
【丽湖生工大讲坛第二十七讲】Identification of molecular signatures for diseases by vibrational spectroscopic imaging

来源: 发布时间:2024-09-20 14:53:53 浏览次数: 【字体:

主讲嘉宾:Hyeon Jeong Lee(李炫祯)研究员

主 持 人:吴佳英子 助理教授

时    间:2024年9月20日 周五 下午14:00-15:30

地    点:深圳大学丽湖校区A2-517(1)




Hyeon Jeong Lee(李炫祯),浙江大学生物医学工程与仪器科学学院研究员,博士生导师。生于韩国首尔,博士毕业于美国普渡大学,之后在美国波士顿大学分别做博士后研究和客座教授,2019年来华加入浙江大学。主持国家自然科学基金项目。主要从事生物医学光子学、细胞代谢、肿瘤生物学、神经科学等领域的研究,相关成果在Nature PhotonicsCell MetabolismNature CommunicationsScience AdvancesJournal of Physical Chemistry Letters等国际高水期刊发表25篇,国际学术专著3章节,国际会议论文12,授权发明专利1项,并在国际会议受邀报告10次获多项学术论文奖。现任美国光学学会(Optica)分子探针和纳米生物光学(Molecular Probes and Nanobio-Optics)分会主席,生物物理学会代谢生物学分会青年理事,中国光学学会青年理事。受邀担任Frontiers in ChemistryFrontiers in Cellular Neuroscience期刊的客座编辑,受邀组织国际会议专题报告、主持国际会议分会场及女性科学家奖项评审专家。



Accurate disease classification is crucial for clinical decision-making. Traditional histopathological evaluation often relies on morphology, extensive labeling, and labor-intensive analysis. Molecular-level information provides a more precise understanding of cellular physiology. Yet, ensemble-averaged measurements from complex tissues suffer from high variability, impacting disease classification. To address these challenges, spectroscopic imaging modalities were developed, directly measuring molecular concentrations and properties through chemical bond vibrations. In this talk, the development of submicron-resolution molecular imaging approaches based on Raman and infrared spectroscopic modalities, along with their application in tissue imaging and in tracking subcellular lipid dynamics in embryos will be discussed. These advancements facilitate the identification of spatio-spectral signatures of biomolecules toward disease classification.

