Genome Instability & Disease Volume 2. Issue 1 简介
1. Locked in a vicious cycle: the connection betweengenomic instability and a loss of protein homeostasis |Wouter Huiting & Steven Bergink
Genomic integrity and proteotoxic stress often occur simultaneously and mediate the pathophysiology of various distinct diseases. In this review, Steven Bergink and Wouter Huiting from the University of Groningen (Netherlands) discuss the complex relationship between the two processes. They propose that enhancing protein quality control systems could be a promising therapeutic strategy in diseases associated with genomic instability.
基因组不稳定与蛋白质毒性经常在不同的疾病伴随着发生。有鉴于此,Steven Bergink及其同事在这篇综述里讨论了两者之间复杂的关系,并提出了“增强蛋白质质量控制系统可能是与基因组不稳定相关疾病潜在的治疗策略”的观点。来自荷兰University of Groningen的Wouter Huiting 是本文的第一作者, Steven Bergink是通讯作者。
Steven Bergink教授://
2. LncRNAs as key players in the MYC pathways |Taewan Kim
Research conducted over the past decade has demonstrated the abundance and functional diversity of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), and their contribution to pathological pathways underlying various diseases. MYC is one of the most critical genes involved in cancer control. In this review, Taewan Kim from Shenzhen University (China) outlines the functional relevance of MYC-related lncRNAs and their relevance to mediating cancer progression.
MYC是控制癌症最关键的基因之一。近年来,人类基因组中的长非编码RNA(lncRNA)被发现参与调控很多已知的细胞通路。在这篇综述里,Taewan Kim详细讨论了与MYC相关的lncRNA在MYC活性和MYC途径中的各种功能与机制,帮助我们更好地理解癌症及MYC相关通路。深圳大学的Taewan Kim副教授是本文的唯一作者。
Taewan Kim副教授://
3. End resection: a key step in homologous recombination and DNA double-strand break repair | Sijie Liu & Daochun Kong
DNA end resection in eukaryotes is a key step in DNA double-strand break repair. In this review, Daochun Kong and Sijie Liu from Beijing University (China) explain the process of end resection and outline some of the latest findings produced in this field over the past two decades. Importantly, Kong and Liu highlight the significance of DNA end resection in terms of the mechanisms underlying diseases characterized by genomic instability.
4. Chromatin replication and parental histone allocation. | Qing Wen, Yuan Yao, Xinran Li, Zheng Hu, Hui Mei & Haiyun Gan
During DNA replication, parental histones and newly synthesized histones are deposited on the replicated DNA. The distribution of these histones is critical to determining and maintaining cell fate in multicellular organisms. In this review, Haiyun Gan and colleagues from Shenzhen University (China) discuss the latest findings regarding parental histone deposition onto replicating DNA strands. Specifically, they outline how these histones segregate to symmetrically or asymmetrically dividing daughter cells to propagate epigenetic information across cell divisions and determine cell fate.
在DNA复制过程中,来自父母组蛋白与新合成的组蛋白均沉积在复制的DNA上,其分配方式对于确定和维持多细胞生物中的细胞命运至关重要。在这篇综述里,甘海云和他的同事们讨论了有关父母组蛋白沉积到复制DNA链上以及将它们分离到对称或不对称分裂子细胞的最新发现,对我们更好地理解表观遗传信息跨细胞分裂传播的途径与机制提供了帮助。来自中科院深圳先进技术研究院的Qing Wen和甘海云分别是本文的第一和通讯作者。
5. The epigenetic DNA modification 5-carboxylcytosine promotes high levels of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer formation upon UVB irradia tion.|Sang-In Kim & Gerd P. Pfeifer
5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC), 5-formylcytosine (5fC), and 5-carboxycytosine (5caC) are produced following the oxidation of 5-methylcytosine (5mC). While we know that upon UV light exposure 5mc and 5hmC can form cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs), the photobiology of 5caC and 5fC is unclear. Here, Sang-In Kim and Gerd P. Pfeifer from the Van Andel Institute, Michigan (USA) researched the role of 5caC and 5fC in DNA photolesions. They found that 5fC behaves in a similar manner to 5hmC in terms of its ability to form low levels of CPDs involving the 5fC base. By contrast, they found that DNA containing 5caC exhibits unusual photo-reactivity, particularly in response to UVB irradiation: 5caC can be part of a CPD and the presence of 5caC promotes CPD formation one-to-two nucleotide positions away from the 5caC base itself. The researchers propose that 5caC might contribute to sequence-specific DNA damage by serving as a DNA-intrinsic photosensitizer.
5-羟甲基胞嘧啶(5hmC),5-甲酰基胞嘧啶(5fC),和5-羧基胞嘧啶(5caC)是5-甲基胞嘧啶(5mC)氧化过程中的三个产物。5hmC已知是参与紫外线光损伤的重要物质,但5caC和5fC的功能至今仍不清楚。在这篇论文中,Sang-In Kim 和 Gerd P. Pfeifer对5caC和5fC在光损伤中的作用进行研究与讨论,有助我们更好地了解光损伤领域地进展。来自美国密歇根州Van Andel研究所表观遗传学中心的Sang-In Kim & Gerd P. Pfeifer院士分别为本文的第一和通讯作者。
Gerd P. Pfeifer院士 : //