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来源: 发布时间:2020-09-27 16:32:21 浏览次数: 【字体:



2012年获得爱尔兰科克大学(UCC)计算生物学博士学位。2012-2016年曾先后在美国塔夫茨大学(Tufts University)和法国巴斯德研究所(Institut Pasteur)进行研究工作,市级人才。曾获得爱尔兰科学、工程与技术研究委员会奖学金、欧盟CASyM交流计划研究基金。研究工作致力于将先进的计算方法结合多维度生物信息和临床数据(基因测序,表观遗传学数据,细胞群,组织内环境信号),对复杂系统(微生物群落,肿瘤和免疫系统)进行分析,并用分析结果和计算模型预测,辅助疾病预测和新型治疗的研发。以第一作者/通讯作者发表SCI论文十余篇,包括Cancer Research, J. Crohns Colitis, mSystems等知名期刊,近三年影响因子IF=40.5,平均5.06)。中华医学会消化病学分会第十一届委员会微生态学组委员,中国抗癌协会肿瘤与微生态专委会青年委员候选人,中国肠微生态-疾病整合联盟专家委员。Frontiers in Microbiology(IF=4.235)期刊特约编辑。




2.国家自然科学基金面上项目 (81973664),基于肠道菌群-调节性T细胞路径探讨粪菌移植联合柴苓汤诱导小鼠心脏移植免疫耐受的实验研究 ,2020/01-2022/12,在研,主要参与人

3.深圳市技术创新计划,重 20170441,向代谢疾病的肠道菌群分析关键技术研发,2018/01-2019/12, 450万元,结题,联合主持


5.爱尔兰科学、工程与技术研究委员会奖学金, PGR13201,72万元,2009/01-2012/03,结题,主持



1.Gao X, McDonald JT, Enderling H, et al. Acute and fractionated irradiation differentially modulate glioma stem cell division kinetics. Cancer Res; 2013;73(5):1481-90.

2.Wang Y#, Gao X# (并列第一作者), Zhang T, et al. Characteristics of Fecal Microbiota in Pediatric Crohn's Disease and Their Dynamic Changes During Infliximab Therapy. J Crohns Colitis. 2018;12(3):337-346.

3.Wang Y#, Gao X# (并列第一作者), Zhang T, et al. Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis is Associated with Altered Bile Acid Metabolism in Infantile Cholestasis. mSystems. 2019. 4(6):e00463-19.

4.Gao X第一作者,通讯作者, Sishc BJ, Nelson CB, Hahnfeldt P, Bailey SM, Hlatky L. Radiation-Induced Reprogramming of Pre-Senescent Mammary Epithelial Cells Enriches Putative CD44+/CD24−/low Stem Cell Phenotype. Front Oncol. 2016;6:138. 

5.Niu J,… Gao X# (通讯作者). Evolution of the Gut Microbiome in Early Childhood: A Cross-Sectional Study of Chinese Children Jing Niu. Front Microbiol.2020;11:439.

6.Gao X第一作者,通讯作者, Zhang M, Hao Y, et al. Body mass index differences in the gut microbiota are gender specific. Front Microbiol.2018; 9: 1250.

7.Wang Z#, Gao X# (并列第一作者), et al. Changes of the Gastric Mucosal Microbiome Associated With Histological Stages of Gastric Carcinogenesis. Front Microbiol. 2020;11:997.

8.Li X#, Gao X# (并列第一作者), Hu H, Xiao Y, Li D, Yu G, Yu D, Zhang T and Wang Y. Clinical Efficacy and Microbiome Changes Following Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in Children with Recurrent Clostridium Difficile Infection. Front Microbiol. 2018; 9: 2622.

9.Gao X, Huynh BT, Guillemot D, Glaser P and Opatowski L. Inference of significant microbial interactions from longitudinal metagenomics data. Front Microbiol. 2018; 9: 2319.

10.Zhao Y#, Gao X# (共同通讯作者), Guo J, Yu D, Xiao Y, Wang H, Li Y. Helicobacter pylori infection alters gastric and tongue coating microbial communities. Helicobacter. 2019. 24(2):e12567.

11.Gao X, Arpin C, Crauste F, et al. Distinct IL-2 sensitivity and exogenous IL2 concentration tune CD8+ T cells activation time: a multiscale modeling study. BMC Systems Biology. 2016;10:77.

12.Gao X第一作者,通讯作者, McDonald JT, Hlatky L, et al. A proposed quantitative index for assessing the potential contribution of reprogramming to cancer stem cell kinetics. Stem Cells International. 2014;2014:249309.

