
Genome Instability & Disease Volume 1. Issue 2 简介

来源: 发布时间:2020-09-18 16:57:26 浏览次数: 【字体:


Issue 2

1.ATM, DNA-PKcs and ATR: shaping development through the regulation of the DNA damage responses | Demis Menolfi,Shan Zha

ATM, DNA-PKcs and ATR are three PI3-kinase-related protein kinases located at the apex of the DNA damage response (DDR) complex to maintain genomic stability, which is crucial for normal development, healthy aging and prevention of cancer. In this review, Demis Menolfi and Shan Zha discuss how their activation mechanism and how their deficiency leads to specific physiological and pathophysiological consequences, providing essential insight into the structural functions of these proteins beyond their kinase activity, their interaction with co-factors and the developmental and physiological implications.

DNA损伤反应(DDR)过程中,ATM,DNA-PKcs和ATR是三个关键的调控因子,这三个PI3相关蛋白激酶在维持基因组稳定性,保持个体正常发育,健康衰老与预防癌症中发挥着重要的作用。在这篇综述中,Demis Menolfi和Shan Zha讨论了ATM,DNA-PKcs和ATR的激活机制,以及它们的缺陷如何导致特定的生理病理疾病,从而帮助我们更加深入的了解这些蛋白激酶的作用机制,以及针对这些靶点开发相应的药物与制定治疗方案。

本文的通讯作者是来自哥伦比亚大学微生物与免疫学系的Shan Zha教授,Demis Menolfi是本文的第一作者。


Shan Zha教授 



2.Ubiquitin and the DNA double-strand break repair pathway | Somaira Nowsheen, Min Deng, Zhenkun Lou

Ubiquitin is important in DNA damage repaired. In this review, Zhenkun Lou and colleagues describe how ubiquitination happen and its regulations on various cellular functions, especially on the DNA double-strand break repair. This would help us understanding more on the central roles of ubiquitination in DNA damage response.



本文的通讯作者是来自美国梅奥诊所肿瘤科的楼振坤教授,第一作者是Somaira Nowsheen






3.Crosstalk between signaling pathways and DNA damage response | Kangjunjie Wang, Long Li, Yuxue Zhang, Daming Gao

DNA damage response (DDR) is a complicated progress that involved with various growth signaling pathways. In this review, Daming Gao and colleagues systematically introduce five signaling pathways and their interactions with DDR. This would expand our knowledge of growth signaling networks and help us to design more efficient therapies to related diseases.



本文的通讯作者是高大明研究员,来自上海中科院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所,第一作者是Kangjunjie Wang.






4.Maintaining genomic stability in pluripotent stem cells | Ping Zheng

Comparing with differentiated cells, pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) are found to be better in maintaining genomic stability. In this review, ping Zheng summarizes how PSCs deal with DNA replication-associated stress, and repair DNA damages. The knowledge obtained from PSCs could provide clues for disease therapy.











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