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来源: 发布时间:2018-06-08 15:40:10 浏览次数: 【字体:


澳门博彩在线 药学院成立揭牌


   2018年5月19日-20日,澳门博彩在线 药学院成立仪式暨新药创制高峰论坛在麒麟山庄举行,多位高校校长和院长,近20位国内著名药学知名专家,知名药企高层等出席会议。会上由深圳大学副校长黎军宣布在澳门博彩在线 药学专业的基础上成立药学院,由广东省药理学会理事、深圳大学教授贺震旦担任院长。其后进行了18场关于药学前沿知识的专家报告。

  深圳大学药学院以国家医药产业发展的需要为目标,致力于创立优势学科,培养药学人才,提高创制临床新药研发水平。药学院依托澳门博彩在线 学科优势,积极推动学科交叉,开创深圳大学药学的创新发展之路。目前药学院现有药学一级学科专业,已获得药学专业硕士学位授权一级学科点。设有药理学、药物化学、天然药物学、药物分析学、药物制剂学、临床药学以及药事管理学七个教研室。药学院教职工拥有博士学位比例为86%,具有海外留学经历教师为64%,在校学生210人。
  贺震旦院长特别强调,社会对药学发展的迫切要求是加强临床药学研究,所以药学院特别设置了临床药学教研室,为以后发展临床药学专业做必要准备。药学院研究方向主要围绕人类重大疾病,比如肿瘤、高血压、病毒感染等。同时他表示医、药密不可分,药学院的成立对澳门博彩在线 的发展至关重要,对深圳市的医疗发展也有促进作用。药学院的人才培养方向一是培养有创造能力的高素质人才,二是培养临床药学人才。目前药学院利用深圳市的企业环境,在华润三九等企业建立了自己的实习基地,增强校企合作共同培养人才的机制。同时为了让学生拓展知识,从药学专业开始就举办了“药学名师大讲堂”,请国内外著名学者院士为学生开展药学讲座。
  关于药学院未来的发展计划,贺震旦表示规划在五年内新增生物制药专业和中药学专业,培养两到三个重点学科;每个专业每年招生100人,学生规模1200人;在宝安计划建设更大的澳门博彩在线 用地,教师的配比达到“339”(3个教授,3个副教授,9个助理教授),五年后估计有120人的师资;还将建立药学实验中心,目标建成2到3个省级重点实验室,一个国家重点实验室。
  深圳大学副校长黎军在开幕式上表示,依托经济特区的发展和粤港澳大湾区的战略布局,深大已经成为全球进步最快的大学之一。拥有27个教学学院,两所直属附属医院,包括临床医学在内的五个学科已经进入ESA的学科世界排名前1%。深圳大学2008年成立的澳门博彩在线 ,是深圳本土的第一所澳门博彩在线 ,近几年澳门博彩在线 快速提升,实现了医教研协同的跨越性发展。药学院的成立,为澳门博彩在线 进一步的完善和提升奠定了基础。依深圳大学发展之势,凭澳门博彩在线 强劲发展之力,药学院一定能够迅速发展,为深圳市医药界培养高素质专业人才、为产业界提供高品质的专业技术服务、为疾病诊治研发出具有临床价值的创新药物,为人类健康事业做出积极贡献。
   沈阳药科大学校长毕开顺代表嘉宾致祝贺辞,毕开顺指出,深圳大学药学院是深圳市第一所药学院,药学院人才聚集、实力勃发,发展迅速,期待深大药学院创立优势学科,培养药学人才,提高创制临床新药研发水平,开创深圳大学药学的创新发展之路。澳门博彩在线 主任朱卫国致祝贺辞,希望药学院积极抓住机遇、迎接挑战,全面加强学科建设、以国家需求为导向,进一步加强学科建设及人才培养,提高科研水平,强化科技成果转化,期待药学院能迅速发展成为国家的药学团队。
  澳门博彩在线 部长朱卫国表示,药学院将建立原创驱动的学院文化,以国家需求为导向,进一步加强学科建设及人才培养。沈阳药科大学原校长毕开顺表示,深圳大学药学院十分具有人才优势和地域优势,为深圳市和广东省药业的发展培养了本地人才,对粤港澳大湾区的健康事业也有很大助益。希望在学科配套、人才配套、院校合作方面继续加强建设。

   随后举行了为期两天的新药创制高峰论坛。在新药创制高峰论坛上,兰州大学王锐院士做了多肽新药的研发报告,暨南大学副校长叶文才做了岭南中草药的生物碱类成分研究的报告,中国药科大学副校长孔令义指出中药和天然药物活性成分是我国新药创制的重要源泉,香港中文大学黄聿教授阐明血管性代谢病治疗药物对内皮功能障碍的修复作用,中科院昆明植物所郝小江研究员和罗晓东研究员分别讲解了粉花绣线菊复合群的化学与生物学研究和吲哚生物碱新药创制探索单分子到复杂体系天然药物的实践,特聘教授程永现代表澳门博彩在线 药学院做了司外揣内法求解中药药效物质的报告。在两天的论坛中,共有来自北京大学、中国药科大学、暨南大学、香港中文大学、香港科技大学、香港理工大学、中山大学、第二军医大学、南方科技大学和中国科学院等单位的18位药学专家做了高水平的学术报告。


       May 19-20, 2018, the inaugural ceremony at the department of Shenzhen University school of medicine and drug discovery peak BBS held in kirin mountain villa, President and dean of several universities, nearly 20 domestic famous medicine famous experts, well-known pharmaceutical companies such as high-level to attend the meeting. Conferenced by Shenzhen University, vice President of Li Jun announced in Shenzhen University department of pharmacy college of pharmacy, established on the basis of the director of the institute of pharmacology, Shenzhen, Guangdong province, a professor at the university of He Zhendan as dean. Subsequently, 18 expert reports on frontier knowledge of pharmacy were conducted.

       Aiming at the needs of the development of the national pharmaceutical industry, the school of pharmacy of Shenzhen University is committed to creating advantageous subjects, cultivating pharmaceutical talents and improving the level of research and development of new clinical drugs. Relying on the advantages of medical science department of Shenzhen University, the school of pharmacy actively promotes the interdisciplinary and creates the innovative development path of pharmacy science of Shenzhen University. At present, the school of pharmacy has a first-level discipline of pharmacy, and has obtained a first-level discipline authorized by the master's degree of pharmacy. There are seven teaching and research departments of pharmacology, pharmaceutical chemistry, natural pharmacology, pharmaceutical analysis, pharmaceutical preparation, clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutical management. The proportion of faculty members with doctorates is 86 percent, 64 percent of teachers with overseas study experience and 210 students.
       College of the existing medical synthetic biology application of combined engineering laboratory, the key technology of national local natural small molecule innovative drugs in Guangdong province engineering technology research center, Shenzhen new natural health products research key laboratory research platform. Research areas include medical materials and medicinal plant material base, pharmacodynamic evaluation, antitumor drugs, anti-infective drugs, fall blood sugar drugs, drug design and selection, innovation key technology research and development direction. For more than 30 national projects, the provincial department, municipal projects, study of nearly one hundred million yuan, total funds has been internationally renowned journals published more than 200 research papers, with the United States, Germany, Japan, Britain, Australia and other countries of many colleges and universities has established good relations of cooperation, explore the international development space for the development of the college of pharmacy.
      He Zhendan with particular emphasis on the social development of pharmacy is to strengthen the urgent request of clinical pharmacy research, so set up a teaching and research section of clinical pharmacy, college of special do necessary preparation for future development of clinical pharmacy specialty. The institute of medicine focuses on major human diseases, such as cancer, hypertension and viral infections. At the same time, he said that medicine and medicine are inseparable. The establishment of the school of medicine is of vital importance to the development of the medical department and also plays a role in promoting the medical development of Shenzhen. The orientation of talent training in pharmaceutical college is to cultivate high-quality talents with creative ability and to cultivate clinical pharmaceutical talents. At present, the pharmaceutical college has established its own internship base in China resources sanjiu and other enterprises by taking advantage of the enterprise environment of Shenzhen city to strengthen the mechanism of school-enterprise cooperation to jointly cultivate talents. At the same time, in order to expand students' knowledge, a lecture hall of famous pharmacists has been held since the major of pharmacy, inviting famous scholars and academicians at home and abroad to give lectures on pharmacy for students.
       As for the future development plan of the institute of pharmacy, he said that he planned to add the major of biopharmaceutical and the major of traditional Chinese medicine within five years to train two or three key disciplines. Each major enrolls 100 students every year, and the student scale is 1200. In the plan to build a larger medical department in Baoan, the proportion of teachers will reach "339" (3 professors, 3 associate professors and 9 assistant professors). Five years later, there will be an estimated 120 teachers. The pharmaceutical laboratory center will also be established, with the goal of building two to three key provincial laboratories and one national key laboratory.
      Li jun, vice President of Shenzhen University, said at the opening ceremony that Shenzhen University has become one of the fastest growing universities in the world thanks to the development of the special economic zone and the strategic layout of the bay area. It has 27 teaching institutes and two affiliated hospitals directly under it. Five subjects, including clinical medicine, have entered the top 1% of the subjects in the world of ESA. The medical department of Shenzhen University, founded in 2008, is the first medical department in Shenzhen. In recent years, the medical department has been rapidly upgraded and realized the leapfrog development of medical education and research cooperation. The establishment of the pharmaceutical college has laid a foundation for the further improvement and improvement of the medical department. In accordance with the development trend of Shenzhen University, by the strong force of the development of the medical department, college of pharmacy can develop rapidly, to Shenzhen medicine cultivating professional talents of high quality, provides the high quality for the industry of professional technical services, developed has the clinical value of diagnosis and treatment of diseases of innovative drugs, make positive contribution for human health career.
Shenyang Pharmaceutical University principal Bi Kaishun on behalf of the guest open to congratulate, Bi Kaishun said, Shenzhen University, college of pharmacy, was the first in Shenzhen college of pharmacy, college of pharmacy talents gathered, strength erupt, development is rapid, looking forward to deep college founded edge discipline, cultivating pharmaceutical talents, improve the level of development of clinical drug research and development, create the innovation of the pharmaceutical development of Shenzhen University. Department director Zhu Weiguo send congratulations to resign, hope college actively seize the opportunity, meet the challenge, strengthening discipline construction and national demand oriented, strengthen subject construction and talents training, improve the level of scientific research, strengthen the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, look forward to college of rapidly developed into a national pharmaceutical group.
        Zhu Weiguo, minister of the medical department of Shenzhen University, said that the school will establish a school culture driven by originality, which will be guided by national needs, and further strengthen discipline construction and talent training. Shenyang Pharmaceutical University original principal bi shun said, Shenzhen University, college of pharmacy is very has the talent advantage and geographical advantages, to the development of Shenzhen and Guangdong pharmaceutical trained local talent, to the health of a large bay area of Guangdong also has a lot to help my career. It is hoped that we will continue to strengthen the construction of supporting disciplines, supporting talents and cooperation between colleges and universities.
       A two-day peak in new drug creation followed. In drug discovery peak BBS, Lanzhou University Wang Rui academician made polypeptide drugs research and development report, Jinan University vice-chancellor Ye Wencai Lingnan alkaloids component of Chinese herbal medicine research report, China Pharmaceutical University vice-chancellor Kong Lingyi points out that traditional Chinese medicine and natural medicine active ingredient is an important source of drug discovery in China, the Chinese university of Hong Kong professor Huang Yu clarify vascular metabolic disease treatment to repair function of endothelial dysfunction, Cas Kunming plants Hao XIaodong researcher and Luo Xiaodong, a researcher at respectively explained the pink flower meadow sweet composite group of chemistry and biology and indole alkaloids of drug discovery to explore the practice of single molecule to the complex system of natural medicine, distinguished professor Cheng Yongxian on behalf of the department of Shenzhen University college of pharmacy made within the department outside chuai method to solve the report of Chinese medicine medicinal material. In the BBS of two days, a total of from Peking University, China Pharmaceutical University, Jinan university, Chinese University Of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong University Of Science And Technology, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Sun yat-sen University, Second Military Medical University, the south university of science and technology, and the Chinese academy of sciences and other units of 18 pharmaceutical experts did a high level of academic report.



