团队致力于肿瘤发生发展机制研究。通过分子生物学、细胞生物学、免疫学、动物模型及生物信息学等方式,对DNA损伤修复机制及基因组不稳定与癌症发生发展的关系等内容展开了一系列研究,作为第一作者或责任作者参与的研究成果包括:(1)利用动物模型阐释了非同源末端连接因子Xlf与DNA损伤修复因子53BP1在淋巴细胞发育及淋巴瘤发生发展中的关键作用。此研究获得美国白血病与淋巴瘤协会基金支持(2)阐释了甲基转移酶Set7/9通过与去乙酰化酶Sirt1的相互作用调节抑癌基因p53活性的分子机制。(3)细致区分了DNA依赖性蛋白激酶DNA-PKcs不同的磷酸化在DNA损伤修复中起到的不同作用。(4)解释了新发现的DNA损伤修复因子Paxx与非同源末端连接因子Xlf在淋巴细胞发育过程及非同源末端连接中的协同作用。 (5)阐述了DNA损伤相关因子CtIP在淋巴细胞发育中的作用。(6)阐释了一个新的组蛋白修饰H3K14甲基化修饰在复制压力情况下的新功能。这些工作分别以研究文章和综述的形式发表在国际著名学术刊物如:PNAS(3篇), Molecular Cell,Nat Commun,JEM,Cancer Cell等。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81972661,CtIP介导的DNA剪切功能在染色体易位引起的癌症中的作用机制研究,2020.01-2023.12,55万元
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,82273149,甲基转移酶SETD2通过催化Dot1L甲基化调控DNA损伤后修复的机制研究,2023.01-2026.12,52万元
1. Qian Zhu, Qiaoyan Yang, Hui Wang, Xiaopeng Lu, Lili Tong, Ge Liu, Yantao Bao,Xingzhi Xu, Luo Gu, Xiangyu Liu* and Wei-Guo Zhu*. SETD2-mediated H3K14 trimethylation promotes ATR activation and stalled replication fork restart in response to DNA replication stress. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2021 Jun 8;118(23):e2011278118.
2.Xiangyu Liu#, Xiaobin S. Wang#, Brian J. Lee, Foon K. Wu-Baer, Xiaohui Lin, Zhengping Shao, Verna M. Estes, Jean Gautier, Richard Baer, Shan Zha. CtIP is dispensable for end joining but essential for lymphocyte development.Journal of Experimental Medicine2019 May 16. pii: jem.20181139. doi: 10.1084/jem.20181139.
3.Xiangyu Liu, Zhengping Shao, Wenxia Jiang, Brian J. Lee, Shan Zha. PAXX promotes KU-accumulation at DNA breaks and is essential for end-joining in XLF-deficient mice. Nature Communications. 2017 Jan 4; 8:13816.
4.Wenxia Jiang#, Jennifer L. Crowe#, Xiangyu Liu#, Satoshi Nakajima, Yunyue Wang, Chen Li, Brian J. Lee, Richard L. Dubois, Chao Liu, Xiaochun Yu, Li Lan, Shan Zha. Differential Phosphorylation of DNA-PKcs Regulates the Interplay between End-Processing and End-Ligation during Nonhomologous End-Joining. Molecular Cell. 2015 Apr 2;58(1):172-85.
5.Xiangyu Liu#, Wenxia Jiang#, Richard L. Dubois, Kenta Yamamoto, Zachary Wolner, Shan Zha. Overlapping functions between XLF repair protein and 53BP1 DNA damage response factor in end joining and lymphocyte development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.2012 Mar 6;109(10):3903-8.
6. Xiangyu Liu#, Donglai Wang#, Ying Zhao, Bo Tu, Zhixing Zheng, Lina Wang, Haiying Wang, Wei Gu, Robert G. Roeder, Wei-Guo Zhu. Methyltransferase Set7/9 regulates p53 activity by interacting with Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2011 Feb 1;108(5):1925-30.
7. Xiangyu Liu, Shan Zha. ATMIN: A New Tumor Suppressor in Developing B Cells. Cancer Cell. 2012 May17;19(5):569-70 (Preview).
8. Xiangyu Liu*,#, Muhammad Irfan, Xingzhi Xu, Chi-Yen Tay & Barry J. Marshall* Helicobacter pylori infection induced genome instability and gastric cancer. Genome Instability & Disease. 2020 Apr
9. Jialin Tang, Zhongxia Li, Qiong Wu, Muhammad Irfan, Weili Li and Xiangyu Liu* (2022) Role of Paralogue of XRCC4 and XLF in DNA Damage Repair and Cancer Development. Front. Immunol. 13:852453. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.852453
10. Ying Zhao, Jing Yang, Wenjuan Liao, Xiangyu Liu, Hui Zhang, Shan Wang, Donglai Wang, Jingnan Feng, Li Yu, Wei-Guo Zhu. Cytosolic FoxO1 is essential for the induction of autophagy and tumour suppressor activity. Nature Cell Biology. 2010 Jul;12(7):665-75.