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深圳大学40周年校庆千场学术活动(第1256场)+Recent Advances in Medical Image Analysis Using Deep Learning

来源: 发布时间:2023-08-23 17:15:04 浏览次数: 【字体:

主讲嘉宾 : Prof. Yen-Wei Chen

时间: 2023年9月4日上午 10:00 – 11:00

地点: 深圳大学丽湖校区A2-517会议室

主持人: 倪东



Recently, deep learning (DL) plays important roles in many academic and industrial areas especially in computer vision and image recognition. Deep learning uses a neural network with deep structure to build a high-level feature space. It learns data-driven, highly representative, hierarchical image features, which have proven to be superior to conventional hand-crafted low-level features and mid-level features. Deep learning (DL) has also been applied to medical image analysis. Compared with DL-based natural image analysis, there are several challenges in DL-based medical image analysis due to their limited number of labeled training sampleshigh dimensionality and multimodality. In this talk, I will talk about several solutions for these challenges. I will first introduce deep atlas prior, in which we combined semi-supervised deep learning with anatomic atlas as prior information to solve the problem of limited annotated data. Then I will introduce VolumeNet, in which we proposed an efficient but accurate lightweight 3D network for medical volumetric data analysis. As third topic, I will introduce genotype-guided radiomics signature (GGR), in which we used gene information as a guidance for accurate CT-based recurrence prediction of lung cancer. I will also discuss futures of DL in medical imaging.




Yen-Wei Chen received the B.E. degree in 1985 from Kobe Univ., Kobe, Japan, the M.E. degree in 1987, and the D.E. degree in 1990, both from Osaka Univ., Osaka, Japan. He was a research fellow with the Institute for Laser Technology, Osaka, from 1991 to 1994. From Oct. 1994 to Mar. 2004, he was an associate Professor and a professor with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Univ. of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan. He is currently a professor with the college of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University, Japan. He is the founder and the first director of Center of Advanced ICT for Medicine and Healthcare, Ritsumeikan University. He was a chair professor with the college of computer technology and science, Zhejiang University, China during 2014-2016.

His research interests include medical image analysis, computer vision and computational intelligence. He has published more than 300 research papers in a number of leading journals and leading conferences including CVPR, ICCV, MICCAI, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging. He has received many distinguished awards including ICPR2012 Best Scientific Paper Award, 2014 JAMIT Best Paper Award. He is/was a leader of numerous national and industrial research projects.






陈延伟(Yen-WeiChen)荣获学士学位1985年获得日本神户神户大学博士学位,1987年获得硕士学位, 1990年获得博士学位,均毕业于日本大阪大学。1991年至1994年任大阪激光技术研究所研究员。1994年10月至2004年3月任日本琉球大学电气电子工程系副教授、教授。现任日本立命馆大学信息科学与工程学院教授。同时是日本立命馆大学医疗保健先进ICT中心的创始人和首任主任。2014-2016年任浙江大学计算机技术与科学学院讲座教授。


