
Qianjun He(Professor)
School of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Molecular Imaging
Qianjun HE, PhD, Full Professor, Marie Curie Fellow, focuses on the scientific research on biomedical applications of mesoporous nanomaterials, making a series of achievement in anti-cancer nanomedicines and nano-biological effects. He has finished several projects, including NSFC and EU 7th Framework Programme, as a PI. He has published more than 60 SCI papers on some international leading journals including Advanced Materials, Biomaterials, ChemicalSocietyReviews, where there are more than 30 first/corresponding author papers and 10 of whom have been selected as ESI “Highly Cited Papers”. These papers have been cited for more than 3,000 times until 2015, yielding an h-index of 31. He has applied for 4 patents, which all have been authorized and one of which has been transferred to industry. He has received amounts of awards, including Overseas High-Caliber Personnel (2015), Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship (2012), "LU JiaXi" Youth Talent Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2012), Top-Class President Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2011), Top 100 Excellent PhD Thesis Award of CAS (2011).
Personal website: //
Education Experience
Sep 2000 ~ Jul 2004, B.Sc. in PolymerMaterialsScience & Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering Department, Wuhan Institute of Technology, P. R. China.
Sep 2004 ~ Jul 2007, M.Sc. in Materials Science, Materials Science & Engineering Department, Wuhan Institute of Technology, P. R. China.
Sep 2007 ~ Jul 2010, Ph.D. in Materials Physics and Chemistry, State Key Lab of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics (SIC), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), P. R. China.
Work Experience
Jul 2010 ~ Sep 2012, Assistant Professor, State Key Lab of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics (SIC), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), P. R. China.
Sep 2012 ~ Sep 2014, Marie Curie Fellow, School of Chemistry, University of Leeds, United Kingdom.
Nov 2014 ~ Jul 2015, Post-doc Research Fellow, National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, National Institutes of Health, USA.
Jul 2015 ~ Present, Full Professor, PI, School of Medicine, Shenzhen University, P. R. China.
Research Directions
1. Synthesis of Functional Nanomaterials: Controlled synthesis and multifunctionalization of porous, hollow nano-structures;
2. Biomedical Application of Functional Nanomaterials: Targeted drug delivery, controlled drug release, biomedical imaging, nano-theranostics, anti-metastasis, nanomedicine gas therapy;
3. Nano-Biological Effects: Interaction between nanomaterials and biomolecule, genes, cell, tissue, blood fluid and living body.
1. Peacock Plane, startup ? 5,000,000, PI, 2016?2019.
2. 7th Framework Programme of EU, Marie Curie Actions — International Incoming Fellowships (IIF),????? PINSYS — Bio-inspired approaches to porous inorganic nanoparticles and their application as targeted drug delivery systems (299636), € 209,033, PI, 2012?2014.
3. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Mesoporous silicon oxide nano-structure with bifunction of framework luminescence and drug delivery, and its performances (51102259), ? 250,000, PI, 2012?2014.
4. Science Foundation for Youth Scholar of State Key Lab, Mesoporous silica-based pH-responsive sustained/controlled-release nano anticancer drug delivery systems and preclinical study (SKL201001), ? 200,000, PI, 2011?2013.
5. Science & Technology Innovation Project of SIC CAS, Mesoporous silica-based pH-responsive nano multidrug delivery systems and applications in overcoming the multidrug resistance in tumors (Y11ZC4140G), ? 60,000, PI, 2011?2012.
6. National Nature Science Foundation of China, Synthesis and biological effects of composite nanostructures (50823007), ? 1,400,000, Co-I,?? 2007?2012.
Representative Papers
1. Qianjun He, D. O. Kiesewetter, Y. Qu, X. Fu, J. Fan, P. Huang, Y. Liu, G. Zhu, Y. Liu, Z. Qian, X. Chen, NIR-responsive on-demand release of CO from metal carbonyl-caged graphene oxide nanomedicine, Advanced Materials, 2015, 27, 6741-6746. (Outside Front Cover)
2. Jing Fan, Nongyue He,* Qianjun He*, Yi Liu, Ying Ma, Xiao Fu, Yijing Liu, Peng Huang, Xiaoyuan Chen,* A novel self-assembled sandwich nanomedicine for NIR-responsive release of NO, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 20055-20062.
3. Qianjun He*, Shengrong Guo, Zhiyong Qian*, Xiaoyuan Chen*, Development of individualized anti-metastasis strategies by engineering nanomedicines, ChemicalSocietyReviews, 2015, 44, 6258–6286. (IF=33.3)
4. Qianjun He*, Jianlin Shi*, MSN anti-cancer nanomedicines: Chemotherapy enhancement, overcoming of drug resistance and metastasis inhibition, AdvancedMaterials, 2014, 26, 391–411. (Times cited: 53)
5. Qianjun He, Ming Ma, Chenyang Wei, Jianlin Shi, Mesoporous carbon@silicon-silica nanotheranostics for synchronous delivery of insoluble drugs and luminescence imaging, Biomaterials, 2012, 33, 4392–4402.
6. Qianjun He, Yu Gao, Jianlin Shi, Lingxia Zhang, Zhiwen Zhang, Fang Gao, Xiufeng Ji, Yaping Li, A pH-responsive mesoporous silica nanoparticles-based multi-drug delivery system for overcoming multi-drug resistance, Biomaterials, 2011, 32, 7711–7720. (Times cited: 107)
7. Qianjun He, Jianlin Shi, Xiangzhi Cui, Chenyang Wei, Lingxia Zhang, Wei Wu, Wenbo Bu, Hangrong Chen, Huixia Wu, Synthesis of oxygen-deficient luminescent mesoporous silica nanoparticles for synchronous drug delivery and imaging, ChemicalCommunications, 2011, 47, 7947–7949. (Outside Front Cover)
8. Qianjun He, Jianlin Shi, Mesoporous silica nanoparticles based nano drug delivery systems: Synthesis, drug controlled release and delivery, pharmacokinetics and biocompatibility, JournalofMaterialsChemistry, 2011, 21, 5845–5855. (Invited Feature Review, Times cited: 238)
9. Qianjun He, Zhiwen Zhang, Fang Gao, Jianlin Shi, Yaping Li, In vivo biodistribution and urinary excretion of mesoporous silica nanoparticles: Effects of particle size and PEGylation, Small, 2011, 7, 271–280. (Times cited: 138)
10. Qianjun He, Jianlin Shi, Feng Chen, Min Zhu, Lingxia Zhang, An anticancer drug system based on surfactant templated mesoporous silica nanoparticles, Biomaterials, 2010, 31, 3335–3346. (Times cited: 89)
11. Qianjun He, Jiamin Zhang, Feng Chen, Limin Guo, Ziyan Zhu, Jianlin Shi, An anti-ROS/hepatic fibrosis drug delivery system based on salvianolic acid B loaded mesoporous silica nanoparticles, Biomaterials, 2010, 31, 7785–7796.
12. Qianjun He, Jiamin Zhang, Jianlin Shi, Ziyan Zhu, Linxia Zhang, Wenbo Bu, Limin Guo, Yu Chen, The effect of PEGylation of mesoporous silica nanoparticles on nonspecific binding of serum proteins and cellular responses, Biomaterials, 2010, 31, 1085–1092. (Times cited: 161)
13. Qianjun He, Zhiwen Zhang, Yu Gao, Jianlin Shi, Yaping Li, Intracellular localization and cytotoxicity of spherical mesoporous silica nano-/micro-particles, Small, 2009, 5, 2722–2729. (Times cited: 110)
14. Qianjun He, Jianlin Shi, Xiangzhi Cui, Jinjin Zhao, Yu Chen, Jian Zhou, Rhodamine B-co-condensed subsphaeroidal SBA-15 nanoparticles: Facile co-condensation synthesis and excellent fluorescence features, JournalofMaterialsChemistry, 2009, 19, 3395–3403. (Cover Paper)
15. Qianjun He, Jianlin Shi, Jinjin Zhao, Yu Chen, Feng Chen, Bottom-up tailoring of nonionic surfactant-templated mesoporous silica nanomaterials by a novel composite liquid crystal templating mechanism, JournalofMaterialsChemistry, 2009, 19, 6498–6503.?
Honors & Awards
1.? 2012 Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship
2.? 2012 "LU JiaXi" Youth Talent Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Top 50)
3.? 2011 Top-Class President Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Top 40)
4.? 2011 Top 100 Excellent PhD Thesis Award of CAS (1%)
5.? 2011 Excellent Staff Individual Award of SIC CAS
6.? 2010 Outstanding PhD Graduates of CAS (2% students)
7.? 2010 “Talent Search” Youth Academy Report Award of SIC CAS (1st Prize)
8.? 2008 Excellent MD Thesis Award of Hubei Province
Scientific Part-time
Membership of the Chinese Society for Biomaterials (CSBM, Member No. 130125)
Membership of the UK Society for Biomaterials (UKSB, Member No. 0229)
EU Marie Curie Fellowship
Youth Innovation Promotion Association of Chinese Academy of Sciences: First-batch Member; Emblem Designer
? Email: [email protected]
? Office Tel:?0755-86172023
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