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香港科技大学本科与硕士学位,美国加州大学河滨分校博士学位,美国希望之城(City of Hope)国家医学中心博士后。2020年被澳门博彩在线 国际肿瘤中心聘为副教授,2022年被聘为特聘教授。国家级人才。

长期聚焦肿瘤免疫学领域,探究肿瘤发生发展对患者全身性免疫系统的影响作用;同时与临床紧密合作,开展实体肿瘤免疫治疗标志物的转化医学研究。近年来以第一作者在Nature Immunology、Cancer Research等国际知名刊物共发表学术论文10余篇,其中第一作者7篇,总SCI他引次数近400次,撰写Springer Nature出版社书籍章节1章。2015年获得美国V Foundation转化医学研究基金一项(20万美元),参与美国国立卫生研究院和国防部等免疫治疗科研项目5项。






1. Wang L, Simons D, Lu X, Tu T, Solomon S, Wang R, Rosario A, Avalos C, Schmolze D, Yim J, Waisman J and Lee P. Connecting blood and intratumoral Treg cell activity in predicting future relapse in breast cancer. Nature Immunology, 2019, 20(9):1220-1230.   

2.Wang L and Lee P. Systemic correlates of the tumor microenvironment. Cancer Treatment and Research, Springer, 2020,180:97-109.

3. Wang L#, Miyahira A#, Simons D, Lu X, Chang A, Wang C, Suni M, Maino V, Dirbas F, Yim J, Waisman J and Lee P. IL-6 signaling in peripheral blood T cells predicts clinical outcome of breast cancer. Cancer Research, 2017, 77(5):1119-1126.

4. Wang L, Simons D, Lu X, Tu T, Avalos C, Chang A, Dribas F, Yim J, Waisman J and Lee P. Breast cancer induces systemic immune changes on cytokine signaling in peripheral blood monocytes and lymphocytes.  EBioMedicine, 2020, 52(102631).

5. Wang L, Li WF, Lin MQ, Garcia M, Mulholland D, Lilly M and Martins-Green M. Luteolin, ellagic acid and punicic acid are natural products that inhibit prostate cancer metastasis. Carcinogenesis, 2014, 35(10):2321-2330.


