
Guangqian Zhou(Professor)
School of Basic Medical Sciences
Department of Cell Biology and Medical Genetics
NAME: Zhou, Guangqian ????
POSITION TITLE:?Professor in Medical Cell Biology and Stem Cell Biology; Assistant Dean Shenzhen University School of Medicine; Director for the Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Anti-aging and Regenerative Medicine and the Center for Anti-aging and Regenerative Medicine, Shenzhen University; Editorial Board of ISRN Mol Biol and Intal J Stem Cell Res Transpl (IJST), Vice-Chair of Shenzhen Cytotherapy Association.????
INSTITUTION AND LOCATION | DEGREE (if applicable) ? | Completion Date MM/YYYY ? | FIELD OF STUDY ? |
Zunyi/Dalian Medical College, Dalian, China | B. Med | 09/1984 | Medicine |
Umea University, Umea, Sweden | Ph.D. | 05/2000 | Mol. Immunology |
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK | Postdoctoral?Research Fellow | 06/2003 | Stem Cell?Biology |
A.? Personal Statement????
I am a professor in medical cell biology and leading research activities in anti-aging and stem cell-based regenerative medicine. I have published ~70 papers mostly in peer-reviewed international scientific journals in the areas of stem cells, disease mechanisms and regeneration of musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Alongside my research in fundamental research, I pay particular attention in translating my own and partners’ scientific research and insights into clinical and industrial uses. My research has been financially supported by major national and international funding agencies, including Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Ministry of Science and Technology(MoST), Guangdong province (NSFG), Scoliosis Research Society (SRS), Research Grant Council (RGC) Hong Kong, and AOSpine, and very significantly by Shenzhen municipal funding bodies.????
I am a member of the British Society for Cell Biology (BSCB), American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB), International Society for Cell Transplantation (ISCT), International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR), International Chinese Mineral Research Society(ICMRS), and the AOSpine Asia and served as an executive member of Laboratory Practice group, ISCT (2007-2010). I am currently serving as an executive member of several national academic societies in musculoskeletal diseases and anti-aging research. I am a reviewer for >6 international journals, including Cytotherapy, Cell Transplantation, Biomaterials, and for several international, national and local funding agencies, including the NSFC and the AO Foundation. Currently, I am the elected vice-Chairman of the Shenzhen Societies of Precision Medicine and Cytotherapy. Since 2003, I have been a principle supervisor for postdoctoral researchers and Master’s and PhD candidates.????
B.? Positions and Honors????
Positions and Employment????
2010- PresentProfessor in Medical Cell Biology and Genetics, Assistant Dean of Shenzhen University Health Science Center, Shenzhen, China????
2006-2010?????????Assistant Professor (Research), Department of Orthopedics & Traumatology, The University of??Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China????
20 03- 20 07?? ???? ??Lecturer, Centre for Cancer Research and Cell Biology, Queens University of Belfast, Belfast, UK????
1993-2000?????????Research Assistant, Department of Immunology, Umea University, Sweden????
1988-1992??Teaching Fellow, Dalian Medical University, Department of Public Health, Dalian, China????
Other Experience and Honors????
Since 2014Head of Shenzhen Key Laboratory for Anti-aging and Regenerative Medicine????
2017??? ?The 3rd?Class Award in Excellent Scientific Research, Chinese Medical Association????
2008??Wester Jee Young Investigator Award, International Chinese Mineral Research Society(ICMRS)????
2007Travel Awards, ISSCR, International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR)????
2007Asian Investigator, International Society for Cell Transplantation (ISCT)????
C.? Main Scientific Activities and Achievements (* corresponding/co-corresponding author)????
My research interests and activities mainly cover the following related areas:????
1.?Stem Cell Biology/Disease Mechanisms????
I have long been interested in revealing the molecular mechanisms underlying the biological and regenerative properties and functions of stem cells, particularly mesenchymal stem cells from adult tissues, normal or diseased. Recent research grants from NSFC and other sources have allowed me to pursue high-quality research in this area. Representative publications include:????????
1)? Wang T, Li J, ?Zhou?GQ, Ma P, Zhao Y, Wang B, ?Chen D.Specific Deletion of β-Catenin?in Expressing Cells Leads to Defects in Epiphyseal Bone. Int J Biol Sci. 2017; 13(12):1540-1546.????
2)? Wang T, Li S, Yi D, Zhou GQ, Chang Z, Ma PX, Xiao G, ?Chen?D. CHIP?regulates ?bone?mass by targeting multiple TRAF family members in ?bone?marrow stromal cells. Bone Res. 2018; 6:10. ????
3)?? Zhang S, An Q, Wang T, Gao S, ?Zhou?G. Autophagy- and MMP-2/9-mediated Reduction and Redistribution of ZO-1 Contribute to Hyperglycemia-increased Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability During Early Reperfusion in Stroke.Neuroscience . 2018; 377:126-137.?? ??
4)? Tan S, Zhang B an S, Zhang B, Zhu X, Ao P, Guo H, Yi W, Zhou GQ*. Deregulation of bone forming cells in bone diseases and anabolic effects of strontium-containing agents and biomaterials.? Biomed Res Int. 2014; 2014: 814057.????
5)? Lv F, Lu M, Cheung KM, Leung VY, Zhou GQ*. Intrinsic properties of mesemchymal stem cells from human bone marrow, umbilical cord and umbilical cord blood comparing the different sources of MSC. Curr Stem Cell Res Ther. 2012; 7: 389-99.????
6)? Tang J, Zhang L, She X, Zhou G, Yu F, Xiang J, Li G. Inhibiting CD164 expression in colon cancer cell line HCT116 leads to reduced cancer cell proliferation, mobility, and metastasis in vitro and in vivo. Cancer Invest. 2012; 30(5):380-9.????
7)? Huang S, Leung LV, Cheung KM, Long D, Zhou GQ*. Developmental definition of MSCs: new insights into pending questions. Cell Reprogram, 2011;13:465-72.????
8)? Tang J, Luo Z, Zhou G, Song C, Yu F, Xiang J, Li G. Cis-regulatory functions of overlapping HIF-1alpha/E-box/AP-1-like sequences of CD164. BMC Mol Biol. 2011; 12:44.????
9)? Zhao L, Li G, Zhou GQ*. SOX9 directly binds CREB as a novel synergism with the PKA pathway in BMP-2-induced osteochondrogenic differentiation. J Bone Min Res. 2009, 24: 826-36.????
10)? Chen X, McClurg A, Zhou GQ, McCaigue M, Armstrong MA, Li G. Chondrogenic-differentiation Alters the Immunosuppressive Property of Bone Marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells and the Effect Is Partially Due to the Up-regulated Expression of B7 Molecules. Stem Cells 2007; 25: 364-70.????
11)? Zhou GQ*, Zhang Y, Ferguson DJ, Chen S, Rasmuson-Lestander A, Campbell FC, Watt SM*. The Drosophila ortholog of the endolysosomal membrane protein, endolyn, regulates cell proliferation. J Cell Biochem. 2006; 99:1380-96.????????
2.??Stem Cell Therapy and Tissue Engineering????
I have made great efforts to translational research in stem-cell therapy for nervous and musculoskeletal systems. During my career, I have tried to develop or expand the use of different animal and cell models and propose innovations to combine new biomaterials to facilitate the repair of injuries and to monitor the fate and behavior of in vivo?transplanted stem cells. Some works are pioneering in the field, including stem cell therapy for spinal cord injury in monkey model, CXCR4 activation combined with stem cell therapy. Representative publications include: ????
1)? Zhu?Y, Tan J, ?Zhu?H, Lin G, Yin F, Wang L, Song K, Wang Y, Zhou G, Yi W. Development of kartogenin-conjugated chitosan-hyaluronic acid hydrogel for ?nucleus?pulposus regeneration. Biomater Sci. 2017; 5(4):784-791.????????
2)? Zhu?Y, Wu X, Liang Y, Gu H, Song K, Zou X, Zhou G. Repair of ?cartilage?defects in osteoarthritis rats with ?induced??pluripotent??stem??cell?derived chondrocytes. BMC Biotechnol. 2016;16(1):78.????
3)? Mu?S, Wang J, Zhou G, Peng W, He Z, Zhao Z, Mo C, Qu J, Zhang J. Transplantation of ?induced pluripotent stem cells?improves functional recovery in Huntington's disease rat model.PLoS One. 2014 Jul 23;9(7):e101185. ????
4)? Protein regulation of ?induced pluripotent stem cells?by transplanting in a Huntington's animal model.Mu?S, Han L, Zhou G, Mo C, Duan J, He Z, Wang Z, Ren L, Zhang J.Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2016; 42(6):521-34.????
5)? Song C, Wang JC, Mo CP Mu S, Jiang XG, Li XY, Zhong SZ, Zhao ZF, Zhou GQ*. Use of Ferritin Expression, Regulated by Neural Cell-Specific Promoters in Human Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells, to Monitor Differentiation with Magnetic Resonance?Imaging In Vitro. PloS One, 2015. | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0132480????
6)? Zhou Z, Gao M, Wei F, Liang J, Deng W, Dai X, Zhou G*, Zou X. Shock absorbing function study on denucleated intervertebral disc with or without hydrogel injection through static and dynamic biomechanical tests in vitro. Biomed Res Int. 2014; 2014:461724.????
7)? Liao H, Zhou GQ*. Development and progress of engineering of skeletal muscle tissue. Tiss Eng. 2009, 15: 319-31.????
8)? Deng Y, Liu Y, Zhu W, Bi X, Wang Y, Ye MH, Zhou G*.The co-graft of human bone marrow stromal cells and embryo olfactory ensheathing cells promotes the functional recovery of the spinal cord injury in rats, Cytotherapy, 2008, 10, 551-64.????
9)? Xie H, Yang F, Deng L, Luo J, Qin T, Li X, Zhou GQ*, Yang Z. The performance of a bone-derived scaffold material in the repair of critical bone defects in a rhesus monkey model. Biomaterials. 2007; 28: 3314-24.????
10)? Wang Y, Deng Y, Zhou GQ*. SDF-1a/CXCR4-mediated migration of systemically transplanted bone marrow stromal cells towards ischemic brain lesion in a rat model. Brain Res. 2008;1195:104-12.????
11)? Deng YB, Liu XG, Liu ZG, Liu XL, Liu Y, Zhou GQ*. Implantation of BM mesenchymal stem cells into injured spinal cord elicits de novo neurogenesis and functional recovery: evidence from a study in rhesus monkeys. Cytotherapy 2006; 8:210-4.???????
3.??Novel Approach to Activating Tissue Endogenous Stem Cells????
I propose the activation of tissue endogenous stem cells as a new branch of regenerative medicine. My group identified and characterized tissue residing stem cells from tissues previously thought to have little regenerative properties, such as healthy and degenerative intervertebral disc and cartilage. My group is also developing small molecule-based strategies to activate endogenous tissue residing stem cells in cartilage, which is thought to have bad repair opportunities, in bone, in which the remodeling imbalance results in high osteoporosis. Representative publications include:????
1)? Leung VYL, Zhou L, Tam WK, Sun Y, Lv F, Zhou G, Cheung KMC. Bone morphogenetic protein-2 and -7 mediate the anabolic function of nucleus pulposus cells with discrete mechanisms. Connect Tissue Res. 2017; 58(6):573-585.????
2)? Yuan R, Ma S, Zhu X, Li J, Liang Y, Liu T, Zhu Y, Zhang B, Tan S, Guo H, Guan S, Ao P, Zhou G*. Core level regulatory network of osteoblast as molecular mechanism for osteoporosis and treatment. Oncotarget. 2016; 7(4):3692-701.????
3)? Su?X, Zuo W, Wu Z, Chen J, Wu N, Ma P, Xia Z, Jiang C, Ye Z, Liu S, Liu J, Zhou G, Wan C, Qiu G. CD146?as a new marker for an increased chondroprogenitor cell sub-population in the later stages of osteoarthritis. J Orthop Res. 2015; 33(1):84-91. ????
4)? Wan?L, Zhang F, He Q, Tsang WP, Lu L, Li Q, Wu Z, Qiu G, Zhou G, ?Wan?C. EPO?promotes bone repair through enhanced cartilaginous callus formation and angiogenesis.? ?PLoS One. 2014; 9(7):e102010. ????
5)? Tan S, Zhang B an S, Zhang B, Zhu X, Ao P, Guo H, Yi W, Zhou GQ*. Deregulation of bone forming cells in bone diseases and anabolic effects of strontium-containing agents and biomaterials. Biomed Res Int. 2014; 2014:814057.????
6)? Huang S, Leung VYL, Long D, Chan D, Lu WW, Cheung KMC, Zhou GQ*. Coupling of small leucine-rich proteoglycans to hypoxic survival of a progenitor cell-like subpopulation in Rhesus Macaque intervertebral disc. Biomaterials. 2013; 34(28):6548-6558.????
7)? Peng SL**, Zhou GQ**, Li ZY, Chueng KMC, KD Luk, Lu WW. Strontium promotes osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells through enhancing the Ras/ERK MAPK signalling. Cell Physiol Biechem. 2009, 23: 23:165–174.????
8)? Abbah SA, Lu WW, Peng SL, Tam WK, Aladin DMK, Cheung KMC, Luk KDK, Zhou GQ*. Extracellular matrix stability of primary mammalian chondrocytes and intervetebral disc cells cultured in alginate-based microbead hydrogels. Cell Transplant. 2008, 17: 1181-92.???????
4.??Innovative Approach to Obtaining New Stem Cell Resources????
Taking advantage of cell reprogramming technologies, my group is currently developing protocols to derive mesenchymal stem cells, a stem cell type that is well accepted in the clinic, from induced pluriopotent stem cells (iPSC). Representative publications include:????
1)? Zhu Y, Liang Y, Zhu H, Lian C, Wang L, Wang Y, Gu H, Zhou G, Yu X. The generation and functional characterization of induced pluripotent stem cells from human intervertebral disc nucleus pulposus cells. Oncotarget. 2017 Jun 27;8(26):42700-42711.????
2)? Zhou Y, Liu Y, Hussmann D, Br''gger P, Al-Saaidi RA, Tan S, Lin L, Petersen TS, Zhou GQ, Bross P, Aagaard L, Klein T, R''nn SG, Pedersen HD, Bolund L, Nielsen AL, S''rensen CB, Luo Y. Enhanced genome editing in mammalian cells with a modified dual-fluorescent surrogate system. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2016; 73: 2543-63.????
3)? Kang R, Zhou Y, Tan S, Zhou G*, Aagaard L, Xie L, B''nger C, Bolund L, Luo Y. Mesenchymal stem cells derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells retain adequate osteogenicity and chondrogenicity but less adipogenicity. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2015; 6:144. doi: 10.1186/s13287-015-0137-7.????
4)? Neshati Z, ?Liu J, Zhou G, Schalij MJ, de Vries AA. Development of a lentivirus vector-based assay for non-destructive monitoring of cell fusion activity. PLoS One. 2014 Jul 16;9(7):e102433.????
5)?? WIPO PCT patent:? Method for preparing mesenchymal stem cell preparation by using arthroscopic irrigation solutions. WO 2018/032123A1. ????
D.? Ongoing Research Projects????
1)? National Key R & D project, 2017YFA0105200, research on stem cell therapy based on the nonhuman primate model of major neurological diseases, 2017-2021,??RMB 2738 million, Co-PI.????
2)? Shenzhen basic research project, JCYJ20160226192924528, basic 20160016 bone joint tissue stem cell identification and isolation and treatment of articular cartilage degeneration in the pre clinical study, 2016-2019,??RMB2 millions, PI.????
3)? National Natural Science Foundation project, 81472126, based on the organization of endogenous stem cell molecular pathology analysis and intervention of osteoarthritis model identification and comparative study, 2015-2018,??RMB1.5 million, PI.????
E.? Innovative Education Practice????
???? I also have a strong interest in medical education and emphasize competent-driven and self-motivated learning. Since joining Shenzhen University Medical School as the Assistant Dean for Education, I have dedicated myself to the medical curriculum development, with an emphasis on the compatibility and comparability with main-stream international medical curricula. I have made a great deal of effort to promote the popularization of innovative teaching/learning modes, such as problem-based learning, formative assessment, and e-learning.?
?Email:[email protected]
?Office Tel:?0755-86931963