News & Event
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>News & Event
- Gleeful News: Professor Wei-Guo Zhu of Shenzhen University Health Science Center awarded Special Support of National K… 2017-06-20
- Appointment Ceremony for Nobel Prize Laureate and Distinguished Professor of SZU, Dr. Barry Marshall 2017-06-20
- The delegation of Liu Hongyi, Secretary of Shenzhen University (SZU) Party committee, came to the Health Science Cente… 2017-06-20
- Shenzhen University and the University of Sydney signed a Memorandum of co-constructing “Huaqiang-China-Australia Spe… 2017-05-19
- The international MSc and PhD Program in Molecular Medicine of the Shenzhen University School of Medicine is recruiting 2017-03-17
- Professor Jan Hoeijmakers, a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, visited the Health Science Center an… 2017-01-05
- 【Academic Lecture】Methyl Binding Protein MeCP2 and RETT Syndrome 2016-12-28