Sheng-Li Cao*, Yao Wang, Lin Zhu, Ji Liao,Yan-Wen Guo, Lin-Lin Chen, Hong-Qin Liu, and Xingzhi Xu *. 2010. Synthesis andin vitro cytotoxic activity of (2-methyl-4(3 H )-quinazolinon- 6-yl)methylcarbamodithioic acid esters. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 45(9) , 3850-3857    

48.? Xu Li, H. Helen Lin, Hanqing Chen , Xingzhi Xu , Hsiu-Ming Shih and David K. Ann. 2010. SUMOylation of KAP1, a transcriptional co-repressor, is regulated by Ser/Thr phosphatase PP1. Science Signaling ?3(119) , ra32    

49.? Jing Li*, Jue Wang, Hong Jiao, Ji Liao, Xingzhi Xu* . 2010. Cytokinesis and Cancer: Polo Loves ROCK’n’ Rho(A). Journal of Genetics and Genomics 37(3) , 159-172 (review)    

50.? Pauline Douglas, Greg Moorhead, Xingzhi Xu ?and Susan Lees-Miller. 2010. Choreographing the DNA Damage Response: PP6 joins the dance. Cell Cycle 9(7) , 1221-1222    

51.? ShuangLv, Wenjuan Bu, Hong Jiao, Bo Liu, Lin Zhu, Hongchang Zhao, Jing Li, Ji Liao, Xingzhi Xu* . 2010. LSD1 is required for chromosome segregation during mitosis. Eur. J. Cell Biol. 89(7) , 557-563    

52.? P. Douglas, J. Zhong, R. Ye, G.B. Moorhead, Xingzhi Xu* , S.P. Lees-Miller*. 2010. Protein phosphatase 6 interacts with the DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) and dephosphorylates g -H2AX. Mol Cell Biol 30(6) , 1368-1381    

53.? H . ?Wang, A . ?Zhao, L . ?Chen, X . ?Zhong, J . ?Liao, M . ?Gao, M . ?Cai, D . H . ?Lee, J . ?Li, D . ?Chowdhury, Y . G . ?Yang, G . P . ?Pfeifer, Y . ?Yen, Xingzhi Xu* . 2009. Human RIF1 ?encodes an anti-apoptotic factor required for DNA repair. Carcinogenesis 30(8) , 1314-1319    

54.? Xiaoying Zhang, Dongyun Liu, ShuangLv, Haibo Wang, Xueyan Zhong, Bo Liu, Bo Wang, Ji Liao, Jing Li, Gerd P. Pfeifer and Xingzhi Xu* . 2009. CDK5RAP2 is required for spindle checkpoint function. Cell Cycle 8(8) , 1206-1216    

55.? B. Wang, A. Zhao, L. Sun, X. Zhong, J. Zhong, H. Wang, M. Cai, J. Li, Y. Xu, J. Liao, J. Sang, D. Chowdhury, G.P. Pfeifer, Y. Yen, and Xingzhi Xu * .2008. Protein phosphatase PP4 is overexpressed in human breast and lung tumors. Cell Research 18 , 974-977    

56.? D. Chowdhury * , Xingzhi Xu * , X. Zhong, F. Ahmed, J. Zhong, J. Liao, D. Dykxhoorn, D. Weinstock, G.P. Pfeifer, and J. Lieberman * . 2008. A PP4-phosphatase complex dephosphorylates gamma-H2AX generated during DNA replication. Molecular Cell 31 , 33-46    

57.? L. Wang, G. Zhu, D. Yang, Q. Li, Y. Li, Xingzhi Xu , ?D. He, C. Zeng. 2008. The spindle function of CDCA4. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 65 , 581-593    

58.? X. Zhong, G.P. Pfeifer, and Xingzhi Xu* . 2006. Microcephalin Encodes a Centrosomal Protein. Cell Cycle 5 , 457-458. ( Cover image)    

59.? X. Zhong, M. Liu, A. Zhao, G.P. Pfeifer, and Xingzhi Xu* . 2005. The Abnormal Spindle-like, Microcephaly-associated (ASPM) Gene Encodes a Centrosomal Protein. Cell Cycle 4 , 1227-1229    

60.? T. Rauch, X. Zhong, G.P. Pfeifer, and Xingzhi Xu* . 2005. 53BP1 is a positive regulator of the BRCA1 promoter. Cell Cycle 4 , 1078-1083    

61.? L.M. Tsvetkov, R.T. Tsekova, Xingzhi Xu , and D.F. Stern. 2005. The Plk1 Polo Box Domain Mediates a Cell Cycle and DNA Damage Regulated Interaction with Chk2. Cell Cycle 4 , 609-617    

62.? Xingzhi Xu * ?, J.H. Lee, and D.F. Stern * . 2004. Microcephalin is a DNA damage response protein involved in regulation of CHK1 and BRCA1. Journal of Biological Chemistry 27 9 , 34091-34094 (Accelerated Publication; Paper s ?of the Week)    

63.? Xingzhi Xu ?and D.F. Stern. 2003. NFBD1/MDC1 regulates ionizing radiation-induced focus formation of DNA checkpoint signaling and repair factors. FASEB Journal 17 , 1842-1848    

64.? Xingzhi Xu and D. F. Stern. 2003. NFBD1/KIAA0170 is a chromatin-associated protein involved in DNA damage signaling pathways. Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 , 8795-8803    

65.? L.M. Tsvetkov, Xingzhi Xu , ?J. Li, and D.F. Stern. 2003. Polo like kinase 1 and Chk2 interact and Co-localize to centrosomes and the midbody. Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 , 8468-8475    

66.? Xingzhi Xu , ?L.M. Tsvetkov, and D.F. Stern. 2002. Chk2 activation and phosphorylation-dependent oligomerization. Molecular and Cellular Biology 22 , 4419-4432    

67.? Xingzhi Xu , ?K.F. Kelleher, J Liao, K. E. Creek, and L. Pirisi. 2000 . Unique carboxyl-terminal sequences of wild-type and alternatively spliced variant forms of transforming growth factor- a ?precursors mediate specific interactions with ErbB4 and ErbB2. Oncogene 19 , 3172-3181    

68.? J. Liao, Xingzhi Xu , ?and M.J. Wargovich. (2000) Direct re-probing with anti- b -actin antibody as an internal control for Western Blotting analysis. BioTechniques 28 , 216-218    

69.? Xingzhi Xu , J Liao, K. E. Creek, and L. Pirisi. (1999) Human keratinocytes and tumor-derived cell lines express alternatively spliced forms of transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-alpha) mRNA encoding precursors lacking carboxy-terminal valine residues. Oncogene ?18, 5554-5562    

70.? D. Liang, Xingzhi Xu , A. J. Chin, N. V. Balasubramaniyan, M. A. L. Teo, T. J. Lam, E. S. Weinberg and R. Ge. (1998) Cloning and characterization of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) from zebrafish, Danio rerio. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta ?1397, 14-20    

71.? Xingzhi Xu , L. Liu, K.C.Y. Wong, and R. Ge. (1998) Cloning and characterization of two isoforms of the zebrafish thyrotroph embryonic factor (tef-alpha and tef-beta). Biochimica et Biophysica Acta ?1395, 13-20    

72.? M. Wan, M. Takagi, B.N. Loh, Xingzhi Xu , and T. Imanaka. (1996) Autoprecessing - an essential step for the activation of HIV-1 protease. Biochemical Journal 316, 569-573    

73.? Xingzhi Xu* , J. Liao, H. Fang, M. Li, and Z. Liu. (1993) ABO blood grouping on dental tissue. Journal of Forensic Sciences ?38, 956-960    

74.? Xingzhi Xu* ?and Z. Liu. (1993) Discussion of H substance in urine. Journal of Forensic Sciences ?38, 8-9.


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