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Taewan Kim

来源: 发布时间:2020-01-13 10:40:05 浏览次数: 【字体:


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Taewan Kim博士先后毕业于韩国庆北国立大学(理学学士)、韩国光州科技学院(硕士),随后在俄亥俄州立大学癌症生物学和遗传学系获得博士学位,师从Carlo M. Croce博士。并在俄亥俄州立大学医学中心、范德比尔特大学医学中心和德克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症中心进行了博士后培训。在加入深圳大学卡尔森国际肿瘤中心之前,于俄亥俄州立大学综合癌症中心担任研究员(具有PI职位)。市级人才。

在博士期间和之后的研究中,其主要研究方向是非编码RNA,包括microRNAlncRNA,并揭示了众多新型的非编码RNA及其在癌症中的作用。其关于microRNA在癌症中的作用发表于Nature communication等著名刊物(Kim T, et al., J. Exp. Med. 2011; Kim T, et al., Nat. Commun. 2018)。此外,他还曾发现并命名了多个新的长非编码RNA,包括CARLo家族(Kim T, et al., P.N.A.S. 2014),CCAT家族和MYCLo家族(Kim T, et al., J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 2015)。在此后的研究中,他进一步阐释了新型非编码RNA及其在癌症中的功能/调节机制并发表在同行评审的期刊上,包括Cancer Cell, Journal of National Cancer Institute (JNCI), Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM), Nature Communications, PNAS, Clinical Cancer ResearchOncogene。他是Molecular Therapy (Cell Press)期刊的副主编和Cancers (MDPI)期刊的学术编辑。






  • 筛选和鉴定作为癌症的诊断标志物和治疗靶点的新非编码RNA

  • 癌症中非编码RNA的功能和调节机制的研究

  • 研究癌症中RNA结合蛋白及其与非编码RNA的功能

  • 发现新型非编码RNA,例如tRF和circRNA。



1. Kim T, Veronese A, Pichiorri F, Lee TJ, Jeon Y-J, Volinia S, Pineau P, Marchio A, Palatini J, Suh SS, Alder H, Liu CG, Dejean A, Croce CM. p53 regulates epithelial-mesenchymal transition through microRNAs targeting ZEB1 and ZEB2. J Exp Med. 2011;208:875.

-Highlighted in J Cell Biol. (2011;193:i8), and High-impact paper (2011) & highly cited paper (2013) selected by Biological Research Information Center


2. Kim T, Cui R, Jeon YJ, Lee JH, Lee JH, Sim H, Park JK, Fadda P, Tili E, Nakanishi H, Huh M-I, Kim S-H, Cho JH, Sung BH, Peng Y, Lee TJ, Luo Z, Sun H-L, Wei H, Alder H, Oh JS, Shim KS, Ko SB, Croce CM. Long-range interaction and correlation between MYC enhancer and oncogenic long noncoding RNA CARLo-5. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2014;111:4173.

-High-impact paper (2014) & highly cited paper (2017) selected by Biological Research Information Center


3. Kim T, Jeon YJ, Cui R, Lee JH, Peng Y, Kim SH, Tili E, Alder H, Croce CM. Role of MYC-Regulated Long Noncoding RNAs in Cell Cycle Regulation and Tumorigenesis. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2015;107:dju505.

-High-impact paper (2015) & highly cited paper (2018) selected by Biological Research Information Center


4. Kim T†, Croce CM. Long noncoding RNAs: Undeciphered cellular codes encrypting keys of colorectal cancer pathogenesis. Cancer Letters 2018;417:89. (†Corresponding)


5. Jeon Y*, Kim T*, Park D, Nuovo GJ, Rhee S, Joshi P, Lee B, Jeong J, Suh SS, Grotzke JE, Kim S, Song J, Sim H, Kim Y,  Peng Y, Jeong Y, Garofalo M, Zanesi N, Kim J, Liang G, Nakano I, Cresswell P, Nana-Sinkam P, Cui R, Croce CM. miRNA-mediated TUSC3 deficiency enhances UPR and ERAD to promote metastatic potential of NSCLC. Nat Commun. 2018;9:5110. (* Equal contribution)

-High-impact paper (2018) selected by Biological Research Information Center


6. Liao Y, Jung S, Kim T.  A-to-I RNA editing as a tuner of noncoding RNAs in cancer. Cancer Letters 2020;494:88.


7. Lin P, Wang M, Kim T, Wei X. Coronavirus in human diseases: Mechanisms and advances in clinical treatment. MedComm. 2020;1:270. († Corresponding)


8. Kim T†, Croce CM. MicroRNAs & ER stress in cancer. Seminars in Cancer Biology 2021;75:3. († Corresponding)

-High-impact paper (2021) selected by Biological Research Information Center


9. Kim T. Nucleic acids in cancer diagnosis & therapy. Cancers2023;15:1938.


10. Kim T†, Croce CM. MicroRNA: trends in clinical trials of cancer diagnosis and therapy strategies. Exp Mol Med. 2023;55:1314. († Corresponding)

