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【深圳大学40周年校庆千场学术活动(第1202场)】Medical Intelligence and Extended Reality: Past, Present, and Future

来源: 发布时间:2023-07-24 16:10:56 浏览次数: 【字体:

主讲嘉宾:Prof. Pheng Ann Heng

时间: 2023725日(周二)上午 10:00 – 12:00

地点: 深圳大学丽湖校区A2-517(1)大会议室

主持人: 倪东





Technological innovation has presented new and promising ways to improve medical diagnosis, treatment, education, and healthcare service with ever-increasing rigor, subtlety, insight, and precision. Among these advanced technologies, artificial intelligence (AI) and extended reality (XR) are growing fast and making huge transformations in medicine and healthcare. Integrating AI and XR research can open many new possibilities towards achieving and delivering precision medicine for next-generation healthcare. However, there remain challenges to applying AI/XR to medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention in real-world clinical applications.


In this talk, I shall introduce our related work in applying AI and XR in medical applications.




Pheng Ann Heng is a Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and the Director of Institute of Medical Intelligence and XR at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


He received his B.Sc. (Computer Science) from the National University of Singapore in 1985 and his Ph.D. (Computer Science) from Indiana University in 1992.


He joined NUS-JHU Center for Information-enhanced Medicine at NUS in 1992 as a Research Associate. He then joined the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at CUHK as an Assistant Professor in 1995 and became a Full Professor in 2002.  He has formerly served as Department Chairman and as Head of Graduate Division. He has served as the Director of CUHK Virtual Reality, Visualization, and Imaging Research Centre since 1999 and the Director of Centre for Cognition and Interaction Technology at Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences since 2006.

Heng’s research interests include AI/XR for medical applications, surgical simulation, visualization, computer graphics, and human-computer interaction. He has published over 550 publications in these areas with 41000+ Google citations and H-index at 100. He has graduated over 50 Ph.D. students, many of them have taken positions at leading universities or research labs in China.

