
Yu, Li(Distinguished Professor)
Shenzhen University School of Medicine
Distinguished Professor
Department of Hematology and Oncology
NAME: Y u , Li
POSITION TITLE: Distinguished Professor in department of Hematology and ?Oncology, Shenzhen University School of Medicine ; ?Distinguished professor of Nankai University and Tsinghua University; Director in Department of Hematology and Oncology, Shenzhen University General Hospital; ? Executive Director of Carson International Cancer Center.
TEL : +86-13910037231; ??????????OFFICE PHONE: +86- 0755-21839215 ; ? ???????????E - MAIL: [email protected]
? Completion Date MM/YYYY ? |
Norman Bethune University of Medical Sciences, Chang-Chun, China |
B. Med ? |
06/1982 |
Medicine |
Chinese PLA General Hospital, Postgraduate Medical School, Beijing, China |
M.M. |
06/1991 |
Hematology |
Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China |
Ph.D. |
06/1994 |
Oncology |
Comprehensive Cancer Center , Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA |
Postdoctoral |
1998 |
Hematology and ?Oncology |
Comprehensive Cancer Center , Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA |
Visiting Scholar |
2004 |
Hematology and ?Oncology |
A.? Personal Statement
My research interests fall in Transplantation immunology , ? Genetic and Epigenetic study on leukemia ? Mole- cular and Diagnosis of leukemia. ? I had served as the di rector in ?Department of ?Hematology and BMT Laboratory of Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, China ?from ?20 06 ?to 2017.I manage an independent Hematology laboratory ?of approximately 120 m2 in area in Shenzhen University , ?School of Medicine . I have trained more than 20 PhD students and ?over 10 postdoctoral students. And ?I have take n ?more than 10 projects including the Major State Basic Research Development Program of China (973 Program), National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program), National Natural Science Foundation of China. At present, more than 7 million RMB ? has been funded by government ?in terms of my projects . ? I have published ?more than ? 120 SCI papers in leading international journals such as Nature Genetics, Blood and Leukemia et al.
B.? Positions and Employment
19 8 2-19 94 ????????Resident Doctor, Department of Hematology, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Postgraduate Medical School, Beijing, China
1994-1996 ????????Attending Doctor, Department of Hematology, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Postgraduate
Medical School, Beijing, China
1996-2000 ???????Associate Professor , ?Department of Hematology, Chinese PLA General Hospital,
Postgraduate Medical School, Beijing, China
2000-2006 ????????Professor, Department of Hematology, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Postgraduate Medical School, Beijing, China
2006-2017 ??????Director, Department of Hematology and BMT Center, Chinese PLA General ? Hospital,
Beijing, China
2017-present ?Director, Department of Hematology and Oncology, Shenzhen University General Hospital
? ?????
C.? Experience and Honors
1.? Inviting reviewer, Blood;
2.? Inviting reviewer, Oncogene; ?
3.? Inviting reviewer, Oncotarget; ?
4.? Inviting reviewer, Plos One; ?
5.? ?Editorial Member , ? Chinese Journal of Hematology; ?
6.? ?Managing Editor, Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine;
7.? ?Editorial Member, Journal of Experimental Hematology;
8.? ?N ational awards for Science and technology of China (2009)
9.? ?Scientific Award in Basic and Clinical Study of Epigenetics in Leukemia ?of Beijing, China (2007)
10.? ?National Scientific Award in the competition of Medical Multiple Media Teaching Material in China ? (2001).
11.? ?Chinese Military Medicine Scientific ?Award in Lymphoma Diagnosis and Treatment ? (2000).
D.? Contributions to Science
1. Epigenetic study on leukemia: T he alteration of epigenetic study can affect gene expression, we devoted to explore the influence on Leukemia in terms of its morbidity and prognosis. In ?2005, I was among the first team to characterized that ? Global assessment of promoter methylation in a mouse model of cancer identifies ID4 as a putative tumor-suppressor gene in human leukemia (Nature genetics 2005). ?In 2011, my lab demonstrated that m icroRNA-193a represses c-kit expression and functions as a methylation-silenced tumor suppressor in acute myeloid leukemia. ? In the following year, We publish ed ?a paper about m ethylation-mediated repression of microRNA-143 enhanceing MLL-AF4 oncogene expression ?( Oncogene 2011, 2012) . In 2013, I demonstrated ?that Epigenetic silencing of microRNA-193a contributes to leukemogenesis in t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia by activating the PTEN/PI3K signal pathway (Blood 2013). In 2015, my PhD student Gao XN collaborated with the Hormel Institute, characterized that ? AML1/ETO cooperates with HIF1alpha to promote leukemogenesis through DNMT3a transactivation ?( Leukemia 2015).
2. Molecular Diagnosis of leukemia : ?The precision of genetic diagnosis is critical to personalized medicine, our team is devoted to research on molecular diagnosis in Leukemia, especially the leukemia of AML1-ETO / t(8;21).My group has shown that BCR-ABL/GATA1/miR-138 mini cir cuitry contributes to the leukemogenesis of chronic myeloid leukemia in 2014(Oncogene 2014). ? My lab has also shown that a minicircuitry of microRNA-9-1 and RUNX1-RUNX1T1 contributes to leukemogenesis in t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia and ?AML1-ETO promotes SIRT1 expression to enhance leukemogenesis of t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia ?( International journal of cancer 2016 , ?Experimental Hematology 2016). In 2016, my team demonstrated that Mutational spectrum and risk stratification of intermediate-risk acute myeloid leukemia patients based on next-generation sequencing ( Oncotarget 2016 ) .
3. Transplantation immunology : ? Our research achievements about bone marrow transplantation, immunotherapy and its complications. My group has reported that, similar incidence of severe acute GVHD and less severe chronic GVHD in PBSCT from unmanipulated, haploidentical donors compared with that from matched sibling donors for patients with hematological malignancies(British journal of hematology 2016). Our ? study ? shown ?that, t he Superiority of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Over Chemotherapy Alone in the Treatment of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients with Mixed Lineage Leukemia (MLL) Rearrangements ( Medical science monitor 2016). W e ?has published ?a paper about the e fficacy of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Intermediate-Risk Acute Myeloid Leukemia Adult Patients in First Complete Remission( PloS one 2015) . ?Moreover , ?we comparatively observed that the efficacy and safety of rabbit anti-thymocyte globulin vs rabbit anti-T-lymphocyte globulin in peripheral blood stem cell transplantation from unrelated donors (Leukemia & lymphoma 2015).
E.? Research Support
Ongoing Research Support
1) .Significant New Drugs Creation of ?Major Science and Technology Project (SQ2018ZX090202) ????
????????????????2018 to 2020
Li Yu, PI ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¥ 50 00,000
DNA demethylating agent decitabine ?based therapy for Acute Myeloid Leukemia and ?drug discovery
of its Molecular Typing products.
2).Chinese National Natural Science Foundation Project (81670162). ????????????????????????? 2017 ? to ? 2020
L i ?Y u, ? PI ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ¥ ?700,000
The study of prognostic genes and their clinical application in t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia through single-cell RNA-sequencing technique.
3).Chinese National Natural Science Foundation Project (81470010). ?????????????????????????2015 to 2018
Li Yu, PI ?? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ??????? ?¥ 8 00,000
Mechanism of methylation silenced miR148/152 and demethylation specific outcome on t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia.
4).Major research plan of Chinese National Natural Science Foundation (90919044). 2015 to 2018
Li Yu, PI ?? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ? ??????? ¥ 6 00,000
Mechanism of regulation network of has-miR-193a and AML1-ETO involved in leukemogenesis.
Completed Research Support
1).Chinese National Natural Science Foundation Project (81170518). ?????????????????????????2012 to 2015
Li Yu, PI ?? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¥ 570,000
Mechanism of epigenetics enhanced immunotherapy on leukemia blasts.
2).Chinese Nation Natural Science Foundation Project (30971297). ????????????????????????????2010 to 2012
Li Yu, PI ?? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¥ 230,000
Mechanism of adult acute lymphocytic leukemia immune escape.
3). “863” Program Subtopic (2011AA020117). ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????2012 to 2014
Li Yu, PI ?? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¥ 400,000
Development of new drugs involved in primary mesenchymal stem cell.
4).Health Care Industry Research Subtopic (201202017). ????????????????????????????????????????????2012 to 2014
Li Yu, PI ?? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¥ 55 0,000
The study of standardizing diagnosis and optimizing treatment regimens of hematologic malignancies.
5).Peking Science and Technology Council Health Cultivation of Citizens Project Subtopic (Z111107067311070). ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????2011 to 2014
Li Yu, PI ?? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¥ 35 0,000
Identification and value for directing personalized therapy of novel biomarkers in hematologic malignancies.
6).Military Hospital Clinical and Advanced Technology Project (2010gxjs091). ????????????2010 to 2013
Li Yu, PI ?? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¥ 40 0,000
Specific immunotherapy for early relapse of adult acute lymphocytic leukemia after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
7).Capital Medical Science Development Foundation Project (2007-2040). ?????????????????2008 to 2011
Li Yu, PI ?? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¥ 25 0,000
The study of combining HLA haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, clearance of T/B cells and infusion of NK cells to treat hematologic malignancies.
8).Chinese Nation Natural Science Foundation Project (30670898). ????????????????????????????2007 to 2009
Li Yu, PI ?? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¥ 350 ,000
Mechanism of regulating KIR3DL1 gene through transcription factor AML2 and DNA methylation.
9).Chinese Nation Natural Science Foundation Project (30572108). ????????????????????????????2006 to 2008
Li Yu, PI ?? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¥ 25 0,000
Mechanism and significance of ID4 gene inhibiting tumorous cellular growth.
11). “973” Project Subtopic (2005CB522408). ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????2005 to 2010
Li Yu, PI ?? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¥ 2 00,000
Identification and clinical significance of tumorous genes related to DNA methylation abnormality.
12). Military Medical Technology Project (01J007). ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????2001 to 2003
Li Yu, PI ?? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¥ 4 00,000
The identification, clone, and clinical significance of relapsed acute leukemia-related genes.
13).Chinese Nation Natural Science Foundation Project (39970318). ??????????????????????????2000 to 2002
Li Yu, PI ?? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¥ 2 00,000
The study of analyzing DNA methylation patterns of leukemia-related genes and demethylation.
14).Chinese Nation Natural Science Foundation Project. ?????????????????????????????????????????????2000 to 2002
Li Yu, PI ?? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¥ 18 0,000
The clone, sequencing analysis and biological significance of RP16 gene related to leukemia.
F.? Peer-reviewed publications (*: corresponding author)
1.? Yu L , Liu C, Vandeusen J, Becknell B, Dai Z, Wu YZ, Raval A, Liu TH, Ding W, Mao C, Liu S, Smith LT, Lee S, Rassenti L, Marcucci G, Byrd J, Caligiuri MA, Plass C: Global assessment of promoter methylation in a mouse model of cancer identifies ID4 as a putative tumor-suppressor gene in human leukemia, Nature genetics ?2005, 37:265-274 .
2.? Gao XN, Yan F, Lin J, Gao L, Lu XL, Wei SC, Shen N, Pang JX, Ning QY, Komeno Y, Deng AL, Xu YH, Shi JL, Li YH, Zhang DE, Nervi C, Liu SJ, Yu L * : AML1/ETO cooperates with HIF1alpha to promote leukemogenesis through DNMT3a transactivation, Leukemia ?2015, 29:1730-1740
3.? Li Y, Gao L, Luo X, Wang L, Gao X, Wang W, Sun J, Dou L, Li J, Xu C, Zhou M, Jiang M, Zhou J, Caligiuri MA, Nervi C, Bloomfield CD, Marcucci G, Yu L* : Epigenetic silencing of microRNA-193a contributes to leukemogenesis in t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia by activating the PTEN/PI3K signal pathway, Blood ?2013, 121:499-509
4.? Xu C, Fu H, Gao L, Wang L, Wang W, Li J, Li Y, Dou L, Gao X, Luo X, Jing Y, Chim CS, Zheng X, ? Yu L * : BCR-ABL/GATA1/miR-138 mini circuitry contributes to the leukemogenesis of chronic myeloid leukemia, Oncogene 2014, 33:44-54
5.? Gao XN, Lin J, Li YH, Gao L, Wang XR, Wang W, Kang HY, Yan GT, Wang LL, ? Yu L * : MicroRNA-193a represses c-kit expression and functions as a methylation-silenced tumor suppressor in acute myeloid leukemia, Oncogene 2011, 30:3416-3428
6.? Dou L, Zheng D, Li J, Li Y, Gao L, Wang L, Yu L * : Methylation-mediated repression of microRNA-143 enhances MLL-AF4 oncogene expression, Oncogene 2012, 31:507-517
7.? Fu L,?Shi J,?Liu A,?Zhou L,?Jiang M,?Fu H,?Xu K,?Li D,?Deng A,?Zhang Q,?Pang Y,?Guo Y,?Hu K,?Zhou J,?Wang Y,?Huang W,?Jing Y,Dou L,?Wang L,?Xu K,?Ke X,?Nervi C,?Li Y, ?Yu L *: A minicircuitry of microRNA-9-1 and RUNX1-RUNX1T1 contributes to leukemogenesis in t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia, International journal of cancer 2016
8.? Li H, Li F, Gao C, Huang W, Bo J, Dou L, Wang L, Jing Y, Wang L, Li W, Yu L * , Liu D: Similar incidence of severe acute GVHD and less severe chronic GVHD in PBSCT from unmanipulated, haploidentical donors compared with that from matched sibling donors for patients with haematological malignancies, ?British journal of haematology ?2016
9.? Wang B, Liu Y, Hou G, Wang L, Lv N, Xu Y, Wang X, Xuan Z, Jing Y, Li H, Jin X, Deng A, Gao X, Dou L, Liang J, Chen C, Li Y, Yu L * : Mutational spectrum and risk stratification of intermediate-risk acute myeloid leukemia patients based on next-generation sequencing, Oncotarget 2016, 7:32065-32078 ?
10.? Jing Y, Jin X, Wang L, Dou L, Wang Q, Yao Y, Lian S, Zhou J, Zhu H, Yao Z, Gao L, Li Y, Bai X, Fang M, Yu L * : Decitabine-based chemotherapy followed by haploidentical lymphocyte infusion improves the effectiveness in elderly patients with acute myeloid leukemia, Oncotarget ?2016
11.? Zhou L,?Wang Q,?Chen X,?Fu L,?Zhang X,?Wang L,?Deng A,?L i ?D,?Liu J,?Lv N,?Wang L,?Li Y,?Liu D,? Yu L *,?Dou L: AML1-ETO promotes SIRT1 expression to enhance leukemogenesis of t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia, Experimental Hematology ?2016
12.? Gong D, Li W, Hu LD, Shen JL, Fang MY, Yang QM, Wang HX, Ke XY, Chen HR, Wang Z, Liu H, Liu F, Ma YG, Wang JW, Li HH, Wang QS, Jing Y, Gao XN, Dou LP, Li YH, Luo JM, Yu L * : Comparison of Clinical Efficacy of Cytarabine with Different Regimens in Postremission Consolidation Therapy for Adult t(8;21) AML Patients: A Multicenter Retrospective Study in China, Acta haematologica ?2016, 136:201-209
13.? Liu J, Huang H, ? Yu L , Liu L, Li J, Liu Z, Lu J, Ouyang J, Song Y, Zhou D, Ren H, Ma J, Wang C, Yu L, Zhou J, Wang J, Xiao Y, Huang X: Epidemiology and treatment of invasive fungal diseases in patients with multiple myeloma: findings from a multicenter prospective study from China, Tumour biology 2016, 37:7893-7900
14.? Jing Y, Li J, Yuan L, Zhao X, Wang Q, Yu L , Zhou D, Huang W: Piperacillin-tazobactam vs. imipenem-cilastatin as empirical therapy in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients with febrile neutropenia, Clinical transplantation ?2016, 30:263-269
15.? Yang H, Huang S, Zhu CY, Gao L, Zhu HY, Lv N, Jing Y, Yu L * : The Superiority of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Over Chemotherapy Alone in the Treatment of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients with Mixed Lineage Leukemia (MLL) Rearrangements, Medical science monitor 2016, 22:2315-2323
16.? Huang S, Jiang MM, Chen GF, Qian K, Gao HH, Guan W, Shi JL, Liu AQ, Liu J, Wang BH, Li YH, Yu L * : Epigenetic Silencing of Eyes Absent 4 Gene by Acute Myeloid Leukemia 1-Eight-twenty-one Oncoprotein Contributes to Leukemogenesis in t(8;21) Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Chinese medical journal 2016, 129:1355-1362
17.? Du X, Jin J, Cai Z, Chen F, Zhou DB, Yu L , Ke X, Li X, Wu D, Meng F, DeMarco D, Zhang J, Mei J, Hou J: Long-term use of lenalidomide and low-dose dexamethasone in Chinese patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma: MM-024 Extended Access Program, ?BMC cancer 2016, 16:46
18.? Zhou DB, Yu L , Du X, Jin J, Cai Z, Chen F, Ke X, Li X, Wu D, Meng F, Ai H, Zhang J, DeMarco D, Chen N, Mei J, Wang J, Hou J: Lenalidomide plus low-dose dexamethasone in Chinese patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma and renal impairment, ?International journal of hematology ?2015, 101:569-577
19.? Wang BH, Li YH, ? Yu L * : Genomics-based Approach and Prognostic Stratification Significance of Gene Mutations in Intermediate-risk Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Chinese medical journal ?2015, 128:2395-2403
20.? Sun Y, Meng F, Han M, Zhang X, Yu L , Huang H, Wu D, Ren H, Wang C, Shen Z, Ji Y, Huang X: Epidemiology, management, and outcome of invasive fungal disease in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in China: a multicenter prospective observational study, Biology of blood and marrow transplantation ?2015, 21:1117-1126
21.? Liu M, Li Y, Zhao X, Zhang Y, Zhai B, Zhang Q, Wang L, Zhao Y, Li H, Wang Q, Gao C, Huang W, ? Yu L * : Caspofungin as secondary antifungal prophylaxis and subsequent maintenance antifungal prophylaxis therapy in hematological malignancy patients, ?International journal of clinical and experimental medicine ?2015, 8:11794-11802
22.? Li MY, Xu YY, Kang HY, Wang XR, Gao L, Cen J, Wang W, Wang N, Li YH, Wang LL, Yu L * : Quantitative Detection of ID4 Gene Aberrant Methylation in the Differentiation of Myelodysplastic Syndrome from Aplastic Anemia, Chinese medical journal 2015, 128:2019-2025
23.? Li D, Wang L, Zhu H, Dou L, Liu D, Fu L, Ma C, Ma X, Yao Y, Zhou L, Wang Q, Zhao Y, Jing Y, Li Y, Yu L * : Efficacy of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Intermediate-Risk Acute Myeloid Leukemia Adult Patients in First Complete Remission: A Meta-Analysis of Prospective Studies, PloS one ?2015, 10:e0132620
24.? Kang H, Wang X, Gao L, Cen J, Li M, Wang W, Wang N, Li Y, Wang L, Yu L * : Clinical implications of the quantitative detection of ID4 gene methylation in myelodysplastic syndrome, European journal of medical research ?2015, 20:16
25.? Jinlong S, Lin F, Yonghui L, Li Y * , Weidong W: Identification of let-7a-2-3p or/and miR-188-5p as prognostic biomarkers in cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukemia, PloS one 2015, 10:e0118099
26.? Huang W, Zhao X, Tian Y, Cao T, Li Y, Liu Z, Jing Y, Wang S, Gao C, Yu L : Outcomes of peripheral blood stem cell transplantation patients from HLA-mismatched unrelated donor with antithymocyte globulin (ATG)-Thymoglobulin versus ATG-Fresenius: a single-center study, Medical oncology (Northwood, London, England) 2015, 32:465
27.? Huang W, Yu L * , Cao T, Li Y, Liu Z, Li H, Bo J, Zhao Y, Jing Y, Wang S, Zhu H, Dou L, Wang Q, Gao C: The efficacy and safety of rabbit anti-thymocyte globulin vs rabbit anti-T-lymphocyte globulin in peripheral blood stem cell transplantation from unrelated donors, Leukemia & lymphoma 2015, 1-9
28.? Gao X, Lin J, Gao L, Deng A, Lu X, Li Y, Wang L, ? Yu L * : High expression of c-kit mRNA predicts unfavorable outcome in adult patients with t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia, PloS one 2015, 10:e0124241
29.? Shi Y, Dong M, Hong X, Zhang W, Feng J, Zhu J, Yu L , Ke X, Huang H, Shen Z, Fan Y, Li W, Zhao X, Qi J, Zhou D, Ning Z, Lu X: Results from a multicenter, open-label, pivotal phase II study of chidamide in relapsed or refractory peripheral T-cell lymphoma, Annals of oncology 2015, 26:1766-1771 ?
30.? Wang R, Zhu H, Chen Y, Li C, Li F, Shen Z, Tian J, Yu L , Xu B: Standardized uptake value based evaluation of lymphoma by FDG and FLT PET/CT, Hematological oncology 2014, 32:126-132
31.? Wang L, Cram DS, Shen J, Wang X, Zhang J, Song Z, Xu G, Li N, Fan J, Wang S, Luo Y, Wang J, Yu L , Liu J, Yao Y: Validation of copy number variation sequencing for detecting chromosome imbalances in human preimplantation embryos, Biology of reproduction ?2014, 91:37
32.? Luo L, Zhang L, Cai B, Li H, Huang W, Jing Y, Zhu H, Zhao Y, Bo J, Wang Q, Han X, Yu L , Gao C: Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a single-center experience, Annals of transplantation ?2014, 19:6-12
33.? Liu M, Li Y, Zhang Y, Zhao X, Zhai B, Zhang Q, Wang L, Zhao Y, Li H, Wang Q, Gao C, Huang W, ? Yu L * : Secondary antifungal prophylaxis in hematological malignancy patients with previous invasive fungal disease: a retrospective analysis, PloS one 2014, 9:e115461
34.? Li J, Shen KN, Huang WR, Li LH, Chen H, Chen WM, Liu KY, ? Yu L , Zhou DB: Autologous stem cell transplant can overcome poor prognosis in patients with multiple myeloma with extramedullary plasmacytoma, Leukemia & lymphoma 2014, 55:1687-1690
35.? Jing Y, Chen H, Liu M, Zhou M, Guo Y, Gao C, Wang Q, Li H, Zhao Y, Bo J, Huang W, Zhu H, Zhang Y, ? Yu L * : Susceptibility of Ph-positive all to TKI therapy associated with Bcr-Abl rearrangement patterns: a retrospective analysis, PloS one ?2014, 9:e110431
36.? Gu Z, Cai B, Yuan L, Li H, Huang W, Jing Y, Zhu H, Zhao Y, Bo J, Wang Q, Han X, Yu L , Gao C: Successful treatment of polymorphic post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder after allo-HSCT with reduction of immunosuppression, International journal of clinical and experimental medicine 2014, 7:1904-1909
37.? Fu L, Huang W, Jing Y, Jiang M, Zhao Y, Shi J, Huang S, Xue X, Zhang Q, Tang J, Dou L, Wang L, Nervi C, Li Y, ? Yu L * : AML1-ETO triggers epigenetic activation of early growth response gene l, inducing apoptosis in t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia, The FEBS journal ?2014, 281:1123-1131
38.? Cao T, Li Y, Wang Q, Li H, Bo J, Zhao Y, Jing Y, Wang S, Zhu H, Dou L, Jia B, Gao C, Yu L , Huang W: Outcomes of peripheral blood stem cell transplantation in patients from human leukocyte antigen matched or mismatched unrelated donors, Chinese medical journal ?2014, 127:2612-2617
39.? Zhou JH, Yao YS, Wang LX, Wang J, Li YH, Jiang MM, Zhou MH, Gao XN, Li RS, Wang LL, Yu L * : Demethylating agent decitabine induces autologous cancer testis antigen specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes in vivo, Chinese medical journal ?2013, 126:4552-4556
40.? Zhou J, Li Y, Yao Y, Wang L, Gao L, Gao X, Luo X, Li J, Jiang M, Zhou M, Yu L * : The cancertestis antigen NXF2 is activated by the hypomethylating agent decitabine in acute leukemia cells in vitro and in vivo, Molecular medicine reports 2013, 8:1549-1555
41.? Zhang CY, Wang SH, Huang WR, Guo GH, Zhang ZH, Mou WJ, Yu L * , Tian YP: A novel differential predict model based on matrix-assisted laser ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and serum ferritin for acute graft-versus-host disease, BioMed research international ?2013, 2013:563751
42.? Yao Y, Zhou J, Wang L, Gao X, Ning Q, Jiang M, Wang J, Yu L * : Increased PRAME-specific CTL killing of acute myeloid leukemia cells by either a novel histone deacetylase inhibitor chidamide alone or combined treatment with decitabine, PloS one ?2013, 8:e70522
43.? Yang Y, Wang LL, Wang HX, Guo ZK, Gao XF, Cen J, Li YH, Dou LP, ? Yu L * : The epigenetically-regulated miR-663 targets H-ras in K-562 cells, The FEBS journal ?2013, 280:5109-5117
44.? Wang LX, Mei ZY, Zhou JH, Yao YS, Li YH, Xu YH, Li JX, Gao XN, Zhou MH, Jiang MM, Gao L, Ding Y, Lu XC, Shi JL, Luo XF, Wang J, Wang LL, Qu C, Bai XF, Yu L * : Low dose decitabine treatment induces CD80 expression in cancer cells and stimulates tumor specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses, PloS one ?2013, 8:e62924
45.? Sun JZ, Gao L, Wang W, Du N, Yang J, Wan L, Liu F, Wang LL, Yu L * : Demethylation of cancer/testis antigens and CpG ODN stimulation enhance dendritic cell and cytotoxic T lymphocyte function in a mouse mammary model, BioMed research international 2013, 2013:196894
46.? Liu M, Liu J, Liu L, Yu L , Shi B, Ye L, Zhang Y, Chen H: A case report of acute myeloid leukemia after liver transplantation, Acta haematologica ?2013, 129:225-228
47.? Liu F, Gao L, Jing Y, Xu YY, Ding Y, Zhou MH, Ma C, Li MY, Sun JZ, Wang LL, Yu L * : Detection and clinical significance of gene rearrangements in Chinese patients with adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Leukemia & lymphoma ?2013, 54:1521-1526
48.? Li Y, Gao L, Ding Y, Xu Y, Zhou M, Huang W, Jing Y, Li H, Wang L, Yu L * : Establishment and application of real-time quantitative PCR for diagnosing invasive aspergillosis via the blood in hematological patients: targeting a specific sequence of Aspergillus 28S-ITS2, BMC infectious diseases ?2013, 13:255
49.? Jing Y, Li H, Zhao Y, Bo J, Wang S, Wang Q, Huang W, Gao C, Yu L * : Efficacy of allogeneic and autologous hematopoietic SCT in patients with AML after first complete remission, Bone marrow transplantation ?2013, 48:383-389
50.? Guan L, Gao L, Wang L, Li M, Yin Y, ? Yu L , Gao C: The Frequency and clinical significance of IDH1 mutations in Chinese acute myeloid leukemia patients, PloS one 2013, 8:e83334 ?
51.? Gao XN, Lin J, Ning QY, Gao L, Yao YS, Zhou JH, Li YH, Wang LL, ?Yu L * : A histone acetyltransferase p300 inhibitor C646 induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis selectively in AML1-ETO-positive AML cells, PloS one ?2013, 8:e55481
52.? Dou L, Li J, Zheng D, Li Y, Gao X, Xu C, Gao L, Wang L, Yu L * : MicroRNA-205 downregulates mixed-lineage-AF4 oncogene expression in acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Oncotargets and therapy ?2013, 6:1153-1160
53.? Dou L, Li J, Zheng D, Li Y, Gao X, Xu C, Gao L, Wang L, Yu L * : MicroRNA-142-3p inhibits cell proliferation in human acute lymphoblastic leukemia by targeting the MLL-AF4 oncogene, Molecular biology reports ?2013, 40:6811-6819
54.? Cen J, Shen J, Wang X, Kang H, Wang L, Sun L, Li Y, ?Yu L * : Association between lymphoma prognosis and aberrant methylation of ID4 and ZO-1 in bone marrow and paraffin-embedded lymphoma tissues of treatment-naive patients, ?Oncology reports ?2013, 30:455-461
55.? Zhou MH, Gao L, Jing Y, Xu YY, Ding Y, Wang N, Wang W, Li MY, Han XP, Sun JZ, Wang LL, Yu L * : Detection of ETV6 gene rearrangements in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Annals of hematology 2012, 91:1235-1243
56.? Yang Y, Wang LL, Li YH, Gao XN, Liu Y, Yu L * : Effect of CpG island methylation on microRNA expression in the k-562 cell line, Biochemical genetics ?2012, 50:122-134
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