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Duo Zheng

Date:2020-01-13 11:27:05 Hits: times [Font size: Small Large]


Professor, Deputy Director of Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Translational Medicine of Tumor   


Research in my lab has been continuously supported by the National Natural Science Foundation in China (NSFC), Science and Technology Program of Guangdong Province, Shenzhen Basic Research Program, and Shenzhen University International Cancer Center.


Research Interests:

My research interests mainly focus on molecular mechanism study of cancer, anti-cancer drug exploring. My lab is actively working on determination of the role of important molecules in tumorigenesis, metastasis and drug-resistanceon lung,breastand nasopharynx cancer, exploringnovel interact proteins and post-translational modifications (e.g., phosphorylation, ubiquitination, methylation and acetylation). We are also interested in targeted anti-cancer approach by compounds.


Research Projects:

the National Nature Science Foundation of China (81372149)

Duo Zheng, PI

EGFR/TRPV1 signal pathway in cancer development

01/2014 to 12/2017, ¥700,000


the National Nature Science Foundation of Guangdong Province2019A1515010210

Duo Zheng, PI

KLF4/CDK3 feed loop in of non-small cell lung cancer development

10/2019 to /09/2022, ¥100,000


the National Nature Science Foundation of Guangdong Province2014A030313547

Duo Zheng, PI

EGFR mediated TRPV1 phosphorylation on membrane channel and tumor development

 01/2015 to 01/2018, ¥100,000


Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission Grant (JCYJ20160427105140594)

Duo Zheng, PI

MicroRNAs targeting cell cycle regulating proteins

06/2016 to 06/2019, 3,000,000


Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission Grant (JCYJ20180507182427559)

Duo Zheng, PI

EGFR TKIs resistance in lung adenocarcinoma

03/2019-03/2022 2,000,000


Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission Grant (GJHZ20180418190559891)

Duo Zheng, PI

KLF4 phosphorylation in the development of lung cancer,

09/2018-09/2020, 500,000


Selected Peer-reviewed Publications:

1. Tian Xiao, Joe Jiang Zhu, Shiying Huang, Cong Peng, Shiping He, Jie Du, Ruisha Hong, Xianxiong Chen, Ann M. Bode, Wenqi Jiang, Zigang Dong*, Duo Zheng*. Phosphorylation of NFAT3 by CDK3 induces cell transformation and promotes tumor growth in skin cancer. Oncogene. 2017 May 18;36(20):2835-2845.

2. Guanqun Huang#, Shuaihu Li#, Nuo Yang, Yongdong Zou, Duo Zheng*, Tian Xiao*. Recent progress in circular RNAs in human cancers. Cancer Lett. 2017 Sep 28; 404:8-18

3. Jiang Zhu #, Shiping He #, Jie Du, Zhulin Wang, Wang Li, Xianxiong Chen, Wenqi Jiang *, Duo Zheng *, Guangyi Jin *. Local administration of a novel TLR7 agonist in combination with doxorubicin induces durable tumoricidal effects in a murine model of T cell lymphoma. Journal of Hematology & Oncology. 2015 Mar 4;8(1):21.

4. Jiannan Zhang#, Tao Chen#, Qin Mao, Jinbo Lin, Jun Jia, Shanquan Li, Wenhao Xiong, Yingying Lin, Zhiqiang Liu, Xiaoyu Liu, Hailiang Zhao, Guisong Wang*, Duo Zheng*, Shuqi Qiu*,Jianwei Ge*. PDGFR-β-activated ACK1-AKT Signaling Promotes Glioma Tumorigenesis. Int J Cancer. 2015 Apr 15;136(8):1769-80.


