
Xizhuo, Sun (Professor)
The Third Affiliated Hospital of SZU- Shenzhen Luohu People’s Hospital
NAME: Sun, Xizhuo
POSITION TITLE: M.D.;Postdoctoral Fellow in Cell Biology and Applied Economics; Chief Physician;Director of Shenzhen Luohu Hospital Group;Special allowances for the State Council;
Harbin Medical University, Harbin, China | M. Med | 07/1990 | Clinical Medicine |
Chinese Medical Sciences University, Liaoning, China | Ph.D. | 07/2001 | Clinical Medicine |
Chinese Medical Sciences University, Liaoning, China | Postdoctoral | 11/2005 | Cell Biology |
Northeast Unicersity of Finance and Economics, Liaoning, China | Postdoctoral | 09/2008 | Applied Economics |
A.??Personal Statement?
I was mainly engaged in the treatment and research of cardiovascular diseases in the early stage of my career. Currently my focus is mainly on hospital management. When I was studying in Japan in the early years, I completed more than 800 cases of CAG (coronary angiography) and more than 100 cases of PTCA. (Percutaneous balloon coronary angioplasty), and i was invited four times to present my paper in the national cardiovascular academic conference in Japan. After returning to China, I took the leadership to complete?emergency PTCA, coronary stent implantation, coronary artery dilatation with complex lesions, microcatheter superselective adrenal arteriography, infusion chemotherapy, etc.?I performed 459 cases of interventional surgery between 1997 and 2002, creating economic benefits of nearly 7 million yuan.
B.??Positions and Honors
Positions and Employment
01/2006 –04/2014? ?? Director of Dalian Municipal Central Hospital, Liaoning, China
04/2014 –08/2015?????Director of Shenzhen Luohu Hospita,Shenzhen,China
08/2015 – present?????Director of Shenzhen Luohu Hospital Group,Shenzhen,China
Other Experience and Honors
1. entitled to the State Council’s special allowance
2.?Guangdong province’s Labor Day Medal
3.?Shenzhen’s local-level Leading Talent
4.?the Representative of Shenzhen People’s Congress and Shenzhen’s “innovation drives development” Outstanding Communist Party Member
5.?Liaoning Province’s “Million Talents Project” top 100 candidates
6. winner of the Healthcare Reform Innovative Contribution Award
7.?The “Huaren Cup” ‘s Most Leading Chinese Hospital Director
8.?Chinese Hospital’s Outstanding Director of “Xiansheng Cup”
9.?2016 medalist of the Intelligent and Innovative Director award and 2016’s most innovative Hospital Director
10.?recognized as the Chinese Character of 2015 (Clinical Medicine)
11.?The “Chinese Health” Innovative Leading Character of 2016 and the “Chinese Health” top 10 News Figures of 2016
C.???Research Support
Ongoing Research Support
National?Key?R&D?Program?of?China(2016YFC0900800)? ???????07/01/2016 to 06/30/2021
Xizhuo Sun?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????? ????¥13,0000
A prospective cohort study of common chronic non-communicable diseases in central China
D.?Peer-reviewed publications (*: corresponding author)
- 孙喜琢,宫芳芳. 构建以居民健康为核心的卫生服务体系——罗湖区公立医院改革. 现代医院管理,2016,14(6)2-4
- 孙喜琢,曹伟灵,宫芳芳. 构建全民药学服务新模式. 中国医院院长,2015,(13):74-75
- 孙喜琢,宫芳芳.信息化建设助力医院精细化管理实践. 医学信息,2015,28(45):5-6
- 孙喜琢,宫芳芳,黄文静,邱传旭. 中国养老的“罗湖模式”构想与实践. 现代医院管理,2015,13(2):5-10
- 孙喜琢,程 丹,孙 梅. 运用“冰山角”理论分析住院患者自杀问题及采取的措施. 中国卫生产业,2013,(9):197-198
- 孙喜琢、顾晓东. 网络医疗的发展对医疗模式的影响. 中国医院管理,2013,33(5):60
- 孙喜琢、宫芳芳、顾晓东、苏倩、蔡雨彤等. 基于远程区域医疗联合体的实践与探索. 现代医院管理,2013,(3)8-10
- 孙喜琢、王伟、张春娜、鲜峰、李墨. 医院基本建设管理工作的思考. 现代医院管理,2013,(1)52-53
- 孙喜琢、程丹、高鹏. 三级综合性医院制度规范信息化管理的探索. 现代医院管理,2013,(4):65-67
- 孙喜琢、王凡、曲玉芳、程丹、侯丽晓. 医用高值耗材信息管理系统的设计与实践. 现代医院管理,2012,10(1):30-32
- 孙喜琢、王伟. 区域卫生信息化建设概述与实施策略. 现代医院管理,2012,10(1):27-30
- 孙喜琢、王凡、程丹、曲玉芳. 心电系统信息化建设中远程医疗的应用和发展. 中国卫生产业,2012(6):162-163
- 孙喜琢. 实施临床路径管理 顺应医保付费改革——基于大连市中心医院的实践探索. 中国医疗保险,2012,(8)51-53
- 孙喜琢. 新医改形势下创新医院服务管理——大连市中心医院人文管理与人文医疗实践. 中国医院管理,2011,31:6-8
- 孙喜琢. 信息化管理促进临床合理用药. 中国执业药师,2011,8(5):27-29
- 孙喜琢、李野、杨秀梅、席雅琳. 规范合理用药管理 保障医患用药安全. 药学服务与研究,2011,11(1):1-5
- 孙喜琢、王凡、曲玉芳、李平、程丹. 医院病理科委托式管理的探索与实践. 中国医院管理,2011,9(6):33-35
- 孙喜琢、王凡、曲玉芳、程丹. 医院电子病历系统建设模式探索. 现代医院管理,2011,9(6):70-72
- 孙喜琢、林君、戴冰冰. 依托医院信息化平台,全面推进临床路径试点工作. 现代医院管理,2011,9(3):66-67
- 孙喜琢、程丹、苏世久、林君、卢清玲、王晓明. 患者在医院中的非医疗伤害及防范措施. 中国卫生产业,2005,(10):70-73
- 孙喜琢、郭爱华、林君、苑保平、程丹. 浅谈介入材料的规范化管理. 卫生经济研究,2005,(1):50
- 孙喜琢、郭爱华、林君、苑保平、程丹. 加强介入材料的规范化管理. 中华医院管理杂志,2005,21(3):180-181
- 孙喜琢、郭爱华、林君、苑保平、程丹. 如何做好介入材料的规范化管理. 中国医学装备杂志,2004,1(1)10-12
- 孙喜琢、曾定尹、周旭晨、齐国先、贾大林、胡健. 冠状动脉痉挛与内皮型一氧化氮合酶基因G894T突变关系的研究. 中国循环杂志,2001,16(5):354-356
- 孙喜琢、赵驰、陈叔敏等. 麦角新碱冠状动脉痉挛激发试验的临床应用. 中国循环杂志,1997 ,(1-6):8-11
- 孙喜琢、吴彦、陈淑敏等. 踏车运动试验检出无症状心肌缺血中青年患者的临床后果. 临床心电学杂志,1994,(1-4):9-10