
2020-01-11 22:50:57

2020 Sino-American International Cancer Research Conference

来源: 发布时间:2020-01-11 22:50:57 浏览次数: 【字体:


Dear Friends and Colleagues,


“2020 Sino-American International Cancer Research Conference” will be held from April 10th to 12nd, 2020 in Shenzhen, China. The conference is hosted by Shenzhen University and organized by the Shenzhen University International Cancer Center.


This conference invites famous experts from basic research, translational research and clinical research to update latest advance in cancer fields, which mainly focuses on "pathogenesis, targeted therapy and immunotherapy ". It aims to provide the majority of peers with the understanding of "the key pathogenic mechanism to promote cancer progression and relapse, the mechanism of action of related therapeutic drugs and the new progress in cancer therapy". The platform for the majority of scientific researchers and clinicians presented an academic feast.


We sincerely invite researchers and clinicians to participate in this exciting event for scientific information exchange and to build new international collaborations.



Shenzhen University International Cancer Center





Conference organization committee

Organized by:

Shenzhen University International Cancer Center 

Shenzhen University Health Science Center


Hosted by:

Shenzhen University


Conference president:

Dr. Wei-Guo Zhu


Joint presidents:

Dr. Li Yu

Dr. Zhi-Ming Cai



Dr. Su-Ping Zhang


Scientific committee:

Dr. Wei-Guo Zhu

Dr. Li Yu

Dr. Zhi-Ming Cai

Dr. De-Sheng Lu

Dr. Guang-Yi Jin

Dr. Li Fu

Dr. Zhi-Cao Yue

Dr. Su-Ping Zhang

Dr. Teawan Kim



Mr. Benjamin Carson

Ms. Ni-Na Liao

Mr. Bing-Ming Zhao





Conference date: Shenzhen University Xili Campus, 10th -12th April, 2020


Registration: April 10th, 2020


Symposium venue: Conference Hall, A5 Block, Shenzhen University Lihu Campus


Address: No. 1066, Xue Yuan Avenue, Xili University Town, Nanshan District, Shenzhen.



Invited speakers


Woojin An

Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Medicine 

University of Southern California, USA


Chromatin dynamics and epigenetic gene regulation





Carlo M. Croce

Distinguished University Professor

The John W. Wolfe Chair in Human Cancer Genetics

The Ohio State University, USA

Membership in National Academy of Science

Membership in National Academy of Medicine

Membership in National Academy of Inventors

AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of 

Science) Fellow

AAAS (American Academy of Arts & Sciences) Fellow

AACR (American Association for Cancer Research) 

Academy Fellow





Hong-Bin Ji

Researcher, Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell

Biology, CAS, China





Thomas J. Kipps

Distinguished Professor of Medicine

Deputy Director,Research Operations

UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center, USA





Heinz-Josef Lenz

Professor of Medicine

J. Terrence Lanni Chair in Gastrointestinal Cancer Res.

Co-Director, USC Center for Molecular Pathway and Drug


University of Southern California, USA


Molecular Landscape of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer





Qun-Ying Lei

Professor, Fudan University, China




Meng-Feng Li

President, Southern Medical University, China



Gangning Liang

Professor of Department of Urology

Director of Epigenetic Translational Res. Inst. of Urology

University of Southern California, USA


Targeting Epigenetic Alterations in Cancer Treatment





Guo-Liang Qing

Professor, Medical Research Institute, Wuhan University,





Pann-Ghill Suh

President, Korea Research Institute of Brain, South Korea

National Great Scholar, South Korea

Committee Chair of the National Basic Science Project,

The Ministry of Science and ICT of the Government of

South Korea

Committee Chair of the National Training Project for 

Women Scientists, The Ministry of Education of the 

Government of South Korea


The Role of Phospholipase C involved in Colorectal Tumor






Shunichi Takeda

Professor of Department of Radiation Genetics

Kyoto University, Japan


BRCA1 ensures genome integrity by eliminating 

estrogen-induced pathological Topoisomerase II-DNA






Daniel Tenen

Professor of Dept. of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Distinguished Professor, Department of Medicine

National University of Singapore

Director, Cancer Science Institute of Singapore


Targeting SALL4 in cancer





TEH Bin Tean

Deputy Director (Research), National Cancer Centre


Deputy Director (Scientific), SingHealth Duke-NUS 

Institute of Precision Medicine

Professor, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore

Senior Principal Investigator, Cancer Science Institute of


Senior Principal Investigator, Institute of Molecular and 

Cell Biology, Singapore


Epigenetic Studies of Renal Cell Carcinoma





Toshikazu Ushijima

Chief, Division of Epigenomics

National Cancer Center Research Institute, Japan


The very beginning of gastric cancer: accumulation of

aberrant DNA methylation in normal tissue





Weiping Zou

Charles B. de Nancrede Prof. of Surgery, Immun. and Biol.

Co-Director, Tumor Immun. and Transplant. Biol. Program

University of Michigan, USA




