
Genome Instability & Disease Volume 4. Issue 1 简介

来源: 发布时间:2023-03-20 11:24:32 浏览次数: 【字体:


1. MutS and MutL sliding clamps in DNA mismatch repair | Xiao-Peng Han, Xiao-Wen Yang & Jiaquan Liu


Nucleotide mismatches arise during DNA replication and constitute a basic cause of DNA damage. Higher eukaryotes have evolved a highly sophisticated DNA mismatch repair (MMR) pathway, which triggers apoptosis in response to these mismatches to ensure genome stability. In this review, Professor Jiaquan Liu and colleagues from the Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China, summarize recent biophysical research on the MMR core components, MutS (MSH) and MutL (MLH/PMS), which sense DNA damage. They focus on how the unique conformations of these proteins effectively coordinate the MMR response.


 Fig.1 MMR models. a Historical models of MMR initiation. b A molecular switch model of the complete E. coli MMR.








2. Mitochondrial DNA mutation affects the pluripotency of embryonic stem cells with metabolism modulation| Juntao Qi, Qi Long, Yang Yuan, Yanshuang Zhou, Jian Zhang, Zifeng Ruan, Liang Yang, Yi Wu, Ge Xiang, Wei Li, Hao Wu, Shiwei Du & Xingguo Liu  


In mammalian cells, mitochondria are the only organelle outside of the nucleus to contain DNA. Mutations to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) can cause many serious diseases. Xingguo Liu and colleagues at the Guangzhou Institute of Biomedical and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, previously reported that mtDNA mutations aggravate the aging of the female reproductive system. Now, the researchers have studied the underlying mechanisms, using embryonic stem cells (ESCs) containing a large number of mtDNA (but not genomic DNA) mutations. By this approach, they aimed to learn more about how mtDNA mutations can affect stem cell pluripotency. Interestingly, they found that mtDNA mutations can lead to down-regulated oxidative phosphorylation, causing mitochondria to subsequently produce high levels of reactive oxygen species. The overall effect was an imbalance between pluripotency and totipotency of ESCs. These new data provide a new starting point to design interventions for mtDNA-mediated diseases.


Fig. 2Generating ESCs carrying mtDNA mutations from Polg mutant mice.







3. Histone methyltransferase GLP epigenetically activates GPCPD1 to sustain cancer cell metastasis and invasion | He Wen, Minghui Shu, Jia-Yi Chen, Xiaofan Li, Qian Zhu, Jun Zhang, Yuan Tian, Xiaopeng Lu & Wei-Guo Zhu


Aberrant choline metabolism has been associated with many diseases, including cancer. Glycerophosphate choline phosphodiesterase 1 (GPCPD1) is the key enzyme needed to cleave glycerophosphate choline (GPC) to produce choline. Whether and how GPCPD1 is epigenetically regulated is unclear. Here, Professor Wei-Guo Zhu and colleagues at Shenzhen University, China, provide new data showing that the histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9) methyltransferase GLP permits the transcriptional activation of GPCPD1, together with the joint action of the transcription factor Krüppel-like factor 5 (KLF5). Through a series of in vitro experiments, they saw that by this mechanism, GPCPD1 transcription raises choline levels, which in turn promotes tumor cell migration and invasion. These findings highlight the potential of targeting GLP and KLF5 in future cancer treatments.


Fig. 3 After GPC treatment, GLP modifies H3K9 mono-methylation and recruits KLF5 to the GPCPD1 promoters to activate its transcription and permit choline biosynthesis, resulting in heightened migration and invasion capacity of cancer cells.




全文链接: //link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s42764-022-00083-0


4. DYNLL1 transcript abundance decreases during oocyte and follicular growth and is associated with fertility in mice| Caglar Berkel & Ercan Cacan


Non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) and homologous recombination (HR) are two repair pathways activated by cells following detection of a DNA double strand break (DSB). NHEJ can repair DSBs quickly but is prone to errors, while HR is slower but more accurate. In this paper, Professor Caglar Berkel and Professor Ercan Cacan from Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University, Turkey, show that the ovaries of highly fertile mice with increased ovulation express low Dynein light chain 1 (DYLL1) levels compared to wild-type control mice. They also show that the abundance of DYLL1 transcripts gradually decreases in these mice during oocyte and follicle growth. When the researchers induced ovulation with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) treatment, they saw a reduction in the level of DYLL1 mRNA transcription in the mouse cumulus-oocyte complex. They speculate, therefore, that DYLL1 might promote NHEJ and inhibit HR. If so, these findings reveal the important role of low levels of DYLL1 in maintaining the stability of mouse genome by ensuring oocyte quality and fertility.   



Fig. 4 Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) decreases DYNLL1 mRNA transcript levels in cumulus oocyte complexes in mice.


细胞面对DNA双链断裂(DSB)采用的两种主要修复途径分别为非同源末端连接(NHEJ)修复和同源重组(HR)修复,其中NHEJ能够快速修复但容易出错,HR则缓慢而准确。细胞采用何种修复方式应对DSB受到多种因素的调控,从而影响细胞的最终命运。来自土耳其Tokat Gaziosmanpasa大学的Caglar Berkel和Ercan Cacan教授发现DYLL1(Dynein轻链1)能够促进NHEJ和抑制HR,从而采用快速而易出错的修复方式。他们发现高生育力小鼠的卵巢具有较低的DYLL1,DYLL1转录物丰度在小鼠卵母细胞和卵泡生长期间逐渐降低,用人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)诱导排卵会降低小鼠卵丘-卵母细胞复合体中DYLL1 mRNA转录水平,揭示了低水平的DYLL1对维持小鼠基因组稳定性,有助于更好的生育性能的重要作用。


Ercan Cacan教授




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